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The PM Modi will do “what is good” on illegal immigrants: American president Trump | World News

The PM Modi will do “what is good” on illegal immigrants: American president Trump | World News



Washington: US President Donald Trump said Prime Minister Narendra Modi would do “what is good” about illegal immigrants, stressing that discussions are taking place with India. President Trump made these remarks on Monday while speaking to journalists on the Air Force One on the way back to joint base Andrews from Florida. He also mentioned that Prime Minister Modi is likely to visit the White House in February.

Separately, when reading a telephone call between the two leaders, the White House said that Trump had a “productive” telephone call with Modi and asked for a bilateral “fair” bilateral negotiation relationship and a cooperation in India-US deeper. While speaking with Republicans of the House during a retirement from Florida on Monday, President Trump said that the United States would impose prices on countries which “harm” America as he named China, the India and Brazil as a country at high prices.

We are going to put prices on external countries and external people who really mean harm for us … Look at what others do. China is a great tariff manufacturer, India and Brazil and so many other countries. We will therefore no longer let it happen because we are going to put America first, he said.

Meanwhile, during their phone call, the two leaders also discussed plans to visit the United States, the White House said in reading. While talking to journalists on the Air Force One, Trump was invited to “Modi) A (Modi) to take illegal immigrants. He (Modi) will do what is good. We are discussing, said the president.

I had a long conversation with him this morning (Monday). He will come to the White House, over the next month, probably in February. We have a very good relationship with India, Trump told journalists on the Air Force One. The president answered a question on the telephone call he had with Modi on Monday.

Everything came (during a phone call with Modi), Trump told journalists when he was asked for details of his call with the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister’s trip to the United States, the first under Trump 2.0 was finalized during the call. Trump's last foreign trip as president was to India during his first mandate.

Trump and Modi appreciate a good friendly relationship. The two addressed thousands of people during two different rallies in Houston in September 2019 and in Ahmedabad in February 2020. Modi was among the three main world leaders to speak with Trump after his superb electoral victory in November 2024.
In a reading of the call, the White House said that the two Trump had asked India to increase the security equipment manufactured in the United States and to go to a fair bilateral commercial relationship.

Today, President Donald J Trump has held a productive call with Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India. The two leaders discussed the expansion and deepening of cooperation. They also discussed a range of regional issues, including security in Indo-Pacific, the Middle East and Europe, he said. The president stressed the importance of India increasing his purchases of American manufacturing equipment and moving to a fair bilateral commercial relationship, the White House said.

The leaders discussed the plans for Prime Minister Modi to go to the White House, stressing the strength of friendship and strategic ties between our nations, he added. Modi and Trump have underlined their commitment to advance the “American strategic partnership of India and the Indo-Pacific Quad partnership, with India welcoming the quad managers for the first time. The four-track grouping.

As in many countries, there have also been concerns in India also concerning the Trump administration in terms of immigration and prices. Trump has already talked about slapming 100% prices on the Brics group, a block that also includes India. Speaking during a weekly press briefing, the spokesman for the Ministry of External Affairs, Randhir Jaiswal, referred to the current dialogue with the United States on questions related to trade and the 'Immigration and expressed the hope that the two parties will be able to solve any problem.

Commerce occupies a special place within the solid and multiple facets relationship, and the two parties have reached a record level of trade in goods and services worth 190 billion USD in 2023, said Jaiswal. On January 23, the Minister of External Affairs Jaishankar, who represented India at the inauguration ceremony of Trump, said that India had always been opened to the legitimate return of the undocumented Indians in their country.

“As a government, we are obviously very favorable to legal mobility because we believe in a global workplace … At the same time, we are also very firmly opposed to illegal mobility and illegal migration,” declared Jaishankar. “So, with all the countries, and the United States is no exception, we have always argued that if one of our citizens is there illegally, and if we are sure they are our citizens, we have always been Open to their legitimate return to India. “He answered a question on reports that India is working with the Trump administration for the expulsion of some 1.80,000 Indians in the United States which are either undocumented or have exceeded their visas.

The Ministry of Homeland Security in April 2024 said there were around 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States in 2022. Mexico was at the top of the list with 4.81 million illegal immigrants, followed by Guatemala (750,000), El Salvador (710,000), Honduras (560,000), Salvador (710,000), Honduras (560,000), Philippines (350,000), Venezuela (320,000), Colombia (230,000) and Brazil ( 230,000).

The DHS said that there had been a sharp drop in India illegal immigrants between 2018 and 2022. He said that 220,000 Indians lived illegally in the United States at the end of 2022. The Indian population fell 54 %, or 260,000 people, against 480,000 in 2018 at 220,000 in 2022, while the Chinese population decreased by 47%, or 180,000, from 390,000 to 210,000, said the DHS.




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