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Hans H. Luik: If Trump fails in peace, he can blame Zelensky

Hans H. Luik: If Trump fails in peace, he can blame Zelensky



After Trump's first victory, it could be argued that the Americans “drove and did not know who they elected”. This time, Electorat knew who they chose to govern America and an impact on the whole world.

Until nobody has the slightest idea, in particular the decapitated American Democrats, our supposition on what is happening is as good as the others.

A democratic strategist says that the American Democrats, in the same way as the whole world, must use the heavyweight boxer Muhammed Ali Tactics. He has just survived the 200 legislative acts of the White House and to the presidential decrees that Donald Trump promulgated from the first day as Ali lengthened the blows of his opponent in two first boxing balls.

American democracy can digest a lot, but the Colombian government must have surrendered. They accepted an American military plane full of illegal Colombian immigrants after Trump's threat to punish the Latin American country with huge commercial tarrifs.

The British kingdom sighed in relief when Donald Trump, in telephone conversation on board presidential planes, called British Prime Minister Starmer to say just a few polite words. Not calling him an idiot, such as Starmer’s Foreign Minister, Lammy and the United Kingdom, Ambassador Mandelson have already called Trump.

Former Putin advisor Andrei Illarionov, resident of Washington, compares Trump's proclamations and decisions to Gorbatschows Perestroika. But Gorby did not push the reforms before slow and careful maneuvers at the Kremlin. Trump projected his will before even moving to the White House.

Former Putin advisor Andrei Illarionov

He launched his weight behind the peace talks of Israel-Hamas, was reported to stop the Americanization of the Chinese media platform Tik-Tok, had an impact on government crises in Canada before its official presidency . Likewise, the United States has stopped withdrawn from the United Kingdom from the British Island of Chagos in the Indian Ocean “because Donald is not going to love him”.

Trump's international rivals also made their movements before the inauguration of the 47th American president. The most mysterious movement was Putin.

During the culmination of Donald Trump's electoral rally against Kamala Harris, the most popular brain television channel in Kremlin, Russia-1, showed naked photos of the current American lady, Melania Trump, as a young model. The Skabeyeva television hoste, a devoted poutinoid, presented the old photos of the GQ magazine as mockery of the Trump's presidential family. Melania Trump says there is nothing wrong with 25 -year -old photos.

US President Donald Trump and US first lady Melania Trump

But after reading Trump's autobiography, we can notice that Russian President Vladimir Putin played a “Donald tour” on Donald. In his book “Art of the Deal”, the real estate developer of the time in New York Trump has proudly revealed his negotiation tactics. Trump likes to embarrass his negotiation partners and shake his opponents.

The use of Kremlin's most popular television channel to insult the family of American counterpart before predictable peace negotiations in Ukraine seemed to be a crazy decision by Putin. Was it?

President Trump is not unrelated to the degradation on the opposite side of difficult negotiations. For example, Mullah Baradar, a Taliban counterpart when negotiating negotiations on the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan, was shown a detailed satellite photo of its family complex. “Think about it,” said Trump.

On the other hand, the security advisor of President Trump, John Bolton, deplored his interview to Delfi that the American president was not interested in the memory of the American intelligence services on Putin on the Air Force One steering wheel for Helsinki for a poutine-trump meeting.

According to John Bolton, the American president preferred to watch and rewind the videos of his own Fox TV appearances.

While the ranks of the opposition of the most powerful democracy in the world, the Democrats in the United States were broken following their spectacular defeat, democracy plays rather between the wings of the winning republican party.

Unlike Donald Trumps to the first mandate, his candidates for state security posts are not unilaterally approved by legislators, because, for example, his security advisor, General Macmaster was at the time.

The vice-president Vance was to express a decisive vote at Capitol Hill necessary to approve the Secretary of Defense Peter Hegseth, a beautiful lower classification soldier. Hegseth is not a defender passionate about Ukrainian freedom. He notably refused to respond when he heard when he heard if he would follow an illegal command if such would be issued by the American president.

Unlike the main European politicians, members of the US government are joined by their generally numerous families to celebrate public appointments. Putin, “traditional values”, never brings her brothers and sisters and her spouse?

