Fantasy Hockey Shot Trends – Rantanen has an immediate impact in Carolina

Martin Necas and Mikko Rantanen had something in common before they were traded on Friday. When we look at the shot attempts per minute generated by lines on five out of five over the last 10 games, their trios were both in the top six in the competition.
The Edmonton Oilers -Trio van Zach Hyman, Connor McDavid and Leon Draisaitl Leads the road in shot attempts per 10 minutes (SAP10) with 16.27 over 64:32 in the last 10 games. Secondly arranged in that time frame is the former Colorado Avalanche Trio of Mikko Rantanen, Nathan Mackinnon and Jonathan Drouin With 15.69 SAP10 in 51:37. And sixth is the former Carolina Hurricanes Threesome of Martin Necas, Eric Robinson and Jesperi Kotkaniemi With 14.28 SAP10 over 70:45.
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We have very little data since the trade, but let's look to see where the trends are going. In two games with the avalanche, Necas set up with Mackinnon and Drouin before 31:49 on five-on-five and they were considerably successful when tilting the ice for shot attempts. The new trio actually overshadowed the speed with which the Rantans -based line did over the previous 10 games (seven together) with 17.92 SAP10. The problem was the conversion rate, because the avalanche of Rantanen scored five goals and allowed one, while the avaline line of Necas scored once and allowed three.
There is nothing surprising about these statistics, because Mackinnon is the playing driver here and he doesn't go anywhere. Yet the three goals are a bit worrying against, because Mackinnon and Rantanen were about 0.5 goals on the ice together at five-on-five. There was no one in the competition for which the AVS could exchange, there would be no step for Rantanen, so again, not unexpected. However, if those goals do not delay, Valeri Nichushkin can come back to the top line when he is healthy and is not on the top line for this top heavy Avalanche team is a death judgment for fantasy production.
In Carolina, Necas did not play on the top scoreline, but we will analyze how it had done prior to the takeover of Rantanen. Sebastian Aho had a number of different combinations in the 10 games prior to trade: with Jack Roslovic and Seth Jarvis he placed 10.01 SAP10 with zero goals and three goals; With Andrei Svechnikov and Jackson Blake he placed 15.80 SAP10 with three goals and four goals against (only 46:13, so not enough for the leaderboard).
It was only one match and 13:31 together, but Rantanen, Aho and Blake placed 11.10 SAP10 with a scored goal and not against. We absolutely need more information, but the large collection meals here is that the line of AHO was routinely scored for prior to trade. Rantanen is not scored that much, so he must help tilt the target in favor of this top unit Hurricanes. This makes it essentially universally available Blake A potential fantasy goal if he has to stay and benefit as the third member of this line.
Sources: goalie Depth Chart | Daily lines Projections | Play for free | Rater player | Most added/cases | Mock Draft Lobby | How to look at ESPN+
Goalie Notes
Los Angeles Kings in 47 games (four last week):
Darcy Kuemper (Crease Share Season/Week: 55.0%/74.9%, Fantasy Points Season/Week: 80.8/3.2, 43.1%Available)
David Rittich (Crease Share Season/Week: 41.9%/25.1%, Fantasy Points season/Week: 19.4/-4.4, 98.0%available)
Only Logan Thompson and Igor Shesterkin have earned more fantasy points in the fold than Semumper Since the calendar turned to 2025, because De La -NetMinder has settled in a rhythm for the defensive fixed kings. Oh, what is this? The kings also quickly get their best defender back in the form of veteran Drew Doughty? Pack Kuemper if it is still available in your competition.
New Jersey Devils in 52 games (four last week):
Jacob Markstrom (Crease Share Season/Week: 68.5%/12.8%, Fantasy Points Season/Week: 103.2/-0.8, 12.3%Available)
Jake Allen (Crease Share Season/Week: 31.5%/87.2%, Fantasy Points season/Week: 26.6/9.4, 86.1%available)
Markstrom's knee injury is devastating from a fantasy perspective, but All Has played properly enough in his absence. The playing time for a strong offensive club is sufficient to add all as a possible replacement until Markstrom is back, hopefully at the beginning of March.
Ottawa Senators in 50 games (five last week):
Linus Ullmark (Crease Share Season/Week: 43.0%/DNP, Fantasy Points Season/Week: 67.2/DNP, 17.4% available)
Anton Forsberg (Crease Share Season/Week: 33.7%/64.2%, Fantasy Points season/Week: 16.2/6.4, 99.0%available)
Leevi Merilainen (Crease Share Season/Week: 20.2%/35.8%, Fantasy points season/Week: 42.6/7.6, 89.3%available)
The status of Ullmark remains daily and it is unclear what the Sens will do on his return, but in the meantime, Sea Is in fourth place among goalkeepers for fantasy points in January.
