Trump says he still wants to buy Greenland, suggests that Canada could become an American state
![Trump says he still wants to buy Greenland, suggests that Canada could become an American state Trump says he still wants to buy Greenland, suggests that Canada could become an American state](https://opb-opb-prod.cdn.arcpublishing.com/resizer/v2/FDLRI2CGANLCNI4QS7ZKAJARZ4.jpg?auth=c70e8246d4b8aa285b678818676b069d8c7a0a69d77c86e306746028ebbbc683&width=1200&height=675&smart=true)
President Donald Trump speaks with the press aboard the Air Force One on the way to Miami on Saturday.
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President Trump discussed several of his main foreign policy priorities in public comments during the weekend, including his desire to buy Greenland and the possibility of transforming Canada into an American state.
The president made these comments in a session of questions and answers of around 20 minutes with journalists on the Air Force One on the way to Miami on Saturday evening.
Trump on Greenland: I think I was going to have it
Trump said in 2019 that it wanted the United States to buy Greenland, a massive Arctic Island which is an autonomous territory in Denmark.
Although Danish Prime Minister Put Frederiksen replied at the time that Greenland was not for sale, Trump said on Saturday that HES still wanted to make Greenland part of the United States.
I think Greenland will be developed with us. I think I was going to have it. And I think people want to be with us, said Trump.
Greenland contains critical natural resources such as rare earth minerals and uranium. Trump says the United States could ensure the security of the island and beyond.
I don't really know what Denmark has for this. But it would be a very hostile act if they did not allow it to happen because it is for the protection of the free world. It's not for us, it's for the free world, said Trump.
The Financial Times reported on Friday that Trump had reiterated his interest in acquiring Greenland during a telephone call with Frederiksen earlier this month.
Canada would benefit from becoming an American state, says Trump
Trump has repeatedly threatened to impose prices in Canada during his second term, saying on Saturday that the north of the United States has treated us very unfairly on trade.
I love Canada. I have so many friends in Canada. And they love us. They love me. But Canada has been taking advantage of the United States for years and was not going to let it happen, he added.
Trump suggested that Canada depends more on trade with the United States than on the other hand and without the United States as a trading partner, Canada would find it difficult.
So I don't want to spend hundreds of billions of dollars to support a country unless this country is a state, said the president. And if it is a state, the people of Canada would pay a much lower tax. Their taxes would be reduced by half. They would have no military problem. They would be much safer from all points of view. And I think it's a good thing for Canada.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said earlier this month that his country became the 51st US state would not occur.
Trudeau, who announced at the beginning of this year that he would resign as Prime Minister, also warned that all the prices imposed in Canada would mean higher prices for American consumers. Trump said on Saturday that American prices on Canada would take effect on February 1.
Trump urges Jordan, Egypt to accept more Palestinian refugees
Trump said he would like Jordan, Egypt and other Arab countries to accept more Palestinian refugees fleeing Gaza in the middle of the current war between Israel and Hamas temporarily or in the long term. A ceasefire that started last week remains in force.
Trump complimented King Abdullah of Jordan with whom Trump spoke during the weekend for doing a great job and by staying the conflicts of the conflict.
Trump said that he had asked the King to accept more refugees and that he would make a similar request from the Egyptian President Abdul Fatah Al-Sissi on a call scheduled for Sunday.
You are probably talking about a million and a half people. And we clean it all. Over the centuries, he had many conflicts, this site. And I don't know, something should happen, Trump said.
It is literally a demolition site at the moment. Almost everything is demolished and people die there. So, I prefer to get involved in some of the Arab nations and build housing in a different place where they can perhaps live in peace for a change. This could be temporary. It could be long-term, he added.
Trump also said that the United States had published bombs of 2,000 pounds bought by Israel that the Biden administration had previously prevented from being transferred to the country.
Sources 2/ https://www.opb.org/article/2025/01/27/trump-says-he-still-wants-to-buy-greenland-suggests-canada-could-become-a-u-s-state/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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