An American closure on foreign aid strikes from Africa to Asia in Ukraine. Here's how
The assistance programs financed by the United States of Washington (AP) around the world have started to fire staff and to close or prepare to stop their operations, because Trump administrations were unprecedented on almost all 'Foreign help puts their work.
Allies, including Ukraine, also find it difficult to save part of their 90 -day freezing security funding, ordered by President Donald Trump last week. Trump also took a break and federal loans in the United States.
The Trump administration said it had ordered the break of foreign aid to give time to decide which thousands of humanitarian, development and security programs will continue to get money from the United States
In the meantime, US officials have ordered programs to stop spending immediately. Only emergency food programs and military aid to the Israel allies and Egypt have been exempt.
Gel means that Liberia schools are prepared this week to shoot cooks that offer children a lunch. American efforts to help American companies abroad and to counter influence on the increase in Chinas could close. Veterans in Ukraine who call a hotline of crisis could soon receive a recorded message, without a promise.
Here is an overview of the freezing of foreign funding and the way it strikes American aid programs in the world:
Struggling with the global aid closure scale
The United States is by far the world's largest source of foreign assistance, although other countries give a larger share of its budgets. It provides $ 4 dollars given for humanitarian aid.
Humanitarian workers, local officials and analysts point out that the frost ladder was difficult to grasp.
The aid community is struggling with the existence of this suspension of aid, said Abby Maxman, president of Oxfam America, one of the few helps to speak publicly about the impact of the frost after Warnings from the Trump administration.
The Trump administration has placed more than 50 senior officials with the American agency for international development on Monday, because many have helped organizations to face freeze. The acting head of the USAIDS said that it was investigating if the officials resisted Trumps Ordres.
American policy for decades has been that the aid given abroad is paid by itself thanks to greater national security, by stabilizing regions and economies and improving relations with partners.
But many officials of the Trump administration and the Republican legislators believe that a lot of foreign aid is money that should be spent or saved at home.
For each program, expect the State Department to defend itself, repent or, in some cases, pleads in favor of the continuation of its programs, said representative Brian Mast, republican president of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the room.
Most American funding for Ukral soldiers are not affected
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says that the American frost does not affect American vital support to his soldiers while fighting the Russian forces. It is especially true.
The only military aid for which the State Department is responsible and is therefore covered by the break is foreign military funding and international military education and training. There are other baskets for United Nations peacekeeping operations and demining programs.
Most of the Ukraine military aid, however, came from the Pentagon. This includes a program from existing weapons actions and another called Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, which is used to pay weapons contracts that are not delivered for a year or more.
None of the programs of the Ministry of Defense is directly affected by the frost, although American officials say that there is nothing in the pipeline either.
But the essential civil programs for Ukraine war efforts come from the State Department. There is no word of exemptions for them. This includes the salary support that the United States provides to maintain the Ukrain government despite damage to the wars to the economy.
This support is important, said Bradley Bowman of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. But I think that if our European allies read the political moment in the United States well, they would better move, say quickly, to try to pick up most or all of this burden.
Money for veterans and other programs has not been spared
The United States has sent arrest orders to civil war programs it supports in Ukraine.
This includes the veteran hub, a non -profit organization that manages a hotline of crisis obtaining 1,300 calls per month from Ukrainian veterans who need social and psychological support.
By obtaining the working order this weekend, Ivona Kosyna, the head of non-profit organizations, realized that she could soon lose half of her qualified 31 years.
If we had a month, let's say, warning, even a two-week warning, it would have been much easier for us, she said. We could have managed to make sure for this time. But there was simply no warning.
A few days before the United States freezing, the veteran center received a call from someone about to injure itself, said Kosyna. A Hotline staff member sent a text to the person overnight.
And now what we have is a line that does not work and essentially no answer, which is terrifying for us, she said.
A death sentence for some
In the Southern African Nation of Zimbabwe, Gumisayi Bonzo, director of a health non-profit organization, worried about its organization and for itself.
Zimbabwe is one of the few African countries to reach an important step in the diagnosis, treatment and abolition and suppression of the viral load. It is largely thanks to a revolutionary HIV program created by the Republican President George W. Bush, credited with having saved more than 20 million lives.
The program The Presidents Emergency Plan for the relief of AIDS, or PEPFAR, was targeted by republican backgrounds. Bonzo had not yet heard the word of a financing cut for his group, Trans Smart Trust, which promotes health services for bisexual and transgender people in a country where discrimination and stigmatization discourage a lot to ask for treatment .
Everyone is simply confused at the moment, said Bonzo.
The 54 -year -old man has been taking treatment against HIV for 23 years thanks to the support of the PEPFAR which made the drugs affordable.
I have been religiously taking medication for more than two decades, I live again a normal life, and suddenly, we have to stop, she said. It is a death sentence for many people.
Some call it a cruel cut
Gyude Moore, former Minister of the Cabinet in Liberia, who is now a member of the United States World Development Center, said American freezing will harm lives in Africa.
Support in the United States has helped West Africa recover years of vicious wars. USAID money has helped pay for school lunches, supported girls' education, strengthened health systems and helps small farmers.
Moore, as many colleagues have done so, has qualified the sudden blow.
There is no room for maneuver, he said.
The abandonment of this assistance harms in the United States, because it makes no distinction between ally, partner and adversary, he added.
And American rival China will be happy to settle in the regions of Africa to build its influence and its commercial contracts in countries rich in resources, according to Moore and other analysts.
Feeding hungry children in Liberia or children with malnutrition in Kenya, providing antiretroviral drugs that save lives in Uganda, none of these things decreases American interests, said Moore.
Concerns concerning the loss of the field against China
The United States has also tried to enhance its profile in the South Pacific to counter the influence of Chinal, in particular by strengthening USAID expenses to the nations which are among the most dependent on development funding.
During visits to the Pacific in 2024, officials announced more than $ 15 million new expenses to stimulate natural resilience to disasters, support economic growth, help countries withdraw the ruinous effects of climate change, etc.
Mutsaka reported Harare, Zimbabwe and Graham-Mclay from Wellington, New Zealand. The journalists of AP Tara Copp and Matthew Lee in Washington contributed.
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