An earthquake in the homes of the bells, and the nerves across the northeast
![An earthquake in the homes of the bells, and the nerves across the northeast An earthquake in the homes of the bells, and the nerves across the northeast](https://www.insurancejournal.com/img/social/opengraph/ij-social-default-1200x630.png)
An earthquake of 3.8 tons flourished near the coast of the south of Maine in North New England on Monday and felt by the state's residents hundreds of miles away.
The earthquake was held at about 10:22 am on Monday and focused on about six miles (10 km) southeast of York Port in southern Maine. This was reported at a depth of about eight miles (13 km).
The officials said the earthquake could feel every state in New England and away from Pennsylvania. In the south of Maine, many residents reported that they felt that homes and buildings were shaking while suddenly seized a sunny winter morning.
The earthquake and officials in Main and New Hampsuire have been looking forward to assessing any possible damage. In most cases, the population and companies reported confusion about what happened. Many common stories on social media indicate that they initially thought that there was a nearby car accident or perhaps an explosion.
The Mine's Emergency Management Agency asked the population to call only 911 in the event of an emergency. Vanessa Korson, a spokeswoman for the agency, said the earthquake does not seem to cause great damage. Korson also said that local emergency management agencies had not reported any damage.
The Ministry of Safety in New Hampshire said that No. 911 in the state did not receive any calls about damage or injuries.
“We have not received a word about any issues. We talked to the directors in York and the Campeland County, and everything seems fine.”
Justin Wenger, the author of the independent ads working from her home in Scorpuro, said she was writing with a girlfriend when she felt the earthquake. The vibrations lasted about 30 seconds and shook her home. Initially, she thought she was a passing truck, and then feared that her oven would explode until she came out on the deck.
She said, “I was not terrified, but this felt different from natural waste.” “I felt greatly. There was an instinct out of the house.”
The authorities said that the residents who felt that the earthquake could inform it on USGs. The survey on its website said that earthquakes in the center and the eastern parts of the United States are less frequent than they were in Western countries, but they are usually affiliated with a much wider region.
The poll said it is common to have two small earthquakes per year in New England. A slightly stronger earthquake headed in New Jersey, northeast in April.
“People in New England, and in their geological extension south via Long Island, have felt small earthquakes and were damaged by rare damage since colonial times,” according to the survey site.
Mourin Long, head of the Playing Science Department at Yale University, said that the earthquake is approximately 4.0 or slightly higher in size in the northeastern states “is not especially common, but it is not also rare.” A long time was martyred in the April earthquake in New Jersey as an example.
The 2002 earthquake in New York is measured by 5.1. Long said that there was also 4.7 near the Holis Center, Maine, in 2012.
City residents, including Boston and Brovents, Rod Island, have reported that they felt the earthquake.
In Kennebunk, Maine, the headmaster Terry Cooper for Parents confirmed that the employees were looking for schools for any harm and it seems that everything is fine.
“The operations department has examined all the buildings and provincial systems to ensure that they are in a working state and no damage has been discovered,” said Cooper's email.
Casey mentioned from Boston. The Associated Press Press Holly Ramer in Concorde, New Hampshire contributed to this story.
Copyright 2025 Associated Press. All rights reserved. These materials or broadcasts may not be published or redistributed or redistributed.
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Sources 2/ https://www.insurancejournal.com/news/east/2025/01/28/809959.htm The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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