LGBTQ+ Elderly Care in Rural Areas

As the United States' population ages, geriatric health care providers face significant challenges. It means ensuring that the health needs of LGBTQIA+ older adults, an often overlooked but growing demographic, are not just met, but prioritized. The National Resource Center on LGBTQIA+ Aging predicts that by 2030, 7 million adults age 65 and older will identify as LGBTQIA+.1
Recent research shows that 82% of LGBTQIA+ older adults have experienced victimization or discrimination at least once in their lifetime.2 As this population grows, it is paramount that further research is conducted to identify factors that promote health equity, reduce discrimination, and enhance appropriate service delivery.
barriers to care
LGBTQIA+ older adults face unique health care barriers not seen by heterosexual adults, including systemic discrimination due to insufficient cultural competency training in medical education among health care providers . Social stigma can be more pronounced in rural areas, creating an environment where LGBTQIA+ older adults may feel uncomfortable or unsafe seeking services. This stigma can lead to social isolation, as community support networks are often less available. Furthermore, LGBTQIA+ older adults experience disabilities and illnesses at higher rates than heterosexual adults of the same age.3 When it comes to electronic health records, health care providers face challenges that can lead to gender confusion and compromise gender-affirming care.
“What we know about people living in rural areas is that they often have to rely more on their chosen families and informal support groups, and sometimes… You may find that you have a strong social circle.” [in rural communities]'' said Jason Flatt, an associate professor in the School of Public Health at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and co-principal investigator of two studies funded by the National Institute on Aging. Endocrinology advisor.
LGBTQIA+ older adults may have more survival strategies. Elderly people in particular must remain closed off in settings like health care where there is a power imbalance and they may feel unsafe.
Lack of rural resources can also negatively impact the physical well-being of this demographic. Rural areas often lack health care providers and facilities, lack specialized care, and lack public awareness of health care. LGBTQIA+ issues This results in inadequate culturally appropriate care.
Mr Flatt explains:[I]It happens sometimes when you're in a rural community. [fewer] Abundant resources. So, [resources] We think in urban environments. Perhaps access to LGBTQIA+ affirming senior services and senior programs. There will probably be far fewer LGBTQIA+ people living in rural communities, so there may not be as many specialized services. ”
common misconceptions
Misinformation and stigma often lead to significant gaps in health outcomes for LGBTQIA+ people.
Mr Flatt commented: “The majority of LGBTQIA+ people choose to age in rural areas, which creates unique challenges seen in rural areas. I guess.”
There is a tendency to view the LGBTQIA+ community as a monolithic group, thereby failing to recognize the diverse experiences and identities within the community, including race, gender identity, and socio-economic status. LGBTQIA+ older adults experience higher rates of anxiety, depression, loneliness, and suicidal ideation compared to their heterosexual counterparts, which are often exacerbated by dual discrimination related to age and sexual identity.3
This double discrimination can contribute to a variety of health problems, including increased vulnerability to substance use disorders such as tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs. substance use LGBTQIA+ people may experience significant stress related to their marginalized social status, experiences of homophobic, biphobic, or transphobic bullying, and unhealthy coping mechanisms in response to stressful life situations .4
Jennifer Carnahan, M.D., associate professor and practicing geriatrician at Indiana University School of Medicine, says, Elderly people in particular must remain closed off in settings like health care where there is a power imbalance and they may feel unsafe. ”
Policies, practices, and future implementation
To address the unique needs of LGBTQIA+ older adults, policies must prioritize cultural competency training for health care providers. As a result, health care providers will be able to better understand the specific challenges faced by LGBTQIA+ older adults, including the influence of historical context. discrimination and social prejudice. Additionally, healthcare facilities can implement inclusive practices, such as creating a welcoming environment that reflects diverse identities and fostering support networks for both patients and staff.5
Dr. Carnahan said: I don't think that helps anyone. If you're wondering about gender identity or anything like that, I have a pronoun pin. I introduce myself using pronouns, so it's almost a safety signal. But again, it's a gift to give when they want to talk to them doctor about it. “
Flatt advises healthcare professionals to “employ members of the LGBTQIA+ community to work in healthcare facilities.” Also, the reception form should allow the user to use a name of their choice…[and] You choose your own gender identity. ”
Integrating these considerations into health policy and practice can create a more just system that respects the dignity and well-being of LGBTQIA+ people. senior citizen.
This article was first published Endocrinology advisor
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