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British military support for Israel can violate international law | Human rights news

British military support for Israel can violate international law | Human rights news



British military cooperation can form a violation of international law through the assault on Gaza, with the support of military cooperation with Israel, weapons clause, logistics aid, and weapons provisions, logistics aid, and direct military intervention to support the goals of Israel. According to the new report, according to the new report, according to the new report, the new report can be a violation of international law.

The report, published by the British Palestinian Committee (BPC) on Tuesday, said the British government has not directly violent violence in Gaza, but has played an influential role through the verification of weapons licenses and wider military cooperation with Israel.

The F-35 parts, which were sent directly to Israel and other partner countries, have played an important role in maintaining the Israeli jet for battle by contributing to the pool of the world's accessible parts.

In taking these measures, the UK is not simply a third -party responsibility to support international law, but is actively conspicuous in massacre of Israeli people in Palestinians.

The British also supplied Israel with these important components, but developed deeper military cooperation with Israel.

The two -way partnership supports Israeli companies in the development of technology that kills the Palestinians and develops technology, which is used to deepen cooperation between the UK and Israeli military. In Gaza.

The United Kingdom said that with the direct military intervention of Yemen, the Israeli military initiative was focused on Iran's military response to Iran and the UKS military combination to protect Israel's military infrastructure.

This was killed by Israel at least 13 people, including two Syrian civilians, after bombing an Iranian building in Syria's capital, Damascus.

British ministers and officials said that Sara Husseini, a BPC director, to the United Kingdom under international law.

They recognized that the illegal occupation of Israel was in progress, and it was recognized by the world's highest court that Israel's actions were suitable for massacre in Gaza.

Therefore, we immediately take the government to prohibit bidirectional weapons, end all forms of military cooperation, and call for support for the inseparable rights of the Palestinians. If not, the British government must face proper legal outcome.

The official UKS official policy summarized in the strategic export license standards said that if it is determined that there is a clear risk of serious violations or serious violations of international humanitarian laws, it will not give a weapon export license. .

Foreign ministers of David Cameron, David Cameron for six months in the April 2024 War, said the British would not stop selling weapons for Israel by British companies. A month later, he defended his decision by claiming that it represents less than 1 % of Israeli weapons income.

In September 2024, the United Kingdom cited 30 out of 350 weapons export licenses in Israel and cited a clear risk that it could be used for serious violations of international humanitarian law.

Since then, the British government has published 34 weapons export licenses to Israel and has published 34 public licenses, including three public licenses that can export unlimited products and values.

In page 19, BPC concluded that the British should take measures to prevent massacre massacre and to prosecute individuals or organizations that have committed such actions if they can be realized internationally and internationally within their own jurisdiction.

The group also stressed that the state's obligations to prevent massacre are prevalent rather than passive behavior, and that it is necessary to evaluate the realistic evidence and accompany the concept of live action.

According to media reports, in 2022, the United Kingdom supplied £ 42 million weapons to Israel.




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