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Format and field of 96 teams finalized for 2025 Lamar Hunt US Open Cup

Format and field of 96 teams finalized for 2025 Lamar Hunt US Open Cup



Chicago (January 28, 2025) The Lamar Hunt US Open Cup 2025 launched March 18 to 20 with a range of 32 first round games exclusively amateur VS Pro. American football has finalized the format of the tournament at 96 teams The 110th edition of the national championship of historic clubs which celebrates the amateur elite and professional football in the communities across the country to the final of the centerpiece on October 1 . The Open Cup is the only competition for team sports competitions based in the United States where amateurs have the chance to play professionals in direct competition.

The Lamar Hunt US Open Cup is a crucial connection point for all levels of football in the United States, said American football CEO JT Batson before the tournament, disputed for the first time in 1913. To raise the people who run The charge to support football in their communities. Were delighted to continue working and collaborating with all members of American football to maximize the impact of tournaments on football at all levels of this country.

For a second consecutive year, the 32 games of the first round will be played exclusively between the amateur teams of the open division and the professional teams. And there are necessarily fireworks because the first round of recent years has produced no less than seven upheavals. The lovers of Return Miami United FC, Foro SC of Texas, El Farolito and the threat of monks were all part of this group of dream hunters of the open cup who beat the professional teams last year – and they will aim to generate this same type of magic again in the open cup 2025.

The 64 professional club land includes 14 of Ligue 1 and 10 teams from the MLS Next Pro UXL. The tournament will include the 24 USL championship teams with the Champions of the Ligne of the last years Colorado Springs Switchbacks FC, the semi -finalists of the open cup of the last years Indy Eleven and 2022 Open Cup Sacramento Republic – and 16 teams of Major League Soccer (MLS) ,, including the former champions of the Open Chicago Fire, DC United, FC Dallas, Houston Dynamo, New England Revolution and Orlando City.

The eight lowest USLC teams enter the first round with USL League One and MLS Next Pro Sides Pro. The 16 USLC clubs with a higher seeded will enter the third round, and the 16 MLS teams enter the Tournament in the round of 16.

The 32 amateur teams of the open division come from a wide range of leagues across the country. The national amateur champions of the USASA 2024 (three times winners of the open cup of NY PANCYPRIAN FREDOMS) are in the mixture with eight teams of the Nationwide UPSL (including this champion of spring leagues, SODA City of South Caroline) And seven others of the National Prime Minister Soccer League (NPSL) Including Train Open Cup Champs and 2024 Amateur Sensations El Farolito of San Francisco and Tulsa Athletic, the Oklahomans who set the 2023 Edition of the Tournament Alight with an underdog run that Pros FC Tulsa (USLC) and win a third round with Sporting Kansas City of MLS.

USL League Two will add nine teams to the alignment of the open Division 2025, including Ballard FC de Seattle, which made its debut last year, the longtime tournament Cinderellas The Moines Threate and the Rough Riders of Long Island which have reached the quarterfinals of the 1997 edition of the Open Cup and return to the stage of these heroic for the first time since 2018.

There will be 26 teams that will start in the open cup in 2025. MLS Next Pro sends six new sides to the Open Cup: Columbus Crew 2, FC Cincinnati 2, Lafc 2, Inter Miami Cf II, Real Monarchs and Sporting KC 2.

The amateur / open division will provide 15 new faces.

From the ranks of the 14 winners of the 2025 open cup qualification rounds are eight beginners: CD Fainense (Massachusetts), Harbor City FC (Florida), Laguna United (California), NJ Alliance (New Jersey), NY Renegades (New York ), South of Indiana FC (Indiana), Virginia Dream (Virginia) and Washington AC (Washington State).

The Sudsl Soda City FC (Southern Caroline) Sudsl Suda City champion will participate for the first time, just like Npelsls Naples United FC (Florida) and NY Shockers (New York). The corpus Christi FC (Texas), Flairons FC (Colorado), Little Rock Rangers (Arkansas) and Sarasota Paradise (Florida) include clubs for the first time in the USL League Two.

2025 Lamar Hunt US Open Cup Corneau Round: 18-20 March Round: 1-2-2hird Round: April 15: October 1

The Lamar Hunt US Open Cup is the American football club championship and has crowned a champion every year since 1914 (with the exception of 2020 and 2021 due to COVVI-19). The historic tournament is organized on a match base, with direct elimination and open to all professional teams and amateurs affiliated with American football. It is the oldest national football competition in progress in the United States and the third continuous national cup tournament in the world.

2025 Details of the open cutting format

The first round of the Lamar Hunt US Open Cup 2025 will consist of 32 games with 32 amateur clubs from the open division against 32 professional teams.

The representatives of the open division include 14 winners of the qualification round, nine teams from the USL League League, seven NPSL teams, the National Champion of the Amateur Cup of the USASA (NY PanCYPRIAN FREEDOMS) and The Printemps Upsl champion (Soda City FC). Professional representatives entering the first round include 14 USL Ligue 1 teams, 10 MLS Next Pro Teams and the eight best -classified teams in the regular USL 2024 championships.

The winners of the first round will be played in a second round made up of 16 games.

The 16 winners of the second round will then be twinned against the 16 best -classified professional teams in the USL championship in the third round. The USL championship teams were classified by conference, the eight best clubs of each conference entering the third round.

The third round thieves will compete against the teams of Major League Soccer (MLS).

