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At Ricky Ponting, fans insist to call $ 1 million after Mitch Owen Verbijsters in BBL Final

At Ricky Ponting, fans insist to call $ 1 million after Mitch Owen Verbijsters in BBL Final



Cricket fans all over the world have been left in awe for Mitch Owen after the opener had beaten the fastest century in the BBL history to give the Hurricanes a first BBL title while calling to grow to Ricky Ponting To find the batter an IPL contract. The Sydney Thunder opened the Batting on Monday evening and placed what they thought was a competitive total of 182 on a solid battlefield.

Captain David Warner I have the Thunder a strong start of a start of half a century with 48 out of 32 balls. With a total of 200 probably out, Riley Meredith and Nathan Ellis produced their best bowling to stop the innings.

Ricky Ponting during comments and Mitch Owen celebrates his century.Ricky Ponting during comments and Mitch Owen celebrates his century.

Cricket fans have proposed that Punjab Kings coach Ricky Ponting (left left) Mitch Owen (depicted on the right) will find an IPL contract after his record-breaking knock in the BBL final. (Images: monkey/getty images)

Ellis removed two in successive balls with the score on 0-97, before Meredith also succeeded in putting himself on a hat trick. While the Hobart Hurricanes would have been filled with confidence after returning the Thunder back to 182 in Ninja Stadium, no one saw what was coming.

The second highest run scorer of the BBL came in the fold with Owen on average 38.50 with 308 for the tournament. And the 23-year-old perhaps produced the competitions that the biggest ever was right with the fastest century ever with 104 out of 39 balls.

Owen ended with a success rate of 257.14 when he shot 11 six in his spectacular innings. The hurricanes were 1-107 before the wicket of Caleb Jewell fell. The hurricanes drove to 185 and had only lost three wickets with a stunning 35 balls.

The biggest Run-Scorer Ponting ever from Australia, a Tasmanian, was in commentary for Channel 7 and could not hide his excavation when looking at the Hurricanes who finally won their first BBL title after 14 years.

“Take your boys in purple,” said the former test captain excitement. And while the cricket world looked at how Owen had seen one of the largest T20 knocks ever that many had ever seen, also wondered why no Indian Premier League franchise signed the 23-year-old.

Mitch Owen celebrates the scoring of a century.Mitch Owen celebrates the scoring of a century.

Mitch Owen (photo) recorded the fastest BBL teeuw in the final for the Hurricanes.

For the 2024/25 season, Owen had only played 13 games for Hobart in four seasons. However, his move to the top of the order – a decision that helped Ponting orchestrate – has changed his career. Although Due Owen has only produced his world-class cricket in recent months, this meant that the 23-year-old missed a potentially lucrative deal in the IPL.

If the auction was pushed back for only a few months, Owen would undoubtedly earn more than $ 1 million after his season. Instead, Owen was not selected in the auction in November when the BBL season started.

Owen does not even get a look during the IPL auction has surprised many fans, now seen afterwards, with Ponting currently the newly named head coach of Punjab Kings. Ponting chose not to buy both Steve Smith And David Warner for his franchise – with both unsold – and Owen didn't seem to be on the radar. Although calls grow for Owen to be immediately selected as an injury backup.

Owen still has the chance to appear this year in this year's IPL tournament with franchises that a player may invoke if one of their signing sessions is injured or withdraws. This could land Owen's biggest contract for his young career. And although many want Ponting Owen to enter the kings, others simply want to see the Australian Games in the richest cricket league in the world.

Fans around Bellerive Oval sang 'Owen' after the hurricanes have successfully chased their target, because more than 15,000 fans celebrate the success of the state. And Owen himself remained astonished about how it all unfolded.

“That was super special,” said Owen. “The most special thing is that everyone in its crowd enjoys it. And I am so grateful, I am so proud that we can bring this trophy to tassie.”

Meredith, a local, was also emotional after he helped the state their first title. “I have been a fan of the hurricanes since BBL1,” he said.

Mitch Owen celebrates his record -breaking century.Mitch Owen celebrates his record -breaking century.

Mitch Owen (photo) celebrates the scoring of a century in the BBL.




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