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Bird flu is infected with wild and inverted garden animals in Massachusetts, but human risk remains low.

Bird flu is infected with wild and inverted garden animals in Massachusetts, but human risk remains low.



Massachusett's poultry farmers have taken extra precautionary measures for bird flu after several cases have been reported between wild and backyards in the state.

Authorities suspect that the virus will lead to bird death at Premas, Boston, and Umass Amaster Campus. The Massachusetts State Fisheries Wildlife Bureau said that preliminary positive cases have been reported elsewhere.

Bird flu, which is scientifically known as H5N1, is mainly infected with wild birds and may be difficult to contain. The occurrence between wildlife in the Bilington Sea in Premas was killed

More than 60 Canadian gangs, swans, ducks
。 Authorities have warned local people to leave the sick birds and dead birds to keep the birds in the backyard.

Surrounded for “foreseeable future”
To prevent further spread.

“The virus usually happens that wild birds are the airline,” said Ashley Landle, a commissioner of the Massachusetts Agricultural Resources Bureau. “And the way it spreads to domestic poultry is through fecal stools, regardless of whether they have fallen into the water source, feed source, or fall into the backyard.”

Authorities warn the wild and home birds, but they say they have low risk. The Disease Control Prevention Center and the State Public Health Bureau are preparing for viruses and changing. These preparations include protective equipment, test supplies and drug stockpile.

So far, there was

67 Confirmed human cases in the United States
Includes one death by an individual with a fundamental health condition. In Massachusetts, no human case of bird flu has been reported.

Tips for maintaining safety

Avoid contacting the sick or dead wild animals. Humans with long -term contact with sick birds have little risk of infection.

Keep your pets away from sick or dead wildlife. Cats can get serious illness if they come into contact with infected birds and cows, or if they are given infected raw pet food or chicken.

Please confine your home bird.

Local animal management or

Agricultural Resource Bureau

And the authorities emphasize that the risk of H5N1 infected is low due to indirect exposure, but it is generally good to wash shoes when passing through animal feces, such as ducks and gestures. Then say that you will completely wash your hands. Animal feces can carry various bacteria, parasites, and viruses.

Nevertheless, viruses have influenced residents in other ways.

Vincent Frante and his wife, who own a copy -copicat farm in dirt trout, say that this virus is a “great concern for their business.” Couples grow a variety of animals with 67 acres. It contains 15,000 chickens that lay 90 -dozen eggs every day.

“My wife and I have some holes in the hut of the chicken because there are some sparrows that are quite resilient.

Landle said it was one of the best ways for people to protect their birds. She said that the Ministry of Agriculture and Resources has cooperated with public and local governments to announce a message.

Other precautionary measures include disinfection of boots before and after entering the hut, and restricts visitors to some large -scale operations.

If the frale chicken is infected, he can euthanize the entire flock and lose 180 days of poultry growth.

“Farmers, they are resilience, but this is difficult. We will do our best as much as possible,” he said. “If the worst scenario happens, I think it will be quite catastrophic for our farm.”

For some farmers, this occurrence reminds them

Occurrence of nationwide bird flu in 2022
。 Nancyhabird, a fifth -generation farmer in Princeton's Havad Farm LLC, has stopped breeding chicken due to its occurrence.

“When the flu came for the first time, we decided it was the best. [because] We raised their own birds, so we raised meat chickens, “Havad said. “If they were in the flu -slaughter place, they would have to throw them all … we would have lost the whole flock.”

Bird flu also affects consumers. Food shops are difficult to stock eggs on the shelves, and the cost is increasing rapidly, and some stores sell eggs nearly one dozen.

Landle said it was affected by many large commercial operators and would ultimately affect egg production.

“It's more than 137 million birds we have lost in food supply, and it contains eggs,” she said.

In 2024, after a bird influenza infection was found in multiple cows, some dairy workers also developed infections. As a result, the Massachusetts State Agricultural Resources Bureau and the Ministry of Public Health have cooperated to test milk from a dairy farm in Massachusetts. They said there was no evidence of cows infected in Massachusetts.




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