There will be 16 MLS teams participating in the 2025 open cup compared to eight in 2024 and they will all participate in the competition in the round of 16. The MLS teams qualified for US Open Cup according to the following criteria:

The teams participating in the Concacaf Champions Cup are excluded from the Open Nant Cupteams which do not participate in the League 2025 Cup qualify for the Open Cup, classified according to the 2024 supporters. The open cup.

In addition to the two independent professional teams of MLS Next Pro, eight teams affiliated with the clubs of Major League Soccer (MLS) qualified on the basis of the ranking of the regular season of the next MLS 2024, with teams including the affiliates of First teams have qualified themselves excluded from the competition.

New for the 2025 edition of the Open Cup, there will be eight seeded teams divided into four East teams and four predetermined West teams to welcome the teams entering third and 32, respectively . The eight less low teams entering the third round and entering the round of 32 will be predetermined. This change has been made to add an operational and financial certainty, while the opponents will always be determined by a random draw.

Professional division Teamsmajor League Soccer

16 teams (the 16 teams enter the 32 -year -old round) marked by hosts in hosts in 32 years.

Austin fc ^ Charlotte fcchicago Fire fc ^ dc united ^ fc dallas ^ houston dynamo fcminnesota unitednashville sc ^ new engine revolutionnew york city fcnew york red bullsorlando cityphiadelphia union ^ Timbersan Jose Earthquakes ^ st. Louis City Sc ^

USL championship

24 teams (8 * teams enter the third round in the first round and 16 ** in the first round) the teams marked with + ranked to welcome in the third round

Birmingham Legion FC * Charleston Battery ** + Colorado Springs Switchbacks FC (2024 USLC champion) ** + Detroit City FC ** + El Paso Locomotive * FC Tulsa * Hartford Athletic * Indy Eleven ** + Las Vegas Lights FC ** + Lexington SC * Loudoun United FC * Louisville City FC ** + Miami FC * Monterey Bay FC * New Mexico United ** + North Carolina FC ** Oakland Roots SC ** Orange County Soccer Club ** Phoenix Rising FC ** Pittsburgh Riverhounds SC * * Rhode Island FC ** Sacramento Republic FC ** + San Antonio FC ** Tampa Bay Rowdies **

USL League One

14 teams (enter the first round)


MLS Next Pro

10 teams (enter the first round)

Carolina Core fcchattanooga fccolumbus crew 2fc cincinnati 2LAFC 2inter miami cf iireal monarchsporting kc 2tacoma defianceventura county fc

Amateur teams / open division

(The 32 teams enter the first round)

NY PANCYPRIAN FREDOMS (EPSL / 2024 USASA National Amator Cup Ginner) SODA CITY FC (South Carolina / UPSL Spring Champion)

Winners of the open division qualification round

14 winners of the four qualifying rounds of the open / fall cut 2024

CD FAIALENSE (BAY State SOCCER LEAGUE / MASS. / USASA) Foro SC (Texas / UPSL) Harbor City FC (Florida / Upsl) Harpos FC FC (Colorado Premier League / Colo. / USSSA) San Francisco (San Francisco Soccer Football League / USSSA) San Francisco (San Francisco Soccer Football League / USSSA) San Francisco (San Francisco Soccer Football League / California / USASA) Laguna United (California / Upsl) Miami United (Floride / Upsl) Tulsa Athletic (Oklahoma / UPSL) West) West Chester United SC (USL de Penn. / PA. / Usasa) Virginia Dream (Virginia Super Soccer League Soccer League / VA. / Usasa) Southern Indiana FC (Indiana / Upsl) NY Renegades (New York / Upsl) New Jersey Alliance (New Jersey / Upsl) Washington Athletic Club (Seattle Recreational Adult Team Soccer / Washington / Usasa)

National First Soccer League (NPSL)

7 teams based on the 2024 League game

Appalachian FC (North Carolina) Duluth FC (Minnesota) El Farolito (California) FC Arizona (Arizona) FC Motown (New Jersey) Naples United (Florida) New York Shockers (New York)

USL League two

9 teams based on the 2024 League game

Asheville City SC (North Carolina) Ballard FC (Washington) Corpus Christi FC (Texas) of the Moines Threaters (Iowa) FLTIRONS FC (Colorado) Little Rock Rangers (Arkansas) Long Island Rough Riders (New York) Sarasota Paradise (Florida) Comté of Ventura. Fusion (California)

About the Lamar Hunt US Open Cup

Now in its 110th edition, the Lamar Hunt US Open Cup has crowned a champion since 1914 each year, except 2020 and 2021. The tournament filled with history is organized on a downtime in one match and open to all professional teams And amateurs affiliated with American football. In 1999, the oldest national football competition in progress in the United States was renamed to honor the American football pioneer Lamar Hunt.

The winner of the US Open Cup 2025 will gain $ 300,000 at a price, a place in the CONCACAF 2026 Champions League and will be climbed on the Dewar Challenge trophy one of the oldest trophies contested at the national level in American team sports now on a permanent exhibition at the National Soccer Temple of Frisco's fame, Texas. The finalist will earn $ 100,000, while the team that progresses the furthest from each lower division will win a cash price of $ 25,000.

Los Angeles Football Club of MLS is the defending champion. The 109th edition of the tournament ended on September 25, 2024 with the LAFC beating four times champions sporting Kansas City 3-1 at the BMO Stadium in Los Angeles to become the open cup champion for the first time. is the official site of the LAMAR Hunt US OPEN CUP. Fans can also follow the competition on X / Twitter Etinstagram @OPENCUP and Facebook @OFICIALOPENCUP.




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