The order of stop work on American foreign aid puts China first and America last
![The order of stop work on American foreign aid puts China first and America last The order of stop work on American foreign aid puts China first and America last](
It was easy to miss in the middle of the decrees of the decrees of the past few weeks, but during his first day of mandate, President Donald Trump interrupted all the new disbursements of foreign development aid for 90 days. The break was intended to give the White House time to review development help for efficiency and if it was aligned with its Foreign Policy in America. It was quite disturbing, but, Friday, Secretary of State Marco Rubio resumed the directive, issuing an immediate prescription to stop not only development aid, but almost all current foreign aid programs in the world.
The working order in the directive has sculptions for emergency food aid, as well as military assistance in Israel and Egypt. But everything else was put on the ice. Work to prevent current epidemics from the MPOX and Marburg virus from spreading beyond Africa, for example. Drug supplies that maintain 20 million people living with HIV in life, including more than half a million children. Support for religious minorities in the Middle East and those who risk their lives to resist oppressive political regimes in places like Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela and Burma. Fighting the propagation of fentanyl through the Western hemisphere. Work to support allies and partners in Asia to strengthen resilience in the face of coercive economic practices in China. And military assistance to allies such as Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Poland and Ukraine.
The United States is funding all this, and much more, for only 1 hundred of each dollar than Americans pay in taxes each year. Stop it, even temporarily, will have obvious and predictable results: children will die. Our national security will crumble. American alliances will suffer. American partners will be at risk. And the enemies of the Americas will rejoice.
By interrupting foreign assistance expenses, the Trump administration has just put America last, while offering a gift to our greatest opponents, especially China. In fact, Trump may have conceded great competition with China before his first week in power was over, although it was not too late to reverse this spiral.
To be clear, each administration has the right and the obligation to review the money that America spends in the world. And, having held management positions in the supervision of foreign aid, I can attest that there are better and more effective ways to manage and distribute it. A serious examination of how the United States leads to foreign assistance and the way in which its institutions are aligned to integrate diplomacy, development and defense is well in order.
But there are intelligent ways to carry out examinations and continue the reform – means that preserve the influence and interests of the Americas – and then there is the catastrophic path that the Trump administration seems to continue now. The relevant section of the directive of the State Department, declares:
In force immediately, assistant secretaries and senior office officials ensure that, to the maximum extent authorized by law, no new obligation will be made for foreign aid until the secretary determines, following of an exam. For existing attributions of foreign assistance, contracting officers and subsidy agents immediately emit arrest work orders, in accordance with the terms of the relevant sentence, until the secretary determines, following an exam. Decisions to continue, modify or terminate programs will be made as a result of this exam.
To be clear, there is no temporary break. When a NGO, a small American company or a company receiving American government funding to implement American foreign assistance is invited to stop work, even for 90 days, it means that people are dismissed, expertise is lost and that the programs are closed without guaranteeing that they will start again, even if they survive the exam. It is difficult to exaggerate the reverb effects of a stop order on the capacity of these organizations and their programs to continue to operate. We know that many development assistance partners and international organizations have started layoffs, including jobs here in the United States, although at least some would have been informed by the Trump administration not to speak publicly These impacts.
The suspension itself will not earn us money to taxpayers. The American government knows as anterior experience that the cost of suspension and restarting programs like these far exceeds the cost of the simple pivot of resources to new priorities.
Unless it is reversed, this shocking judgment, in particular with the ramifications of the arrest working order, can represent an extraordinary setback for the United States.
For what? Because foreign aid, although charitable, is not a charity. It is a strategic investment that protects the most important Americas from the most important interests while reflecting its highest values. He protects the United States from threats abroad before it reached the banks of the Americas, from fentanyl disease to terrorism. It helps to fight against the trafficking of human beings, supports the democratic elections and results from the flow of migration, attacking the deep causes which force people to flee. It helps to secure critical supply chains and build markets for American exports while creating jobs at home. And at a time of strategic competition, foreign aid gains influence and allies.
This is why foreign aid has long been a cornerstone of American foreign policy, considered by both parties as crucial to guarantee the national interests of the Americas. Programs like the Marshall Plan that rebuilt Europe after the Second World War demonstrated how aid could obtain alliances, rebuild broken countries and promote free companies and free markets. And prosperity in post-war Europe has helped stimulate the prosperity of the Americas at home. As Senator Lindsey Graham recently said, when it comes to competing with China in Africa and elsewhere with American foreign aid, the soft power is an essential element of the defense of America and our values.
Few understand this better than the PRC. Since its creation in 2013, the Chinas Belt and Road initiative has paid more than $ 1 Billion in infrastructure projects across Asia, Africa and Latin America, strengthening its global influence. For example, China has financed massive infrastructure projects in Africa, including the construction of railways in Kenya and ports in Djibouti, giving Beijing a significant influence on governments there while creating advantages in a Region of strategic importance for the United States. The American suspension of foreign aid is now threatening to effectively leave the large field open to China to extend its influence and, ironically, to paint Beijing as a better and more reliable partner than Washington.
Russia could also seek to exploit the void created by the American retirement of foreign aid. In Central and Latin America, Russia has funded campaigns for handling information with several components intended to sow division and spread anti-American feeling. In Africa, Russia is sending arms and wreaking havoc in countries like Mali, Burkina Faso and the Central African Republic, and has targeted American health initiatives.
And of course, this State Department stops at the endorsement of Ukraine. Not only is military assistance threatened, but the same goes for the incredible work that the United States has led to safeguarding and rebuilding the Ukral energy infrastructure and the agricultural sector after years of Russian attacks.
Whatever the end of the exam, this suspension of foreign aid and its arrest order have already caused sustainable damage. And with such reckless decision, it is difficult to know if it was made of ignorance or intention. But it is not too late for the Trump administration to reverse the course – to carry out their exam but to lift the work order. Otherwise, the damage of these actions will have generational consequences, both for communities abroad and the United States abandoning and for the values and interests of the American people.
Image: Farmers work during a visit to a farm of US officials announcing the support of a development plan for small farmers on November 8, 2023 in Quito, Ecuador. (Photo by Franklin Jacome / Agencia Press South / Getty Images) Filed under:
China, civil society, state department, development, diplomacy, food security, foreign assistance / foreign assistance, health care, humanitarian assistance, Marco Rubio, NGO, Public Health, Trump Second Mandate, USAID
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