Brexit has caused enormous damage to the UK. Starmer must urgently repair the damage.

The market is always looking ahead. Sir Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves would do well to embrace this.
We now have a Prime Minister who likes to remind us that Liz Truss wrecked the economy, and when he doesn't we talk about how they inherited a 22 billion black hole from the Conservatives. Meanwhile, international speculators turn their noses up at Britain's financial prospects.
This weekend, Reeves is scheduled to head to Beijing to secure a stronger trade relationship with China. It will be interesting to see how the Chinese react to attempts to recall the past. We want to invest now for our future. They don't really care who said what and when. It's over. Likewise, Reeves and Starmer will soon be heading to Davos to press and impress the global body. Again, going beyond old ground will result in stifling yawns, and will not promise additional meetings and cash.
It was no different, but we had no choice but to sit back and accept it. Labor was elected with an overwhelming majority and will remain in power for many years to come. The Prime Minister and the Prime Minister are taking punitive fiscal measures and I think they need to justify them.
We've heard the disgusting news before and the fact that it's part of the reason Keir and Rachel were elected to office is neither here nor there. Good economic news was desperately needed. We want to know what you're going to do, not what others have done before you. You said you would grow the economy and that is what your administration is all about. But how exactly? Stop treating us like fools, end the cliches and give us chapter and verse.
The absence of details increases the suspicion that there is nothing concrete and not enough to make a real difference. This is what the city and its legion of analysts and traders think. I wonder if there is a plan A as well as a plan B.
But there is one historical event that Starmer believes deserves to be highlighted, but is not emphasized enough. There's also the point that he should use it as a reason to push for positive change. The fact that it doesn't say much about his natural prudence as a lawyer and his unwillingness to show real political leadership, or his potential for failure.
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The Independent reveals the costs of Brexit (The Independent)
This is Brexit and it is damaging to the UK economy and it will cause Starmer to move heaven and earth to reconnect with the EU. Not to get re-entry, which won't happen anytime soon, but to get a meaningful agreement on the movement of goods and people. He shouldn't be angry about shaking up the right, reopening old wounds and provoking the likes of Nigel Farage, Chemie Badenoch and Boris Johnson.
This should benefit the EU. We can't leave their club and expect to be able to go back in and enjoy the facilities. But if the wind blows, or rather if there is an iron will, it will happen.
Forget about riding two horses with the Chinese and attacking them one minute and bombing them the next. There may be a closer relationship with China, but only until the next security crisis. Closer to home are the blocks of transactions we choose to lose. Donald Trump can be so bold and brazen about tariffs because he has one on his doorstep. We had ours and we threw it away.
These are numbers that Starmer and Reeves need to proclaim loud and clear. As reported by The Independent, Bloomberg Economics estimates that the UK is facing a loss of $100 billion a year in output due to leaving the EU. The Office for Budget Responsibility has calculated that UK trade will take a 15% long-term hit as a result of Brexit.
Sir Nick Harvey, CEO of pro-EU think tank European Movement UK, said: Leaving the European single market has hit Britain's economy by more than 5% and left the Treasury with a shortfall of nearly $45 billion a year. This corresponds to about one-third of basic income tax revenue.
This will be food for thought as Reeves mulls his spring statement and the possibility of further tax increases to cover the recession. For a country struggling with its first budget last fall, such a move would not only require a lot of explanation, it could also amount to professional suicide. Surely it is much better to pursue the real good for everyone.
Businesses across the country are struggling. Around 16,400 companies, or 14% of UK exporters, have suspended exports to the EU due to severe difficulties, the LSE Center for Economic Performance said. Large companies have been able to cope, but at high costs. Marks & Spencer chief executive Archie Norman said the retailer had had to rent warehouses just to store paperwork generated by Brexit.
If you dig deeper into individual areas, you will only find stories of woe. No one has benefited from leaving the EU. But there is a conspiracy of silence surrounding this issue. It's the elephant in the room staring us in the face. But while our leaders chose to ignore the Conservatives for obvious reasons, Labor was afraid of poking the beast. The right-wing media won't go there, and on social media any mention of a Brexit solution sparks a predictable howling backlash.
Starmer must come forward, admit his mistakes and urgently repair relationships and repair the damage. To quote Harvey: Our future prosperity and security require a much closer relationship with Europe. The government is re-orienting itself in the right direction, but we need to go much further and faster if we are to build a brighter future. In the words of another man who has taken many rights from his slaves, he will help make Britain great again.
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