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The UK will not be able to resist China's technology dominance.

The UK will not be able to resist China's technology dominance.



The Chinese lithium ion electric battery is now about one -seven of the costs per kWH. DeepSeek is exactly what China has done elsewhere in AI.

Its influence was best seen in the EVS, but China is now the world's largest export country, a supply chain and a science for battery technology, but much better.

In automobiles, Chinese manufacturers are now promoting the concept of “electric intelligent vehicles” that existing automakers cannot compete with software development.

China's consumer electronics companies are converted into automobile manufacturing with the operation of “Dark Factory”, which operates 24/7 by the Army of the AI ​​driving robot, and is now being made in China.

This country is electrically electricly, and some researchers are called “electrical state.” It now submits 3/4 of all clean technical patents, compared to the early 20s.

Last year, the US National Science Committee argued that the world's best scientific and engineering state was just before the goal of China was achieved. “We are already seeing this in artificial intelligence that China publishes us, we have more patents and produce more students than the United States.”

Earlier this month, the delegation with British Prime Minister Rachel Libs was surprised at how Beijing's air was cleaned, and there were indigenous electric vehicles everywhere. Another CEO in the UK told me for scientists to visit Huawei's Ox Bridge Style Campus with spiers and bridges and tube lines.

But there are certain concerns about censorship, democracy and security. One of the drivers of the Chinese AI industry have access to special amounts of data, which is more difficult in the West.

If the US Congress was sufficient to ban Tiktok, the table topping AI program could be a problem. This morning, President Trump's claim was that DeepSeek's innovation was “positive” and “morning call.” China was not noticeable as the first goal of Trump tariffs.

The British government still has obvious balance measures. But this kind of innovation and the impact on the world was the reason why the minister visited Beijing two weeks ago.

She said she wanted a long -term relationship with China. In addition to the visit to the “promise to explore deeper economic cooperation” between Prime Minister Keir Starmer and the XI president, he said he wanted a square in national interests.

Other European countries, such as Spain, recommended China to establish a factory, for example, to move advanced battery technology to Europe.

In the west, China wants to create a T -shirt, table, TV and EV. But can it actually expand to Data Hungry AI model? It is a deep progress not only in technology but also in economics and designated.




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