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No. 5 Ladies hockey takes number 1, beats UW-RIVE falls on the road

No. 5 Ladies hockey takes number 1, beats UW-RIVE falls on the road



River Falls, Wis. The Hockey team of Gustavus Ladies, which this week went to No. 5 and No. 7 in the Diii Hockey News and national rankings, achieved the consensus no. Falls on the road, 3-2.

Gustavus (13-4-0, 8-2-0 Miac) scored a goal in every period and threw a late Falcon Surge, in which the non-conference series 2-1 against River Falls ended (15-3-2, 7- 0-1 Wiac).

The gusts of wind started the first period with a number of opportunities, two of which were in the beating of Urf -target defender Catt Donna. Noelle Hemr (Fy., Blaine, Minn.) Had the first appearance of the game, making a number of River Falls players a movement before he stopped the puck through Donna's legs. Hemr hit the short, but a Falcon defender pushed the puck out of the fold to save Hemr's certain goal. Just a few minutes later, Gianna Gasparini (Jr., Lakeville, Minn.) Rifulated a shot from the pole that hit Donna's back, but was saved again just before he crossed the goal line.

Eva Nelson (Fy., Buffalo, Minn.) Globes gave a 1-0 lead with 15 seconds to play in the first, benefits from a late river Falls penalty. Nelson has set up the Gustie unit, which is in fourth place in NCAA Division III in Power Play Conversion, at the point, a shot from the Blue Line that stood a Falcon player in front and in the net for the fourth-year defender for the Fourth -year -old fourth of the fourth the year and third with the player benefit.

The home team certainly took the ice motivated in the second period and shot the windfalls 32-12, including a figure of 15-4 in Schoten on Doel. First -year Lily Timmons (Stillwater, Minn.), However, was the challenge, saving all 15 attempts, including four on a trio of Falcon Power Plays.

The last minute of playing in the period turned out to be the best of the windfalls, such as Abby Elliott (Sr., Lino Lakes, Minn.) Was able to double the lead with 31 to play in the second. River Falls tried to erase the puck from Donna's network after a rebound of the jet and placed it on the senior defender's stick, who sent her shot in the low left corner for a 2-0 lead at the second break.

One finally passed Timmons 2:09 in the third period, when the Falcons broke in the Gustie Zone on a 2-on-1, where Timmons moved over the fold to cut the lead to an early frame.

Kaitlyn Holland (Sr., Aberdeen, SD) and the Gusties responded and scored the final game winner 5:31 after the Falcon Tally. A long outbreak pass Lily Mortenson (Jr., Champlin, Minn.) Harted his way to the stick of Holland in the Neutral, who ran the river Falls zone undisturbed and hit Donna over her left cushion to renew the lead again.

However, the Falcons were not yet ready, so the shortage was cut back to one goal with only 2:57 to play in the third period after a capitalization of a rebound for Timmons, but an aggressive Gustie Forecheck that was held by the first -year keeper The leadership for the nationally arranged victory, 3-2.

River Falls Out-Shot The Gusties 63-49, including a number of 38-23 in Schoten on Doel. The Gustie Power Play converted with his only chance, while the Falcons stood by the Gustavus Penalty Kill, with 0-out-3 with the player benefit. Faceoffs came to the advantage of the home team, 29-22.

Hemr, who hit the post again in the second period, led her team with eight total shots. Holland had four on goal, while Elliott, hemr, Macy Janssen (SO., Blaine, Minn.) Each added three. Mortenson ended with a few assists to lead the Point production, now with 12 points in her last five games. Timmons saved a career-high 36 shots and defeated her previous marking, also against River Falls, with three saves.

The windfalls, which have now closed the non-conference section of their schedule, return to the game of the conference on Friday, on the way to Blaine for the first match of the house and at home against Bethel (9-7-1, 4-6- 0 Miac). Gustavus organizes the Royals for Alumni Day on Saturday.




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