Why Norovirus is So Hard to Kill – NBC10 Philadelphia

Norovirus is also known as “winter vomiting disease'' or “two-bucket disease'' because it causes both vomiting and diarrhea, and is still on the rise nationwide. seasonal influenza It's taking off, Walking pneumonia is rampant.
wastewater data and Report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention There has been a significant spike in norovirus infections over the past few weeks, with infection rates far higher than in previous years.
At least 91 outbreaks were reported in the week ending December 5, more than double the highest number of outbreaks reported in the same period in previous years.
What is norovirus? How can I prevent infection?
What is norovirus?
Norovirus is called “.perfect human pathogen” A type of stomach bug that is highly contagious. causes severe vomiting and diarrheaaccompanied by headache, fever, and body aches. it spreads fast and far Vomit passes through surfaces and the air as small droplets. Most people make a full recovery, but only after a few days of misery. Norovirus mutates, so people can get infected with norovirus every year.
Although epidemics can occur at any time, most common from November to April.
The virus is transmitted through vomit and diarrhea. It is spread by direct contact with someone infected with norovirus or by touching a contaminated surface and putting your fingers in your mouth. Contaminated food and liquids can also spread the virus.
Shellfish, especially oysters and clams, are also known to carry the insect. Accumulating viruses from untreated sewage flowing into their habitat.
Norovirus is a highly contagious virus that causes vomiting and diarrhea. Learn how infections spread and what you can do to prevent them.
What are the symptoms of norovirus? How long will it last?
Symptoms begin 12 to 48 hours after exposure to the virus and last about 1 to 3 days. Even if you recover, infected people can be contagious for another two weeks.
One of the dangers of massive vomiting and diarrhea is fluid loss, which can lead to severe dehydration. This is especially important for children and the elderly. When children are dehydrated, they may not produce tears when they cry, or they may become unusually restless or sleepy.
There is There is no silver bullet It is used to treat diseases. Instead, symptoms can be managed with oral rehydration solutions like Pedialyte, which help restore lost fluids and electrolytes from the body.
Why is norovirus so difficult to kill?
The surest way to stop the spread of infection is to Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 secondsespecially while preparing meals, after using the toilet, and after changing diapers.
Hand sanitizer is Not very effective against norovirus. meanwhile Many viruses are contained within an “envelope” Norovirus is made of fat and can be destroyed with alcohol-based disinfectants, but norovirus a tough protein shell called a capsid. It does not easily disappear with alcohol disinfectant.
cruise, 2024 was a great yearAlthough often associated with norovirus due to close quarters and shared facilities, the virus Not just cruise ships. nursing homes, hospitals, prisonkindergartens are all potential sites for outbreaks.
Avoid raw or undercooked shellfish It can also reduce the risk of infection. Norovirus can survive at temperatures up to 145°F, so Even if you steam it immediately, the virus will not die..
Even if you have been infected with norovirus in the past, can still be infected Different types of bugs occur every year, Rapid mutation rates seen in RNA viruses Like norovirus.
Norovirus is notoriously difficult to clean because it lingers on surfaces for long periods of time. weeks to months. The important thing is Wear gloves and use bleach When disinfecting contaminated surfaces, such as surfaces that have been in contact with vomit or diarrhea. The bleach should be left on the area for at least 5 minutes.
Use disposable paper towels instead of reusable cloths when cleaning contaminated surfaces.
Clothing and bedding used by a person infected with norovirus should be handled with gloves. Wash using detergent and hot water on the highest temperature setting for as long as possible..
There is currently no approved vaccine for norovirus, but Moderna has begun administering the vaccine. Phase 3 study The United States is working on a vaccine using mRNA technology and aims to test it on 25,000 adults around the world. Approximately 200,000 people died from norovirus Every year around the world.
This story first appeared on More from NBC News:
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