Philadelphia Flyers in 51 games (four last week):
Samuel Erson (Crease Share Season/Week: 48.7%/76.3%, Fantasy Points Season/Week: 45.6/9.8, 77.7%Available)
Ivan Fedotov (Crease Share Season/Week: 25.8%/23.7%, Fantasy Points Season/Week: -4.0/-1.2, 99.3%Available)
Aleksei Kolosov (Crease Share Season/Week: 25.5%/DNP, Fantasy Points Season/Week: -12.6/DNP, 99.9% Available)
Don't look now, but only seven goalkeepers have more fantasy points in the last 30 days than Erson. With the Washington Capitals, Avalanche and recently hot New York island residents among the six races on the slate for the flyers before the fracture of the 4 nations, it might be best to put Erson on the couch and then reconsider his effort.
Toronto Maple Leafs in 50 games (three last week):
Joseph Woll (Crease Share Season/Week: 51.2%/66.7%, Fantasy Points season/Week: 68.0/3.6, 32.5%available)
Anthony Stolarz (Crease Share Season/Week: 32.7%/DNP, Fantasy Points Season/Week: 60.0/DNP, 51.7% available)
Dennis Hildreby (Crease Share Season/Week: 12.1%/33.3%, Fantasy points season/Week: -0.6/-5.2, 99.6%available)
We get close Carpenter's Expected return date of a knee injury. Maybe the Leafs let him recover through the 4 nations, but he is worthwhile to come back to gratings. Even with so much time, he has almost as many fantasy points as Woll.
Washington Capitals in 49 games (three last week):
Logan Thompson (Crease Share Season/Week: 54.6%/33.5%, Fantasy Points season/Week: 123.8/6.0, 11.3%available)
Charlie Lindgren (Crease Share Season/Week: 45.4%/66.5%, Fantasy Points season/Week: 43.2/12.0, 51.2%available)
Hopefully Thompson will not spend a long -term contract with the dynamics between him and Lindgren Washington has made that a powerhouse. The team gave Lindgren a few consecutive starts on his return of an injury, but we will see if these two are setting up again in a 50-50 split … Not that it was a burden for their fantasy value.
Power-Play Notes
Alexis Lafreniere enlighten the lamp
Alexis Lafreniere enlighten the lamp
Alexis Lafreniere, LW, New York Rangers (Available in 31.3%): It can be worth the Rangers, while the Chris Kreider switches from the top playing. The unit has recently worked better with Lafrenire, with 5.91 shot attempts per two minutes (SAP2) and four goals in 10:09 during the last 10 games, versus 5.26 SAP2 and two goals in 13:18 with Kreider.
Matt Grzelcyk, D, Pittsburgh Penguins (Available in 94.6%): Speaking of shot attempt differences, Grzelcyk is a much better option for the penguins than Erik Karlsson lately. In the last 10 games, the top unit has 5.52 SAP2 and three goals with Grzelcyk, only 2.13 SAP2 and only one goal with Karlsson.
Adam Fantilli, C, Columbus Blue Jackets (Available in 75.9%): With news that Sean Monahan will be released until the end of March because of his wrist injury, Fantilli has just got much more runway to perform if the Blue Jackets no. 1 center. The Power Play has been in silence, but it could come back at any time with Zach Werenski about to be about.
Marco Rossi, C, Minnesota Wild (Available in 19.9%): With news that Kirill Kaprizov will be put aside for another month, Rossi can continue his time at the top of the Power-Play unit. There is just not enough room for him if everyone is healthy. This puts him back on track for fantasy value, because the boost of the advantage is what helped to keep it in the mix.
It is interesting that I have chosen to emphasize the steep fall in Necas output in this room last week. Of course I advised him to drive him into an exchange to try to use part of the value from his first 26 games of the season (2.97 FPPG), and noted that he had since been a drain on fantasy grilles about the Next 21 games (1.11 FPPG).
It seems that the hurricanes were also looking for part of that holdover value by acting for Rantanen for Rantanen, a trade that we all wish that we could have made in Fantasy on December 5 when it was in the field of possibility. Now Necas can ride the shotgun with one of the top three offensive catalysts in the NHL and should be a top pick -up for fantasy teams. What a difference makes a week!
Sam Bennett, C, Florida Panthers (Roasted in 84.8%): Moving to the third rule does not have access to the teammates he needs to achieve fantasy reporting. His 1.8 Fantasy points per game (FPPG) are generally 1.04 FPPG about his last 20 games.
Morgan Rielly, D, Toronto Maple Leafs (Roasted in 72.7%): Even with John Tavares and Matthew Knies injured, the Leafs still found a way to build their top Power-Play unit with five attackers. Rielly is valid here on the outside and is roasted in too many competitions.
Matvei Michkov, RW, Philadelphia Flyers (Roasted in 51.4%): Playing in the lower six, Michkov is on average 0.98 FPPG in its last 20 outings. He should not be on gratings in Redraft competitions at this stage.
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