Junaid Khan is not talking about films with the Imran Khan cousin, says you will find us … | Exclusive

Last update: January 29, 2025, 04:40 Ist
Junaid Khan discusses his equation with the cousin, Imran Khan. He also reacts to mixed gossip that followed his debut in Maharaj.
Junaid Khan is looking forward to the release of Loveyapa.
Junaid Khan shares a fairly narrow link with his Germain cousin, Imran Khan. When the latter made his game with Jaane you Jaane Na, Junaid was 15 years old. And being closer to age, it would be assumed that Imrans as an actor at the end of the 2000s established a precedent for Junaid. However, in an exclusive conversation with News18 Showsha, the actor of Maharaj reveals that he and Imran barely exchange notes on the theater and Bollywood. However, he definitively admitted the stories of I Hate Luv and the simple brother Ki Dulhan.
Raving on Imran, Junaid tells us, he is about ten years older than me. I'm not talking about so many movies at home, especially with Imran. It is like a richness of information. Hell can tell you about most subjects on the planet. Most of the time, you will find us to talk about other things but movies. “For IMRAN, IMRAN always shares a good link with Junaids 'mother and Aamirs' first wife, Reena Dutta, while he was witnessing his father's prayer in October 2024.
Last year, Imran spoke to us exclusively about how conversations in his maternal families house borrowed a different route with everyone now supporting themselves in their mental health trips. Over the past two years, at different times, we have sat down [and talked]. With IRA (Khan) who is starting to really defend awareness of mental health in the past year and I am starting to emerge in the eyes of the public and to talk about my trip, the joke around the house is that whenever time We meet, we speak well mental to be, conscience and healthy patterns, “he told us.
As for Junaid, he is currently preparing at the exit of Loveyapa with Khushi Kapoor. It may be her second outing as an actor, but she marks his first outing on the big screen. Did that, coupled with chatter who followed his first release, putting pressure on him? I don't think. Not everyone will love everything. I liked this film and therefore, I did it. It is actually the third film for which I shot. I don't take too much pressure. As an actor, we all have strengths and weaknesses, which are constantly discovering and working. And as it's a theatrical film, it's a new experience for me and Khushi, “he said.
Quiz it on the way a Bandra boy slipped under the skin of Punjabi speaking Delhite in Loveyapa, and he notices, we had about five or six weeks of rehearsals. Delhi is also a metropolitan city like Mumbai but culturally, they are very different. What probably helped me was the fact that my mother's mother's side is entirely puny. I also have a lot of family extended to Delhi. Apart from that, everything was written in the script and it really helped. I also took a lot of clues from my director. I think that Adit (Chandan) obtains fantastic performances of all its actors and always, whether new actors or seniors. “”
Junaid Khan news films do not talk about films with the Imran Khan cousin, says you will find us … | Exclusive
Sources 2/ https://www.news18.com/movies/junaid-khan-doesnt-talk-about-films-with-cousin-imran-khan-says-youll-find-us-exclusive-9205665.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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