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While Colombia ends its dead end of immigration with Trump, Mexico looks impatient to avoid a confrontation

While Colombia ends its dead end of immigration with Trump, Mexico looks impatient to avoid a confrontation



The president of Washington won over pricing threats to put pressure on Colombian President Gustavo Petro to accept American expulsion flights was a warning for the whole region.

But while Petro tried to resist Trump with only mixed results in Mexico, the country most affected by American migration policy seems to play it more safe.

Mexican president Claudia Sheinbaum said on Monday that her government continued to receive American flights full of deportees and accepts a small number of third countries.

The relationship with the United States is special, Sheinbaum told journalists. We are forced to have a good relationship.

So far, administration officials have deceived their success by pressure on other nations to accept the deportees. But the leaders of the countries of Latin America point out that they allow hundreds of these flights to land for many years.

The issues vary from the country to the country. Colombia is a minor trading partner with the United States and not a large supplier of migrants.

The dead end between the United States and Colombia on expulsion flights ended after a day of threats and counter-menices.

Petro early on Sunday presented two US military flights carrying deportees as part of Trumps planning to expel millions of migrants. Petro said he would receive deportees but that in worthy conditions.

In response, Trump said that he commanded a 25% rate on all Colombian exports to the United States, up to 50% in a week if the flights did not resume. Trump has also threatened a series of visa restrictions and other financial sanctions.

The two parties rushed into end -of -evening negotiations. Late Sunday, they accepted a series of conditions and said the flights resumed. The White House said Petro had accepted all Trumps' terms. Colombia said it has received insurance from the worthy conditions that Petro had required.

For Trump, the episode gave him a chance to show the rest of Latin America the risks they are confronted if they do not correspond to his expulsion plan.

The challenges are higher for Mexico, the largest trading partner in the United States and the largest unique source country for migrants who cross the American border without legal authorization.

Sheinbaum carefully avoided the conflict with Trump. Unlike Petro or his predecessor, Andrs Manuel Lpez Obrador, Sheinbaum was in accordance with Mexico's desire to cooperate with the United States on migration issues.

It is a position, she underlines, which is not new.

During her daily press conference Sheinbaum said Mexico had received some 4,000 migrants expelled from the United States in the days that followed the inauguration, a certain number of deportations which, according to her, were on average.

Sheinbaum has chosen to stay outside the melee in Colombian conflict with the United States, despite his clear ideological affinity with Petro, a leftist colleague.

Instead, Sheinbaum insisted on the importance for Mexico to maintain good relations with the United States

She praised the fact that Mexico and Colombia had reached an agreement.

The important thing, I said from the first day, is to always act with a cool head, defending the sovereignty of each country and respect between nations and peoples, said Sheinbaum.

Significantly, she suggested that some of these deportees were not Mexican.

The question of whether Mexico should accept migrants from third countries has been a major negotiation between the United States and its neighbor to the South. During Trumps' first term, asylum seekers from various countries that had crossed the American border were forced to return to Mexico until they were authorized in the United States for their hearings.

Sheinbaum suggested that Mexico could repatriate some of the non -Mexican migrants in their country of origin.

We are looking for mechanisms through migration policy and foreign policy to return people to their country of origin, she said. She said Mexico would negotiate with the United States to find out who would plunge the bill for these repatriations.

Taking deportees from the third country is particularly controversial.

Stephanie Brewer, director of Mexico at the Washington office in Latin America, a human rights group, said Mexico's decision to receive deportees from other countries was disappointing.

This is unfortunate because policies are standardized that are absolutely abnormal, said Brewer. A great priority stimulating recent actions is public relations and public messaging and disseminating this message, look at all the people expelled on military aircraft.

The brief drama with Colombia was a recall, she said, that Trump would very quickly use threats when it comes to forcing other countries to cooperate. However, in the meantime, she said, real lives are at stake.

These Mexican non-nationals have become negotiation schools in the bilateral relationship, where the two parties negotiate the number of people that Mexico accepts, what nationalities and the format of yields, she said. This has a cost of human families and individuals looking for protection.




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