Taofik Maya brings 1996 Triumph to Molade Okoya-Thomas Cup-This Daylive again
![Taofik Maya brings 1996 Triumph to Molade Okoya-Thomas Cup-This Daylive again Taofik Maya brings 1996 Triumph to Molade Okoya-Thomas Cup-This Daylive again](
At the age of 64, Taofik Maya likes to recall his victory over Sawo Aiyemojuba to become a singles champion at the Molade Okoya-Thomas Tafelkkampationships Molade Okoya-Thomas and described it as the highlight of his illustrious career.
In the meantime, National Mens-Champions Matthew Muti and Sukurat Aiyelabegan have been named the best seeds in the categories for men and women's singles for the 56th edition of the longest-running table tennis tournament of Africa.
Maya, now head coach at the state of Oyo, expressed his joy about the decision of the family of the late Molade Okoya-Thomas to raise the tournament to a national event.
Most of us who represented Nigeria cannot forget the impact of the tournaments on our career. At the time it was like the Olympic Games of table tennis, with legends such as Atanda Musa, the late Yomi Bankole and Wole Ouffotan. I started competing as a cadet player in the 1980s, and after participating in the tournament I made the Lagos State team for the Bendel 1981 National Sports Festival, which I won. From that year I participated in various editions of the championships, which were dominated by Musa and Bankole.
In 1996, with Musa who had left the country, I defeated Bankole in the semi -final and then beat Aiyemojuba in the final to win the senior title for the first time. Making a National Tournament is a welcome development, and I believe it will help the players and improve the quality of the competition with the best players in the country who participate, Maya enthusiastically.
Since the 56th edition of the tournament arrives day 3 today, Kuti van Lagos is mentioned as the number 1 seed in the men's hiding strokes. He will compete alongside Rivers Jamiu Ayanwale, Kwaras Abdulbasit Abdulfatai, Edos Amadi Omeh and title defender Muiz Adegoke van Lagos.
In the absence of National Womens Singles Champion, Hope Udoaka from Cross River, Kwaras Aiyelabegan has been declared the best seed. She will compete for the main prize against Kabirat Ayoola van Lagos, Aminat Fashola of NSCDC and 9 times champion Bose Odusanya.
The preliminary rounds of the Dove and Para events were concluded yesterday with Paris 2024 Paralympics Bronze medal winner, Isau Ogunkunle, still in the race for the title that dominates his competitions.
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