The UK warned of the risk of 'storm clustering' after EOWYN caused extensive damage and confusion | British news
![The UK warned of the risk of 'storm clustering' after EOWYN caused extensive damage and confusion | British news The UK warned of the risk of 'storm clustering' after EOWYN caused extensive damage and confusion | British news](
People from all over the UK have been warned of the dangers of “storm clustering” for weeks after STORM EOWYN was extensive and damaged.
EOWYN, the fifth nominated for the season, recorded 114 MPH in Ireland last week and a 100 mph in Scotland.
Storm Herminia, nominated by the Spanish weather department, was closely connected, which interfered with the recovery effort.
The three -month summary outlook for the MET Office, issued to a chance planner, is especially confused in the next few weeks as the weather or storms that are blowing compared to February and March are proposed.
They also say, “Increasing the chance of storms increases the risk of storm clustering.”
This means that multiple storms arrive in a short time, and the impact is increased compared to the storm compared to the storm.
Images: The workers investigated the fallen trees that fell through Dublin's Phoenix Park wall. PIC: PA
The memorable example of the storm clustering was when storm dudley, Unis, and Franklin arrived in February 2022.
Franklin's strong winds interfered with cleaning work following Eunice. Eunice left a million households without power and broke the trees in some areas of England and Wales.
Studies have shown that most clustering events in the UK occur when the jet stream, a fast -moving air ribbon on the surface of the earth, is powerful and straight.
Whether there is a storm clustering or not, forecasts are concerned that the state can be set as the end of the storm season.
However, the UK will need another seven nominated storms to match the largest number of last year since the name of the name designated in 2015.
Read more: What happened: Storm eowyn Hammers ukireland calculates the cost of Storm Eowyn.
Image: The drone outlook shows the damage of the partially collapsed building during the storm. PIC: Reuters
How is the weather in February?
The weather is slightly significant since mid -this week after Storm Eowyn was confused with flights, railroad services and hospitals.
But as the UK heads to February (the last month of weather winter), long -range computer models propose to return to unstable conditions.
1:14 Storm Eowyn hit the UK
Wet and windy weather can occur in the first part of the month, especially in the north and west.
MET Office said in February, “The stormy conditions and the high impact of high wind are more likely than normal.”
The southern region should see higher pressure, and there is a possibility of more widely settled in the second half of the month.
The temperature can be above average.
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