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NSF cancels grant exams to comply with Trump Eos

NSF cancels grant exams to comply with Trump Eos



On Monday, the National Science Foundation confirmed to Inside Higher Ed that she had canceled all the review meetings of the subsidy that she had scheduled for this week. The decision has only occurred a few days after President Donald Trump issued a temporary freeze on the subsidies of subsidies at the National Institutes of Health, increasing scientists fear that funding delays to threaten research.

In an email, an NSF spokesperson said that all examination panels will be postponed to a future date, if necessary, to allow the independent federal agency to make the best use of time and everyone's resources while we continue to develop advice to ensure compliance with the recent recent orders. Like the NIH, the NSF provides billions of research funds to colleges and universities every year.

The NSF has not answered specific questions about the management orders that work to comply while the grant exams are on a break. A week after his second term, Trump has already published a series of decrees, including one with a directive aimed at terminating grants or contracts related to actions. Last week, the director of the NSF, Sethuraman Panchanathan, sent a memo to the staff announcing the closure of the agencys office of the main diversity and inclusion agent and plans to end all the related contracts at the Deia in accordance with Trumps decrees. These programs are considered to divide the Americans by race, wasting the dollars of taxpayers and leading to discrimination, he said.

Late Monday evening, the White House management and budget office ordered all heads of department and agency to suspend any federal financial aid, including subsidies and loans, before 5 p.m. today. This includes financial assistance for foreign aid, non -governmental organizations, Dei, awakening gender ideology and Green New Deal, according to the directive.

Grant's criticisms only discovered Monday morning by e-mail that their sessions were canceled for the day. Our NSF examination committee was canceled 11 minutes before starting this morning after everyone has already done the job without any indication of a reprogrammable, a self-identified social science teacher published on Reddit on Monday morning. This is just an opinion for those waiting for NSF grant decisions.

Agents of the NSF program sent an email to the revisers later in the afternoon, indicating that the other weeks of the dozens of sessions were also canceled, noting in at least one of these emails that these are all the information that we have.

But the absence of more details has not stopped chatting online on Monday on what is happening behind the scenes and what it could mean for the future of research funded by the NSF. And some researchers speculate that the break on NSF subsidies can be part of the anti-DED crusade of new administrations.

It is partly because of the wider impact section of an NSF subsidy request, which forces candidates to explain how their research benefits the company. One of these larger impacts that a proposal can have is to broaden participation in the STEM, which is currently one of the agency priorities. To get there, the NSF website says that it is necessary to solve the problems of equity, inclusion and access in the education, training and careers of STEMs.

Although a teacher, who has identified himself as a scientist for a research-1 institution, published on Reddit that he believes that it is very unlikely that the wider impact assessment disappears entirely, a Another outline, of course, but you are betting on this administrator using a scalpel to eliminate Dei rather than simply taking a Bi hammer more generally?

An NSF subsidy examiner affiliated to the university, which asked to remain anonymous, told Inside Higher Ed in an email that they also feared that the change in measurement of the evaluation measures of NSF subsidies cannot disadvantage The proposals submitted before Trump took up his functions which referenced equity or inclusion in the larger impact section of the application. In order to carry out an equitable and honest examination, they wrote, any modification made to the requirements of the request should only apply to the newly subject proposals.

If changes should occur at this stage of the process to reduce the score of proposals that target this objective, it is likely that many proposals (if not all) will include a language linked to the inclusion and diversification of STEM staff, said the reviewer. This can lead to years of lost funding. These are the concerns that many researchers who submitted their proposals months ago share.

Cancellations and delays in the financing of subsidies have the potential not only to block scientific research, but also of the careers of scientists.

Researchers at the start of their careers particularly need funds to support their research and get the mandate, said the reviewer. Certain universities even include grant funds within the framework of their decisions related to promotion and mandate.

Without more federal advice, other members of the University Research Community are waiting to see what is happening after the NSF and NIHS subsidy exams which should resume on Saturday.

Hopefully this is just a slight break and that people resume well on February 1, said Sarah Spreitzer, vice-president and chief of staff to government relations at the American council on education. If it is a short break until February 1, it will be OK. If it goes much further than that, I think I was going to have major problems.




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