CAA Men's and Women's Tennis Weekly Awards – January 28

CAA Men's and Women's Tennis Weekly Awards – January 28
Richmond, va. (January 28, 2025) De CAA announced its first weekly prize winners for the 2025 season in men's and ladies' knowledge. Hofstra was senior on the men's side Josh Reynolds and the Delaware Doubles team from Senior Alexandre Gluck and second -year -old Ram -change. Elon wiped the Womens Awards with second -year students Mary Reding And Simone Bergeron recognized.
CAA Mens Tennis Player of the Week
Josh Reynolds, Sr., Hofstra (Surrey, United Kingdom)
Reynolds took care of the clinching points in Singles and double when Hofstra Richmond hit 4-2 to open his season. When playing on the number 1 Singles Slot, the senior won a few tiebreakers and defeated the Spiders Davis Wiley, 7-6 (2), 7-6 (2). Reynolds and partner Enaut Garcia-Betia helped the pride to secure the double point with a 7-6 (5) Triumph over Grant Cohen and Dylan Atkinson on the number 3 position.
CAA Mens Tennis Doubles Team of the Week
Alexandre Gluck, Sr., Delaware (Bangkok, Thailand)
Ram Mude, SO., Delaware (Melbourne, Australia)
Gluck and Mude went 2-0 at number 3 Doubles to help Delaware open his season with victories over Morgan State (6-1) and Villanova (4-0). The Blue Hens duo took the double point against MSU by beating Jacob Poole and Mohamad Ridha Ghettas, 6-2. They also insured the double point vs. Villanova by passing by Will Monahan and Quincy Jones, 6-1.
CAA Womens Tennis Player of the Week
Mariana Reding, SO., Elon (Leon, Mexico)
Reding opened the season with a 3-1 record at No. 4 Singles when Elon started as a team of 3-1. The second-year student fought past Libertys Sadie Daavettila, 6-3, 7-5 while the Phoenix ended the flames, 4-3. In 7-0 wins over Longwood and Bellarmine she rolled past the Lancers Phoebe Mitchell, 6-2, 6-1, and dominated the Knights Reese Parker, 6-3, 6-0. Reding changed a solid performance to a loss for Accuven Wake-Bos, fell 6-3, 6-4 to Kady Tannenbaum.
CAA Womens Tennis Double Team of the Week
Simone Bergeron, SO. Elon (Vienna, from)
Mariana Reding, SO., Elon (Leon, Mexico)
Bergeron and Reding placed a 3-1 record at number 2 Doubles, including achieving the double point in two games. The Phoenix duo stood against Libertys Yu-Yun Chen and Sadie Daavettila, 6-4, for the lonely victory of the teams. They secured the Doubles point against Longwood by closing Alexandra Magia and Feline van Eijkelenburg, 7-6 (3) and against Bellarmine by beating Marika Caruk and Nikola Kollaritsch, 6-4. Bergeron and Redings Lone loss was up to 44one-Ranke Nevena Carton and Kady Tannenbaum from Wake Forest.
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