Winter Storm: Rare and potentially historic snowfall could fall as far away as Florida and the Gulf of Mexico as temperatures plummet across the country.

More than 230 million people in the United States are facing dangerous cold that will also open the door to a potentially historic and crippling winter storm that could bring snow as far as Florida and the Gulf of Mexico.
The storm, combined with frigid air, will bring snowfall, freezing rain, icy roads and other major travel disruptions Monday evening into Wednesday morning in southern cities from Texas to South Carolina , where harsh winters are rare.
A blast of extremely cold Siberian air caused temperatures to drop 20 to 30 degrees below normal from the Canadian border to the Mexican border and beyond, during what is already the coldest time of the year .
The already intense cold is made even more dangerous by gusty winds, which are causing dangerous wind chills for millions of people. The wind chill reached 57 degrees below zero in Rolla, North Dakota, Monday morning. Wind chills this low can cause frostbite on exposed skin in less than 5 minutes.
In the northern United States, several cities such as Chicago, Minneapolis, Detroit, New York, Washington, DC, Boston and Philadelphia could go days without seeing a high temperature above freezing.
Southern cities like Houston, Atlanta, Jackson, Mississippi, and Memphis, Tennessee, could also experience subzero temperatures Monday or Tuesday. This prolonged period of cold temperatures could cause pipes to burst.
Low temperatures could reach record levels last set in the 1930s by Wednesday morning in Houston, Austin and San Antonio, Texas, and Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
In addition to the brutal cold, large sections of the Interstate 10 corridor stretching from central Texas to northern Florida could see accumulating snow rarely seen in the region.
Disorderly winter weather will begin Monday evening in Central Texas and will intensify and extend overnight. Snow, sleet and freezing rain will extend from coastal Texas to Louisiana and Mississippi by sunrise Tuesday. This dangerous mix will expand eastward across the rest of the Southeast on Tuesday and reach parts of the Carolinas by Tuesday evening.
Widespread snow totals of 1 to 3 inches will accumulate from southeast Texas, including Houston, through southern Louisiana and into parts of southern Georgia and coastal South Carolina , from Monday evening to Wednesday morning. Totals above 3 inches are possible, primarily in far southeast Texas and parts of south Louisiana, including Baton Rouge and New Orleans.
New Orleans has not recorded measurable snow, at least 0.1 inch, since 2009, and has never recorded more than 3 inches of snow. The city's snowiest day ever was in 1963, when 2.7 inches fell.
Measurable snow has only occurred a dozen times at Houston Hobby Airport since 1932, most recently in February 2021. The most snow that has fallen in a single day at the site is 4.4 inches , in February 1960.
Pensacola, Florida, could see its first measurable snowfall since 2014 with a mix of snow, sleet and freezing rain on the way. If measurable snow covers the ground anywhere in Florida, as predicted, it will be the first winter since 2010 that all 50 states have measurable snow.
Freezing rain will increase the danger for travelers. This is possible in much of northern Florida and parts of southern Georgia and South Carolina. Any amount of ice is dangerous, especially for an area not used to it.
Moderate to major impacts are likely along the Gulf Coast from this storm, according to NOAA's Winter Storm Severity Index. Travel conditions will be hazardous for many people in the region and may be unsafe or impossible in some areas, including southeast Texas and southern Louisiana.
Consider delaying all travel, the National Weather Service in New Orleans urged Monday. Use extreme caution if travel is absolutely necessary.
Across the South, authorities warned of the risks of dangerous travel, power outages, downed trees and frozen pipes due to rare winter weather.
On Saturday, ahead of the winter storm, Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry declared a state of emergency, while Texas officials ordered state agencies to mobilize resources due to the threat of snow .
Houston's two civilian airports will be closed all day Tuesday as storm and cold weather hits the region, the city's mayor, John Whitmire, announced at a news conference Sunday.
I am convinced that we are on the verge of experiencing a very serious and dangerous meteorological episode, declared the mayor. The closures will begin Monday at midnight.
The Houston Weather Branch warned that freezing rain and ice could make driving hazardous through midday Wednesday, but subzero overnight temperatures will remain in place through Friday.
Schools in the Houston Independent School District, the largest in the state and eighth largest in the nation, will also be closed until Wednesday, Whitmire said.
New Orleans public schools will also close Tuesday.
Houston's mayor urged residents to protect their water lines before freezing temperatures hit, noting that the city's water system is already fragile with more than 1,000 active water leaks in Houston.
Let me emphasize preparing your pipes, Whitmire said Sunday. Wrap your pipes if possible.
He urged residents to stay indoors, check on vulnerable neighbors and family members, and use one of the city's 24-hour warming centers. Officials are doing everything possible in their power to encourage homeless people to seek shelter in warming centers, he added.
In Minnesota, where wind chills reached 50 degrees below zero Monday morning, Kristi Rollwagen, director of homeland security and emergency management at the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, urged residents to wear appropriate clothing and Carry an emergency survival kit during the unseasonably cold weather. weather, the Associated Press reported.
CNN Meteorologist Allison Chinchar contributed to this report.
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