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New chapter in Indononia linked through the economy, the strategy, the Islamic world News24 –

New chapter in Indononia linked through the economy, the strategy, the Islamic world News24 –



Will Indonesian President Probowo suffer in India start a new phase of bonhomie between the two Asian countries? Will New Delhi use Indonesia in its attempt to improve links with the organization of Islamic cooperation? Can India neutralize Pakistan in Islamic Oummy policy with the help of Indonesia?

India and Indonesia signed a certain number of bilateral agreements on Saturday to consolidate their relationships. They will forge economic and defense ties for mutual benefit.

India invited ProBowo Suubianto as a chief investigation on the day of the Republic 2025. It was not the first time that an Indonesian president has honored the opportunity. Then, the Indonesian president Sukarno was invited as main guest during the first celebration of the day of the Republic in India in 1952.

Joko Widodo was the main guest on the day of the Republic in 2017.

Indonesia Relations suffer

However, the Indo-Indoneia links have worsened the day after the country's demonstrations against the law on the modification of citizenship and the natinal register of citizens.

The bilateral links reached the bottom of the rocks after article 370 has been modified and the special status given in Jammu-et-Cachemire was abolished.

While the administration of Joko Widodo criticized India on these questions, New Delhi retaliated and increased prices on palm oil, the pillar of the Indonesian economy. It has had its consequences on the Indian edible oil market, as the prices of all types of edible oil have skyrocketed.

Later, the two parties quickly took measures to increase the bilateral relationship and the links have improved considerably. The invitation sent to ProBowo SuiiS is considered an attempt to further improve links.

Indonesia is important for India because it is a member of the Southeast Asian Nations Association and economic cooperation in Asia-Pacific. India is not a member of any of these blocks.

Bilateral Indonesia-India

While the two nations signed several treaties in the presence of Subianto and the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi on Saturday, all eyes are fixed on bilateral trade.

According to government data, Indonesia is India's second trading partner in the Anase region with a bilateral trade of 29.4 billion US dollars in 2023-24.

While Jakarta imports vegetable oils, cocoa products, spices, coffee, oil meals, etc. Coming from India, it exports gross palm products, rubber, pulp and paper and hydrocarbon products.

India exported goods worth $ 9.73 billion in Indonesia, while it imported goods worth 25.3 billion dollars in India in 2022. India-Indonesia trade Bilateral reached $ 29.5 billion during the year 2023-24.

According to government data, New Delhi exported goods worth 5.99 billion US dollars in Indonesia during the 2010s, dominated by mineral fuels and vehicles.

Indonesia has invested 653.83 million US dollars in India in sectors such as automotive, pharmaceutical products and banks.

Geostrategic relations

In addition to economic relations, India and Indonesia are also important for others for geostrategic reasons.

Despite Indonesia and China with good bilateral relations, they have points of friction due to the Southern China Sea. While China claims its sovereignty over almost the whole area of ​​the disputed sea, it has set out relations with Indonesia.

Beijing claims its control to the nine-basic line which intervenes the exclusive economic zone of Indonesia near the island of Natuna.

Relations between the two countries have become so intense that Jakarta destroyed 3 Chinese ships between 2014 and 2019.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo visited the Natuna Islands during a warship on June 23, 2016 to send a “clear message” to China.

South China Sea, Quad, India

Chinese coastal guard ships escorted its fishing boats and leads to fishing off the coast of the northern Natuna islands in January 2020.

Beijing asked Indonesia to stop its oil exploration activities in the waters of the Natuna Islands and sent ships of the Coast Guard to the region in 2021.

While India has become an important player in the quadrilateral strategic dialogue or the quad and a force that can challenge China in the Southern China Sea, its importance has increased many folds.

According to analysts, Indonesia wants to improve links with India to counter Chinese influence in the disputed sea.

Indonesia to help India in Islamic Ummah?

Likewise, Jakarta is important for India to safeguard his interests in the Muslim Ummah in a subtle way.

While Turkey is trying to put the touch of Saudi Arabia and dominate the Islamic Cooperation Organization at 57 members, India has thrown their eyes to Indonesia.

The country with the largest Muslim population in the world has its own weight in the Ummah Muslim. India, the country with the second largest Muslim population is not a member of the block.

Turkey lost to Pakistan and Riyadh is under its pressure in the OIC. Indonesia can help India safeguard its interests in the block in particular and Islamic Ummah in general.

Likewise, being an important member of the Asean defense block, Jakarta can help India protect its interests in East Asia.

Earlier, Subiyto planned to go to Pakistan from India. Pakistan announced that the Indonesian president would reach Islamabad on January 26.

However, Mea mandarins were upset by the planned visit and convinced their hat of Indonesian counterparts that the visit would embarrass India. Later, Subanto announced on the X social media platform that he would return to Jakarta after attending celebrations of the TGE Republic day in New Delhi.

The controversy highlighted Indonesian interests in Pakistan and also indicated how vulnerable Indian diplomacy has become. This also indicates that New Delhi must be careful while linking the Asean nation.

Written by

Pramode Malik

January 25, 2025 20:00:




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