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How to face Trump? Ignore what he says, look at what he does

How to face Trump? Ignore what he says, look at what he does



In the months following Donald Trumps the election to his second term as president, many of those who did not argue him seemed to go to hibernation. Off went to televisions, crawling the post-electoral odds for CNN and MSNBC. Social platforms, in particular X, have been leaned or ignored; The pleated political titles and passed.

There have been demonstrations, but nothing like the World Women's Marches that followed its victory in 2016. Only 24.6 million viewers were listening to look at its second inauguration, compared to the 31 million People who looked at his first and the 33.8 million who listened to President Bidens. Yes, a decrease in the second mandate has a priority, but taking into account the drama, including a crime conviction and the assassination attempts surrounding the 2024 campaign, this drop was remarkable.

Even after his fire of initial decrees which included forgiving many insurrectionists on January 6, withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement and the World Health Organization, the protection of transgender Americans, the cessation of Programs of the federal government and the holding to end the response to the citizenship of BRDGETWEAR. been relatively silent.

Terms such as exhaustion or indignation, fatigue of resistance and surrender were launched to describe the marked difference between the reaction at the start of the first Trumps presidency and its second, with Democrats often described as being in Defensive coverage.

Fatigue is undoubtedly part, likes or hates it, Trump is an exhausting political figure. But far from being a surrender, the relative silence is more like a necessary course correction.

As Henry Ford said once, if you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you still have. Perpetual indignation, so justified, it may seem, is not a sustainable political strategy. Those who do not agree with the vision of America (and I am counting among them) must find a more effective form of resistance.

For too long, Trump positioned himself and was duly treated like a cultural chaos pole. For some, it is the cause of all our ills; to others, the only possible solution. In traditional and social media during demonstrations and gatherings, in grocery stores and on the political table, political conversation has devoted itself to cryist competitions of your fascist. No, you are a fascist.

As William Butler Yeats told us at another precarious moment in history, the Falcon cannot hear the hawker … The center cannot hold. And in the middle of the cacophony of mutual rage, this is not the case. If we want to prevent more anarchy, the dimale tide that Yeats predicted in its poem the second coming, the center which unites us must be found, rethought, rebuilt.

And it will not be accomplished by many more cries.

Thus, where the others could consider the initial lack of generalized resistance to man himself as a surrender, I see the first stage of personal care and a potential return to mental health.

When Trump won in 2016, millions of people cried, damaged the electoral college and went down to the street to protest. Others have applauded, damned the Woke crowd and went down to the triumph streets. As president, his omnipresence in the American speech was unprecedented. Each movement he made, every word he said or published (he never seemed to be out of Twitter), met a deluge of comments. Anything that could be said about a president has already been said about Trump. He was a Savior, he was Hitler, he was everything else as a person with a public platform.

Rarely a day has passed when he was not in the news, and soon indignation herself became the news. The media were condemned as too hard or too soft on him, for having reported this and not that, for the promotion of false stories or not exhibiting them, for having chosen the bad title or the bad photo.

Was it a frenzy? Yes, it was. And I say this as a person who often wrote, and generally crisp, of Trump during these first years. Was it justifiable, journalistic or politically? Yes indeed. Never before had a president behaved when Trump behaved, at least in public. He flouted not only political conventions (and numerous laws), but also the rules of civilized discourse.

Has indignation is part of the problem? Absolutely. Trump's disturbance syndrome is real and it occurs both in its detractors and supporters. What each of us sees when we look at him a dangerous whip of mad rhetoric and diabolical intention or a delighted businessman who just wants what is best for the Americans who define us more and more.

And that's what should change. Trump will continue his dam of threats, quarrels and false false or bizarre comments and that should be reported that he is the president and what he says is always news. But time has long been spent to waste absurdities such as its annexation proposal from Canada and Greenland, its assertion that nothing was done to fight Los Angeles fires or its continuous insistence for winning the elections of 2020.

Instead, it is time for all of us, no matter how undressing or relaxed, to act as traditional supporters of Trump. Those who say, I do not listen to what he says; I just pay attention to what he does.

What he has done so far has already given more than some of these supporters on the pause, the undocumented workers who thought they were exempt from the expulsion policies of the asset; Trump voting federal workers now without work or in the hiring of limbo; And members of the republican congress unhappy with the pardons of January 6, prevails over the freeze on the financing of the law on the reduction of inflation or its threats to retain emergency aid in California.

Several of His Executive Orders Are Being Challenged in Court a Federal Judge Blocked Trumps at End Birthright Citizenship, Calling the Move Blatly Unconstitutional and One Transgender Inmate Has Alredy Sued, Arguing That Trumps Order that the Federal Govern violous Federal law and constitution.

Without a doubt, many of these orders will arouse all kinds of manifestations when they are implemented.

And it's as it should be. The fight must dodge Trump, the character, and be brought to Trump, the president, and the changes he brings or not to this country.

Who is Trump and what it represents does not require an abundant analysis or a hyperbole doomsday. It is too well known to be so interesting at this stage.

Instead, we need to focus all the attention on who we are and what we defend. There is nothing wrong with defensive squatting as long as everyone works on a plan and prepared to come out.




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