Where Covid flourishes is cold
What does science say about surface and refrigeration in a survey of refrigerated warehouses and cargo as a potential route for Covid-19’s latest epidemic?
The surface of the Mt Wellington Cool Store has been tested at Covid-19 to reveal the way the virus returns to the community.
Cool store workers tested positive for this disease. It’s still a mystery how he perceived it. We are investigating the possibility of overseas cargo arriving at the cool store.
“We are not going to rule it out,” said Ashley Bloomfield, Health Director, “we want to go to the bottom of it.”
The cool store environment has been used extensively and test results are expected to return to today.
Yesterday, three other workers at the Cool Store returned a Covid-19 positive test.
It is possible that the worker was infected with the contaminated goods or that the virus was introduced elsewhere after being caught elsewhere by the first diagnosed man.
Two branches of the Cool Store have been closed. One is on Mount Wellington, where the man worked, and the other is near Auckland Airport.
Genome sequencing Is still in progress, but as of yesterday afternoon, there are no links between the genomic patterns of border quarantine cases and cool store-related cases.
Professor Shawn Hendy of the University of Auckland said he was concerned about the fact that the cause of the outbreak had not been identified.
“So far, genomic information suggests that this cluster is not linked to controlled quarantine and quarantine facilities. The business itself is related to international freight, air and shipping, which It suggests that this is a possible entry route, whether via packaging or from person to person.”
As with many things related to Covid-19, the science of infection is not clear. In most cases, the research conducted is laboratory-based.
Surface infection is considered to have a lower risk of viral infection than human contact, but cold environments such as meat processing are at the center of overseas clusters.
can not touch
The New Zealand news came from claiming that China once again found the virus on the exterior of frozen shrimp imported from Ecuador.
China’s state-run television said it was discovered during a routine inspection of a restaurant in Wuhu.
This is not the first report in China. Since July, several other Chinese cities have also been reported to have suspended imports from three suppliers, including Xiamen and Dalian port cities.
“After nucleic acid sequence analysis and expert judgment, the test results indicate that the container environment and product exteriors of the three companies are at risk of contamination with the new coronavirus, and the company’s food safety management system is The DG said in a statement.
Customs Director Bi Kexin said the organization’s director Bi Kexi told reporters, “Experts do not mean that the results are infectious, but that the company’s food safety management system is well implemented. I believe that there is nothing.”
In order for international packaging to be the cause of this outbreak, a series of events must take place. Enough landing of the virus-in packaging-maybe through a person who coughs droplets on the surface-probably the first step. The droplets must be viable during the trip to New Zealand’s Cool Store.
Then the virus on the package probably needs someone to touch the package and then touch the face to find a way to the person.
Research was done How long does the virus survive on different surfaces? Traces of the virus were detected up to 3 days after contamination with plastic and steel, and up to 1 day on cardboard.
When cold, the virus can survive longer. The virus survived for 14 days in a study that examined virus survival time in a test tube found in 4C. At 37C it lasted just one day.
Another factor is the amount of virus on the surface. Ah Recently issued letter Lancet It suggests that the risk of surface transmission is exaggerated.
“None of these studies presents scenarios that mimic real-world situations,” the letter said. The problem with Emmanuel Goldman, professor of microbiology, biochemistry, and molecular genetics at Rutgers University, was that in the real world, virus loads were “orders of magnitude lower.”
I believe it is a mistake to be careful, but I thought the risk was low.
“In my opinion, the chances of infection through an inanimate surface are very small, with the infected person coughing or sneezing on the surface, and immediately after coughing or sneezing (within 1-2 hours) Only when touching.”
The risk is considered low, but it is possible.
In a shopping mall in China, several people were infected by the virus in January, even though they were not in direct contact with one known to be in the mall. Toilet and elevator buttons Is considered a place Where these people may have come into contact with contaminated surfaces.
Covid and chill
The cold work environment was at the center of the outbreak. There are many guesses, but the exact reason is unknown.
In the usa 17,358 results Coronavirus numbers have been recorded from meat and poultry factory workers.
German slaughterhouses were closed after 1,500 workers were infected, and at least three slaughterhouses were closed in Melbourne after the outbreak. Outbreaks related to slaughterhouses have also occurred in the United Kingdom, France, Brazil, Denmark and the Netherlands.
There are several factors that are likely to be in play and they have nothing to do with dead animals.
Often working side-by-side, physical distances on the production line can be difficult. Shifts are long, and casual employment reduces your chances of staying home when you are sick because you cannot spend your spare time.
Background noise means that a scream is needed to communicate, increasing the risk of droplet spreading. The air filtration system may force the air away, further spreading the droplets.
Sunlight and cold do not extend the life of the virus.
Although the conditions in New Zealand’s Cool Store where the incident occurred may not be the same as in an overseas slaughterhouse, a cold may play a role in giving the virus in the environment a chance to live longer.
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