British competition will make a quick decision, the new chairman says.

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The UKS competitive regulatory agency will speed up the investigation to unlock more investment in the United States, according to the newly established chairman of the regulatory agency.
Doug Gurr, written in the Financial Times, said the institution would make the merger and market research as simple and quick as possible.
The CMA also provides bigger sector expertise, so that companies do not have to waste time to educate regulators.
We know that the business is expensive when it is long and uncertain, it is expensive. Good decisions, clear decisions, quick decisions were what you needed and told us to convey to us.
Former Amazon UK, former head of GURR, was nominated as a temporary chairman of the competition and market authorities last week after Marcus Bokkerink was expelled last week.
He wrote that the regulatory environment, which encourages the biggest possibility of business investment, will be an agency New North Star and emphasizes the need to protect consumers.
Gurr talked about a small number of investments in Deliveroo with CMA through the operation of Amazons British in Tech Groups and is expected to take a more friendly approach to business.
The CMA has previously accused him of being too involved and delayed to approve the Microsoft acquisition of Activision, which seems to damage UKS internationally.
Last year, the UK again provided the lowest level of business investment in the G7. Gurr wrote that this is true for too long. We want to see both domestic and international companies as a great place to invest in the UK.
He added: This means that he is convinced that he will start his business here, not in the world, not to other places around the world. It means encouraging multinational companies that are almost freely chosen. [Europe, Middle East and Africa] Time zone to choose England.
GURR was called by the government on its role just before Bokkerink was expelled last week. He was appointed as a temporary chair for up to 18 months after sudden departure.
He is the director of the Natural History Museum and the president of Alan Turing Institute. He resigned from the roles of the British Biobank, Genomics England and Permira to leave the CMA position.
Sarah Cardell, CMA CMA chief executive, will hold CMAS New Growth and Investment Council on Tuesday and discuss the agency's draft plans announced earlier this month, featuring representative groups such as CBI.
Last week's case questioned whether the CMAS draft plan, which had already mentioned 111 growth, will be checked to better match the government goal.
It is expected that the final plan will be announced in March after receiving strategic steering by the institution, and strategic steering, which sets the government's expectations for regulators.
The CMA also tried to reduce 10 %of its employees and criticized last week for budget.
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