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The COVID-19 virus was found 5 meters from the patient. High suspicion of airborne infection!


The discovery in a closed room Airborne One of the COVID-19 viruses is involved in the pandemic.

The trick the new coronavirus used to jump from a single virus in late November in China to over 20 million infections currently registered on Earth remains a mystery. The World Health Organization (WHO) claims that the virus is transmitted primarily by respiratory droplets and is exhaled when coughing or speaking when two people are in close, close contact. Despite pressure from the scientific community, WHO does not want to recognize So-called airborne infections, defined as measles and tuberculosis, are viruses that spread in the air longer and spread farther. Pakistani doctor Faheem Younus summarized in May with the clever expression that “when a measles flies like an eagle, a coronavirus flies like a chicken.” But new studies suggest that hens may be more fluttering than some thoughts.

A coronavirus was discovered approximately 5 meters from a symptomatic patient in a room at the University of Florida Hospital in Gainesville, Florida (USA), according to a preliminary study posted on August 4. Unlike previous ones, which had already discovered the genetic material of viruses in the air, the novelty of this study is that the authors are “viable” even if the coronavirus floats almost 5 meters from a COVID-19 patient. Here’s what it does: Viruses can be captured in-situ and taken to the lab to infect cells and multiply them. It is infectious.

Furthermore, the viruses caught in the air Genetically identical to that extracted from the throat of symptomatic patients. A Spanish engineer, Jose Luis Jimenez, an aerosol expert at the University of Colorado (USA), found a new study reveals a “criminal weapon” that could cause coronaviruses to be transmitted in the air in enclosed spaces. ..

“There are many public health implications,” said the author, led by John Reddonicky, a virologist at the University of Florida. According to the WHO, respiratory droplets, the main cause of COVID-19 infections, are over one-5,000th of a millimeter in diameter and immediately fall to the ground under their own weight, but when vaporized they can produce aerosols. There is a possibility. The size is small and the time in the air is long. “Taking measures such as a physical distance of 1.8 meters to avoid aerosol-based propagation is useless in indoor spaces, provides a false sense of security, and causes exposure to viruses and outbreaks.” The authors emphasize.

Its preliminary work, pending approval in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases, has not yet been comprehensively reviewed by independent researchers.

The WHO has already warned hospitals about possible airborne transmission of coronaviruses, but only after medical procedures that produce aerosols, such as tracheal intubation in patients. At a Florida hospital, patients had not undergone any of these techniques. They were two people talking and coughing at COVID -19 in a ventilated room with no windows. The air was changed 6 times per hour using a particle filter. In addition to the symptomatic patient who was hospitalized the day before, there was another patient in the room who was about to be discharged.

The air we breathe is full of viruses of all kinds, including humans, animals, plants and bacteriophages, but most of them are not infectious due to factors such as UV rays and dryness, so they do not cause disease. There is none. The major challenge of the new study was to capture coronaviruses in the air without damage and to be able to prove in the laboratory that they are still infectious. Spanish researcher Aranza Eiglen participated in the design of an ingenious device that could perform this task for the first time. The device, which is a 0.5 meter high device, draws air outside the room and guides it to the hot section. Water then condenses and attaches to suspended particles, increasing its size and facilitating capture. “It’s very similar to what your lungs do,” explains Eiguren, an aerosol expert at Berkeley-based aerosol dynamics (USA).

WHO does not recognize airborne transmission of coronaviruses, but has not ruled out in closed, compact, poorly ventilated spaces.

As the researchers explain, the device detected “small amounts” of up to 74 viral particles per liter of air, probably because the room was well-ventilated. The scientific community does not know the amount of coronavirus Needed to infect people.. “But if you don’t have a mask that breathes that air for some time, you may end up with higher exposure to the virus,” warns Eiguren, who previously studied for 10 years at the University of California, Los Angeles. ..

The latest specific WHO report, published on July 9, was skeptical of the airborne transmission hypothesis. “So far, SARS-CoV-2 has not been shown to be propagated by that type of aerosol transmission pathway. Given the potential impact of confirmation of this transmission pathway, much in this regard A lot of research needs to be done in the field,” the document said. WHOHowever, “it cannot be ruled out that short-range aerosol transmission has occurred in certain closed environments, especially where infected people are, overcrowded and poorly ventilated.” Organizations cite suspicious outbreaks Restaurant and crowded gym.

A group of 36 international researchers called on WHO to minimize the potential for airborne transmission in enclosed spaces through clear guidelines for improving ventilation. “It’s very dangerous to rely on a single study that could be dismissed during a review by another scientist.” Geologists said in a previous study that the genetic material of the virus was in some rooms, For example, I remembered discovering that I was already floating in the air in Wuhan, a Chinese city where a pandemic started. Evidence accumulates. “I don’t criticize WHO. The table only contains the latest scientific evidence. In a group of 36 people, mainly air quality and atmospheric physics experts. We have the right vision, and we know that only WHO has the full vision,” says the researchers.

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