President of Russia Vladimir Putin

We, Europeans, have trouble giving meaning to the phenomena of modern American democracy. Certainly, no one asks us too.

We are left to compare the sins for which European leaders lose their jobs, such as the cocovable garden of Boris Johnson, with Donald Trump's refusal to accept the official result of the US elections of January 6, 2021. European courts Could they have failed to have heard of what American investigators saw Trump's coup? Well, this week, these investigators from the US Ministry of Justice have lost their jobs.

In addition, our electorate would not forgive the spectacular changes of our Prime Ministers in which Donald Trump has changed his position towards Chinese Tik-Tok, electric vehicles and cryptocurrency. The President of the United States, we recall, is the United States Prime Minister. Again, American ways are not for us to judge.

But the American crypto and the bank circles were shocked by the publication of Donald and Melania of Personal Crypto-Monnaies Trump and Melania. Mr. and Mrs. Potus used their positions to create several billion dollars of value from thin air.

Trump's net value climbed at levels he had never won in business.

In truth, we do not know exactly how Mr. Trump won in real estate. Indeed, we have never seen his tax reports which he promised his first presidential rally to publish “as soon as they are audited”. These New York listeners seem to be very deepened and slow in their work in European opinion.

It was Anthony Scaramucci, one of the many former advisers of the American president (the career of Scaramucci to the White House was the shortest), who stressed the question of national security with Trump-Coin. Among many critical voices of the cryptographic community generally Trumpist, Scaramucci is the most alarming.

Trump Coin

Scaramucci said the American president had created a cryptographic vehicle to accept anonymous foreign donations as payment of political favors, quickly adding “in theory”.

He himself a dedicated crypto banker and crypto guy, Scaramucci detailed his warning: no one can detect who is behind the IP addresses which buy Trump corners, 80% of which belong to the American president and his entourage.

Us Legacy Media has revealed large transactions between the Trump family and the family members of Turkish President Erdogan. The New York Times found links between President Trump's financial and political favors in Turkey. If it is true, this type of ladle transaction would be easy to cover in a cryptographic environment.

In addition, American Legacy Media made himself easy to ignore, because they obtained their analyzes and their predictions on the result of the last presidential election of the United States, just as they had time before.

Our media here, as well as the media in Ukraine, have also risked its reputation in previous months by publishing wild assumptions about how Trump is or will not solve the most important problem of future Europe the result of war in Ukraine.

Donald Trump plays poker. Why do we assume that he shows his cards before sitting with Vladimir Putin?

The closest predictions that we prove of those who have experience with Trump face to face. Like the interview with former security advisor John Bolton in Delfi. Bolton said that Donald Trump's main instinct was to emerge as a winner. So, if he fails to succeed with Putin, hell finds a scapegoat to blame. This could well be the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky. By speculating more, even the American president lacks gravity to calm a militant macho like Putin. Trump will need China by his side. Ideally, Trump has raised the ban on the United States of Tiktok for 75 days as a favor of potential exchange for crunch.

Chinese President Xi Jinping

Finally, does anyone in Europe have an idea of ​​the meaning of the slogan that decided from the American elections, Maga = Making America Great again?

In what sense the United States, the world leaders in science, finance, technology and soldiers, are already excellent?

PS The Russians proposed to “have Maga” made in a place known for the history of Gulag prison camps, the Russian city of the East called Magadan = Maga finished.

PPS In this case, American expressions must be understood in the American context. By making America great, American voters simply mean more money and more jobs for Americans. Who will create these jobs? Our own European manufacturers will do so. The German economy experienced 5 years of decline. Just an index of commercial prices for the largest German export market, the United States, will force German car manufacturers to produce within American borders.

Ppps The motorhome of this Arctic must admit that there would be no way for him to take an interest in selfish flows of boasting in the shape of a rap, even called the Donald. But it is the American president elected twice speaking. Do not use many words, too “beautiful” and “super” will do the trick. Otherwise, “stupid” is practical.

The Merkel Chancellor has never used such a vocabulary when she hurt the generation of German electrical energy by closing nuclear stations, thus ruining German exports and has reduced the German army to almost nothing. Stupid or not?




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