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Donald Trump says Greenland residents want to be part of us | Donald Trump

Donald Trump says Greenland residents want to be part of us | Donald Trump



Donald Trump said he believes the United States will take control of Greenland, after details emerged of a horrific call in which he made economic threats against Denmark, which said the territory would not was not for sale.

Speaking aboard Air Force One on Saturday, Trump said: I think I was going to get it and asserted that the Arctic Islands' 57,000 people wanted to be with us.

I believe Greenland, well because it really has to do with the freedom of the world, he said. It has nothing to do with the United States other than who can provide freedom.

Since his re-election, Trump has reiterated his interest in acquiring the Arctic island, which is controlled by Denmark but has a large degree of autonomy.

His latest comments follow an ugly phone call with Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, during which Trump was allegedly aggressive and confrontational in his attempt to take control of the island. Five current and former senior EU officials told the Financial Times that the call went very badly. It was horrible, one of the sources said. It was a cold shower, another told the newspaper. It used to be hard to take seriously, but I think it's serious and potentially very dangerous.

Trump reportedly threatened Denmark, a NATO ally, with targeted tariffs, taxes primarily on Danish exports to the United States.

The Danish prime ministers' office said it did not recognize the interpretation of the conversation given by anonymous sources.

Greenlands Prime Minister Mte Egede, who wants independence from Denmark, said the territory was not for sale but is open to closer ties with the United States in areas such as the 'mining.

Writing on We understand that the United States is a powerful country. We are not. The United States is where they will go. But come what you can. We will always say no.

Strategically located between the United States and Europe, Greenland is a potential geopolitical battleground as the climate crisis worsens.

The rapid melting of the islands' huge ice fields and glaciers has sparked interest in oil drilling (although Greenland in 2021 stopped granting exploration licenses) and mining for essential minerals, notably copper, lithium, cobalt and nickel.

Melting Arctic Ice also opens new shipping routes, making alternatives to the Suez Canal, just as that waterway is seeing less traffic in the wake of a severe drought.

Since the Cold War, Greenland has also been home to a US military base and its ballistic missile early warning system.

Speaking to The Sunday Times, a former Danish official and leading expert on Greenland said that in 1917, US President Woodrow Wilson gave assurances in Copenhagen that the territory would forever be Danish.

Tom Hyem, Denmarks representative in Greenland between 1982 and 1987, also said that if Denmark were to sell Greenland it would have to give the UK first refusal under the 1917 agreement.

The British government at this time demanded that it have first right to purchase Greenland, due to the islands' proximity to Canada, and then British rule.

Earlier this month, Trump refused to rule out using economic or military coercion to take Greenland and the Panama Canal, which he also wants under U.S. control.

Aboard Air Force One, Trump also reiterated his view that Canada should become a U.S. state. I view it as, honestly, a country that should be a state, he told reporters. Then they will get much better treatment, much better care and much lower taxes and they will be much safer.




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