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The federal judge temporarily blocks Trump's freeze on federal subsidies and loans – NBC10 Philadelphia

The federal judge temporarily blocks Trump's freeze on federal subsidies and loans – NBC10 Philadelphia



On Tuesday, a federal judge temporarily blocked the push of President Donald Trump to suspend federal funding while his administration carried out a cross -examination to uproot progressive initiatives.

The Trump administration plan has plunged the US government into panic and confusion and has prepared the ground for a constitutional confrontation on the control of taxpayers' money.

The ordinance of the American district judge Loren L. Alikhan came a few minutes before the entry into force of the financing frost. It lasts until Monday afternoon and only applies to existing programs.

Administration officials declared that the decision to suspend loans and give a financial rescue for local governments, schools and non -profit organizations across the country was necessary to ensure that expenses are in accordance with to recent orders of decrees. The Republican President wants to increase the production of fossil fuels, eliminate protections for transgender people and the efforts of diversity, equity and final inclusion.

But a vaguely written memo issued by the management and budget office, combined with incomplete white house responses throughout the day, left the legislators, civil servants and the average Americans who find it difficult to determine what programs would be affected by the break. Even temporary interruptions in funding can cause layoffs or delays in public services.

This genre came out of The Blue, said David Smith, a spokesperson for the Shawnee Mission School District in Kansas, one of the countless districts that receive federal funding. Now they try to understand what it means according to zero information.

Alikhan, who was appointed by President Joe Biden, said that by stopping freezing, it seems that the federal government is currently not experiencing the complete extent of the programs that will be subject to the break. “”

Jessica Morton, lawyer for the National Council for Non -Lucrative Organizations, who brought a trial, said the group had tens of thousands of members across the country that could be affected.

The members of our customers said they were extremely concerned about having to close if there is even a brief break, said Morton.

The prosecutor of the Ministry of Justice, Daniel Schwei, said that the complainants had not identified anyone specifically who would lose funding immediately if the break comes into force.

Democrats have described the decision of Trump administrations as capricious and illegal. They argued that the president was not allowed to unilaterally arrest expenses allocated by the congress.

A few minutes after Alikhan ruled, the prosecutors General Democrats of 22 states and the Columbia district deposited their own legal action seeking to block and permanently prevent the administration from reducing federal funding.

There is no doubt that this policy is reckless, dangerous, illegal and unconstitutional, said the prosecutor general of New York, Letitia James.

Trump administration officials said programs that provide direct assistance to the Americans would not be assigned, such as Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, student loans and food coupons. They also defended the funding break, saying Trump was following his promise to overthrow Washington if she was elected to a second term.

However, the effects felt far from the capital of nations. Organizations like meals on wheels, which receive federal money to deliver food to the elderly, were worried about being cut.

The lack of clarity and uncertainty at the moment create chaos, said spokesperson Jenny Young. She said the elderly could panic without knowing where their next meals will come from.

The National Science Foundation has postponed this week's panels to examine subsidy requests. Prichard officials in Alabama feared not receiving infrastructure funding to repair their drinking water system. The Republican leaders of Louisiana declared that they were looking for clarity to ensure that there was nothing to have the financial stability of the state.

Trumps' actions would wreak havoc in red and blue communities around the world, said Senator Patty Murray in Washington, the best democrat of the Senate credit committee. We are talking about our small towns, our cities, our school districts.

The complete extent of the examination of the administrations was stated in a calculation sheet of 51 pages sent to the federal agencies and view by the Associated Press. Each line was a different government initiative, from swimming pool safety to the development of tribal workforce for special education.

The officials were invited to answer a series of questions yes or not for each element of the list, including this program promotes gender ideology? Or does this program promote or support in any way whatsoever? The answers are due by February 7.

Billions of dollars are potentially under examination. The subsidies which have been granted but which are not spent are also supposed to be interrupted if they could violate one of Trumps' executive orders.

The use of federal resources to advance Marxist actions, transgender and social engineering policies of Green New Deal is a waste of dollars of taxpayers who do not improve the daily life of those we serve, wrote Matthew Vaeth , the acting director of the Office of Management and Budget, in a memo distributed on Monday.

Vaeth wrote that each agency must carry out a complete analysis of all their federal financial assistance programs to identify the programs, projects and activities that can be involved by one of the decrees of the presidents. He also wrote that the break should be implemented to the extent permitted under the applicable law.

The break on subsidies and loans was to come into force at 5 p.m., one day after the agencies were informed of the decision.

The question dominated the first briefing owned by the press secretary of the White House, Karoline Leavitt. She said the administration was trying to be good intendants of public money by ensuring that there was no more funding for transgender and unlocking.

She denied that Trump deliberately challenged the congress to establish his domination over the federal budget.

He simply tries to ensure that the tax money that comes out of the door in this very bankrupt city is actually aligning on the will and the priorities of the American people, she said.

The Environmental Protection Agency confirmed that it would implement the break to align federal expenses and action on the will of the American people, as the President Trumps Priorities express. The Ministry of Energy also said that he was examining his expenses.

The financing break is the latest example of how Trump exploits his power on the federal system to advance his conservative objectives. Unlike his first mandate, when Trump and many members of his inner circle were not familiar with Washington, this time, he deeply reached bureaucracy.

For example, federal employees are invited to report their colleagues if they try to continue diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives.

They push the agenda of presidents from below, said Paul Light, an expert in the federal government and the professor of public service at New York University.

He also said that there were risks in the approach of Trumps, especially with so many voters who depend on Washington.

You can't just Tracle, Tree, Tree, says Light. You must deliver.

The fears concerning the interruption of government services have been exacerbated because the States have reported problems with the Medicaid funding portal, where managers request the reimbursement of the provision of health care to poor residents.

Democrats condemned the Trump administration, connecting the question to the funding break.

But Leavitt said the portal would be back online soon.

We have confirmed that no payment had been assigned, they are still under treatment and sent, “she posted on social networks.




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