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Fedi Nuril Skakmat Politician who defended Jokowi: Sea Fengs can we understand her incompetence?

Fedi Nuril Skakmat Politician who defended Jokowi: Sea Fengs can we understand her incompetence?



Fedi Nuril Filling the president of the DPP Sigit Widodo of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI), linked to a statement that defended the performance of former president Joko Widodo (Jokowi). This answer occurred after Sigit downloaded a tweet in its personal account X which appreciated the realization of the Atr / BPN ministry in the era of the management of Jokowi.

In his tweet, Sigit said that the ATR / BPN ministry was under the government Jokowi has managed to accelerate the issuance of land certificates. He explained that before 2015, only 46 million out of 126 million certified land fields, with an average broadcast of 500,000 certificates per year.

However, under the direction of Jokowi, the number of certificates issued increased to 6 to 7 million per year, with a total of 101 million certificates resolved. This achievement has a positive impact which makes people have a legal certainty for their land ownership.

“The Ministry of the ATR / BPN at the time of President Jokowi is an institution with a high -end performance. Until 2015, only 46 million out of 126 million land fields certified with publication speeds of only 500,000 Certificates per year, “wrote Sigit quoted by the X @Sigitwid account on Tuesday (1/28/2025).

Photo / x Fedi Nuril

“Under Jokowi, the certificate issued by the ATR / BPN Ministry jumped at 6 to 7 million per year. 101 million certificates were completed and made the people had legal certainty and protection for the rights to land ownership, “he continued.

On the other hand, Sigit also criticized the parties who considered that the ministry's performance fails. Particularly linked to the alleged case of sea fence in the Tangerang region.

“Of course, this performance was not seen by the enemies of Jokowi who built a false speech that this ministry was incompetent to work during yesterday's reign,” he said.

The tweet drew the attention of Fedi Nuril, an actor known to be vocal to criticize government policies. The 42 -year -old responded to the Sigit tweet by questioning the logic of his defense of the performance of the Atr / BPN ministry in the middle of the sea closing affair.

“So, if the performance of the Atr / BPN Ministry at the time of Jokowi was the topnotch, about our sea fence, it is enough to understand incompetence, or a candidate of the communication sciences of him?” Fedi declared cited account x @realfeniririr.

The response of the star of the film Ayat-Ayat Cinta suddenly sparked discussions on social networks. Where many Internet users discuss the case of sea fences and comment on the strong criticism issued by the actor.

“And under the government, it is also sold at the oligarchy,” said Internet users.

“Oh, so busy asking for the performances of Topnotch, eh? Even if people see problems like the terrestrial mafia, overlapping certificates and policies that do not ride on the side of little people. If it's good , why are there a lot of miserable people because the land is annexed? “Said Internet users.




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