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In Odisha Investment Summit, the Modi PM mentions Coldplay; says that the country cannot count solely on the export of raw materials | India News

In Odisha Investment Summit, the Modi PM mentions Coldplay; says that the country cannot count solely on the export of raw materials | India News



Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Tuesday that the mineral trend extracted from the country and sent abroad to manufacture products which are then sold in India are not acceptable and are modified.

During the inaugural speech at the Odishas biennial investment summit, now called Utkarsh Odisha Conclave, said Modi, the expansion of the India economy is based on two major pillars an innovative service sector and quality products. The rapid progress of the country cannot rely solely on the export of raw materials, so that the entire ecosystem is being transformed.

He also underlined the recent COLDPLAY concerts in Mumbai and Ahmedabad, and said it was the scope of the main live musical events to stimulate the economy. The main world artists are attracted to India and the concert economy stimulates tourism and creates many jobs. States and the private sector focus on the infrastructure and skills necessary for the concert economy, said the Prime Minister.

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Over the past decade, the force of the India in manufacturing has also become obvious, the Prime Minister said at the event in Bhubaneswar.

Rewarding that India is growing quickly to become the third world economy, Modi has expressed confidence that India would become an economy of $ 5,000 in the not so distant future.

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Recognizing the challenges of the global supply chain due to global problems, Modi has declared that India cannot count on fragmented and import -based supply chains. Instead, a robust supply and value chain must be built in India to minimize the impact of global fluctuations. This responsibility is of both the government and the industry, he said.

Assisting investors to meet in Odisha for the first time, the Prime Minister recalled the rich heritage of the maritime connection states with the Southeast Asia region. He said Odisha was now starting to rekindle this heritage in the 21st century.

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Presenting Odisha as the country of many opportunities, Modi assured that successors of success if they come to Odisha.

Referring to the recent visit of the president of Singapore to the State, Modi said that the country was very enthusiastic about its relationship with Odisha. He stressed that the Anase countries also expressed their interest in strengthening trade and traditional links with Odisha.

Odisha is exceptional and symbolizes the optimism and originality of the new India. Odisha has had many opportunities and its inhabitants have always shown a passion for outperformance. With new emerging opportunities in Odisha, the state will soon reach unprecedented development, the Prime Minister said.

Given the Force of Odishas in the seafood export sector, the Prime Minister said that the seafood export tendency for treatment in other countries was also being modified. Odisha is one of the largest seafood exporters in the Southeast Asia region.

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On the growing accent on lasting lifestyles around the world, Modi said that India focused on green technology and a green future, in particular solar, wind, hydro and green energy, which will feed the energy safety of a developed India.

The Prime Minister also underlined the need to explore the tourist potential of Odishas, ​​with its 500 -kilometer coastline, more than 33% forest coverage and endless possibilities for ecotourism and adventure tourism. India focuses on the sea in India and heals in India, and the natural beauty and environment of Odisha are very favorable to these initiatives, he said.




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