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Amazon selects Darlington for the launch of the drone delivery service | Science, Climate and Technology News

Amazon selects Darlington for the launch of the drone delivery service | Science, Climate and Technology News



Amazon plans to start drone delivery in the UK as part of the test.

A large US technology company says drone services, called the PRIME AIR, are already operated in the United States and are providing packages using Amazon design, production and operation drones within 60 minutes.

The company said that the FullfillMent Center outside Darlington is submitting a plan to build a drone flight operation and is looking for permission for flights at CAA (CIA).

Amazon started at Darlington, TEESSIDE, and said, “I was ready and happy to make drone delivery reality for British customers.”

The spokesman said, “We have established a close partnership with the regulators and the community we serve, establishing a safe and reliable drone delivery service elsewhere in the world, and we are trying to do the same thing in the UK.”

“We announced that Prime Air is taking action to plan an initial flight plan at Darlington's FullfillMent Center.

“There's still a lot of work to do, but it's an exciting development.”

The company said that once it received a plan and CAA permission, it would start hiring employees to start drone delivery.

We also promised to interact with the community for feedback and will hold a community event early next month.

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Tes Valley Market Ben Housen said he has worked closely with Amazon and TeeSide International Airport for the last 18 months.

“I am pleased that TEESSIDE has become the home of Amazon's first British drone delivery service.”

“In TEESSIDE, we do something else, we say, when others are so difficult that they are positive, ambitious and conveyed.

“We are holding the opportunity and optimism of the Technology Revolution. It is not surprising that Amazon chose Darlington as a position to launch Prime Air in England.

“We are tired with Amazon, bringing the UK to TEESSIDE, supporting high -quality jobs, providing millions of pounds in the local economy, and leading to growth throughout TEESSIDE, DARLINGTON and HARTLEPOOL.

“The world is moving at speed. And if we don't keep it, we will remain behind. If it's not the first time, you are the last.”

Amazon has developed a drone delivery system for many years, has previously tested drone delivery in the UK, and in 2016, Cambridge Shiro has implemented its first autonomous air delivery during the test.




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