The new DEEPSEEK and Chatgpt Chatbot answer sensitive questions about China differently
![The new DEEPSEEK and Chatgpt Chatbot answer sensitive questions about China differently The new DEEPSEEK and Chatgpt Chatbot answer sensitive questions about China differently](https://wtop.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/China_DeepSeek_AI_19813-scaled.jpg)
The Chinese technological startup of Hong Kong (AP) The new catbot of artificial intelligence has sparked discussions on competition between …
Chinese technological startup of Hong Kong (AP) In depth The new Chatbot of Artificial Intelligence has sparked discussions on competition between China and the United States in the development of AI, many useful users to test the Openai Chatppt rival.
Deepseeks Ai Assistant was the free application downloaded n ° 1 on the apple iPhone store Tuesday afternoon and its launch made Wall Street's superstars of Wall Street technology. Observers are impatient to see if the Chinese company has twinned the Americas at the head of AI companies with a fraction of the cost.
The ultimate impact of the chatbot on the AI industry is not yet clear, but it seems to censor the answers on sensitive Chinese subjects, a practice commonly observed on Chinese Internet. In 2023, China Regulations issued Oblige companies to carry out a security examination and obtain approvals before their products can be launched publicly.
Here are some answers that the Associated Press received from the new Deepseek chatbot and the chatgpt:
What does Winnie the pooh in China mean?
For many Chinese people, the Winnie the Ooh The character is a playful mockery of President Xi Jinping. Chinese censors in the past have briefly prohibited research on social networks for the bear in continental China.
Chatgpt understood this idea. He said Winnie the Pooh had become a symbol of political satire and resistance, often used to make fun or criticize XI. He explained that Internet users compared XI to the bear due to similarities perceived in their physical appearance.
Deepseek's chatbot said the bear is a beloved cartoon character adored by countless children and families in China, symbolizing joy and friendship.
Then, suddenly, he said that the Chinese government is dedicated to providing a healthy cyberspace to its citizens. He added that all online content is managed under Chinese laws and fundamental socialist values, in order to protect national security and social stability.
Who is the current American president?
It can be easy for many people to answer, but the two IA chatbots wrongly said Joe Biden, the term of which ended last week because they declared that their data had been updated for the Last time in October 2023. But they both tried to be responsible by reminding users to check with updated sources.
What happened during the military repression at Beijing Tiananmen Square in June 1989?
The repression of 1989 saw government troops open fire to pro-democracy demonstrators led by students on Piekin's Tiananmen square, causing hundreds, even thousands of deaths. The event remains A taboo subject in continental China.
The Deepseek chatbot answered, sorry, this goes beyond my current reach. Let's talk about something else.
But Chatgpt gave a detailed answer on what she called one of the most important and most tragic events in modern Chinese history. The chatbot spoke of the background of massive demonstrations, estimated victims and their inheritance.
What is the state of American-Chinese relations?
Deepseek's chatbot response has echoed the official statements of China, saying that the relationship between the two largest economies in the world is one of the most important bilateral relations in the world. He said China is committed to developing links with the United States according to mutual respect and win-win cooperation.
We hope that the United States will work with China to meet halfway, properly manage differences, promote mutually beneficial cooperation and advance health and stable development of China-US relations, he said.
Some of these sentences meet … halfway ”, mutual respect and winning cooperation Press conference 2021.
Chatgpt's response was more nuanced. He said that the state of the American-Chinese relationship is complex, characterized by a mixture of economic interdependence, geopolitical rivalry and collaboration on global issues. He highlighted key subjects, including the tensions of the two countries on the Sea of Southern China and Taiwan, their technological competition and more.
The relationship between the United States and China remains tense but crucial, according to its response.
Is Taiwan part of China?
Still like the official Chinese story, the Deepseek chatbot said it Taiwan is an integral part of China since ancient times. An example of a very similar declaration is found in this government document Posted in 2022.
Compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are bound by blood, jointly engaged in the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the chatbot said.
Chatgpt said that the answer depends on its point of view, while presenting the positions of China and Taiwan and the opinions of the international community. He said that from a legal and political point of view, China affirms that Taiwan is part of its territory and that island democracy operates as a de facto independent country with its own government, economy and military.
The writer Associated Press Ken Moritsugu in Beijing contributed to this story.
Copyright © 2025 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material cannot be published, broadcast, written or redistributed.
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