The White House says that the American president asked for a “equitable” bilateral commercial relationship
![The White House says that the American president asked for a “equitable” bilateral commercial relationship The White House says that the American president asked for a “equitable” bilateral commercial relationship](https://etvbharatimages.akamaized.net/etvbharat/prod-images/27-01-2025/1200-675-23415542-364-23415542-1737990750009.jpg)
New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Donald Trump spoke to a telephone conversation by focusing on the continuation of the ascending trajectory of Indian-American ties.
After telephone talks, Modi said the two parties committed to a mutually beneficial and confidence partnership. “Delighted to speak with my dear friend president @realdonaldtrump @potus. Congratulated him for his second historic term,” said the Prime Minister on X.
“We are engaging in a mutually beneficial and confidence partnership. We will work together for the well-being of our people and to peace, world prosperity and security,” he said.
Delighted to speak with my dear friend president @Realdonaldtrump @Potus. Congratulated her on his second historical term. We are involved in a mutually beneficial and confidence partnership. We will work together for the well-being of our people and to world peace, prosperity,
Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) January 27, 2025
Later, the White House published a document which called the “productive” telephone call and said that Trump had asked for a “fair” bilateral “and cooperation in deeper India.
The two leaders also discussed the plans for Modi to visit the United States, the White House said in the document. Today, President Donald J Trump has held a productive call with Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India. The two leaders discussed the expansion and deepening of cooperation, “said the White House.
They also discussed a range of regional questions, including security in Indo-Pacific, the Middle East and Europe. The president stressed the importance of India increasing his purchases of security equipment manufactured in the United States and moving to a fair bilateral commercial relationship, the document said.
The leaders discussed the plans for Prime Minister Modi to go to the White House, stressing the strength of friendship and strategic ties between our nations, according to the document.
Modi and Trump both underlined their commitment to advance the “American strategic partnership of India and the Indo-Pacific Quad partnership, India welcoming quadric leaders later this year”.
As in many countries, there have also been concerns in India also concerning the approach of Trump administrations in terms of immigration and prices. Trump has already talked about slapming 100% prices on the Brics group, a block that also includes India.
Speaking during a weekly press briefing, the spokesman for the Ministry of External Affairs, Randir Jaiswal, referred to the India continuous dialogue with the United States on questions related to trade and immigration, and expressed hoped that the two parties will be able to solve any problem.
Commerce occupies a special place within the solid and multiple facets relationship, and the two parties have reached a record level of trade in goods and services worth 190 billion USD in 2023, said Jaiswal.
During his first mandate as president, the last trip abroad was to India. Trump and Modi addressed thousands of people in two different rallies in Houston in September 2019 and Ahmedabad in February 2020. Modi was also among the three main world leaders to speak with Trump after his superb electoral victory in November 2024 .
Sources 2/ https://www.etvbharat.com/en/!international/pm-modi-holds-phone-conversation-with-us-president-trump-enn25012705928 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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