The UK applies new sanctions following fake elections in Belarusi.
![The UK applies new sanctions following fake elections in Belarusi. The UK applies new sanctions following fake elections in Belarusi.](
British sanctions, along with Canada, in the Ukrainian behavior in Ukraine's actions against the leaders of the institution and the Belarusian defense sector, who are in charge of serious human rights violations with immediate response to six individuals, three organizations, and the presidential elections. The government, which supports war, shows the government's efforts to work internationally. In order to stop threats and protect national security, the government's Foundation is planning to change.
The president of the Central Election Commission of the Belarus City is one of the nine individuals and organizations designated today in the UK (Monday, January 27) in response to fake elections in Belarus.
Following the cruel crackdown on Lukashenkos, where Belarus' critical voice was silent, fake elections did not meet international standards yesterday and were condemned by international partners.
Together with the sanctions of institutions in charge of serious human rights violations in the UK, the British has excluded the British defense company in the British economy to the Luke Kachenko regime, which promotes Ukraine's Russian war.
Cooperation with international partners to protect the UK national security is essential to change the basis of the prime minister's plan.
Foreign Minister David Rami said:
The world was well aware of the cynical spine of Lukashenkos in Belarus City, and in fact he cruelly oppresses civil society and opposite voices to strengthen his hand of power.
The United Kingdom will continue to stand with our partners and reject those who reject legal rights to freedom and democracy.
According to the Viasna Human Rights Center, an exile of the Belarus, more than 1,250 political prisoners are detained in Belorusi, including civil society representatives, human rights defenders, journalists, political opponents, religious leaders and trade unionists. Many political prisoners are faced with lack of isolation, abuse and medical shortages under shocking conditions.
Today's designation includes Gubopik's head. One of the main security forces in charge of Belarus' political persecution. The individuals sanctioned today are as follows.
Igor Vasilyevich Karpenko-Chairman of the Central Election Commission. Viktor Alexandrovich Dubrovka -Belorusi Correction Institution Punishment Colonial NO11, Vaukavysk Pavel Ivanovich Kazakov -Belolus Correction Institution Prison NO 1, HRODNO. Andrey Mikhailovich Tsedrik Officer of Andrei Valerievich Ananenko- Gubopik. Mikhail Petrovitch Bedunkevich- Gubopik Deputy Director.
Belarus City provided support for Ukraine's illegal invasion of Russia, starting attacks using territory and airspace and providing kits and logistics support.
The three organizations in the Belarusian defense sector sanctioned today are as follows.
ALEVKURP OJSC-A company specializes in research and development and manufacturing of radar and inorganic control systems in connection with the Belarusian government. Legmash Plant JSC-Belarusi Company produces ammunition for defense in Belarus. KB Unmanned Helicopter (UAVHELI) -Belarusian unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) developer and manufacturer.
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