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Tennis legend Anna Kournikova creates great concern in the first public appearance in more than two years

Tennis legend Anna Kournikova creates great concern in the first public appearance in more than two years



Tennis icon Anna Kournikova has fueled great health fear after being seen in a wheelchair.

The 43-year-old retired tennis player, who reached world no. 8, was not seen in two years.

And Kournikova, who has been with her old partner Spanish singer Enrique Iglesias for more than two decades for more than two decades, worried about fans when she appeared in Miami again at the weekend.

The Russian, who retired from Tennis in 2003, was seen on Saturday in a wheelchair in Bal Harbor, a luxurious shopping center in the Floridian City.

Kournikova was depicted with a one -ratortic boot on her foot, which suggests that she recently suffered an injury.

She was accompanied by her two daughters, Lucy, 7, and Mary, 4, which she shares with the Grammy Award winner Iglesias, as well as some friends.

Anna Kournikova fueled great health fear after she was seen in a wheelchair

Anna Kournikova fueled great health fear after she was seen in a wheelchair

The tennis legend was noticed and around Atral Harbor, a shopping center, in Miami

The tennis legend was noticed and around Atral Harbor, a shopping center, in Miami

Kournikova reached a career-high world no. 8 in Singles

In 2002 she was elected the world's sexiest woman

The tennis player, once voted for the sexiest woman in the world, reached a career-high world no. 8

Kournikova was dressed in a completely black sweat suit and sunglasses and wore her long blonde locks back in a messy sandwich.

On one photo Kournikovas could be seen pink finger wrapped in a pink band help.

Kournikova mentioned it on her career in May 2003 after winning 16 career titles in the Doubles game.

She reached a career-high ranking of number 1 in Doubles after winning the Australian Open alongside partner Martina Hingis.

Kournikova enjoyed less success in the singles and was unable to win in a title. However, she reached the semi -final of Wimbledon in 1997 and only became the second woman in the open era to reach the semi -final during her debut on SW19. She lost to final championships.

She was forced into an early retirement of just 21 years old after a series of injuries, mainly back problems.

Kournikova also enjoyed the spotlight away from the field and collected fame as a model. In 2002 she was named the world's sexiest woman, in which she defeated the will of Britney Spears and Jennifer Lopez and was also recognized as the sexiest female tennis player of all time in 2010.

It was because of her off-Court efforts that she met her now partner. Kournikova and Iglesias, the son of the Spanish singer and former football player Julio Iglesias, started dating in 2001 after appearing in his music video for 'Escape'.

On one photo Kournikova's Sanged-Up Pinky Finger was shown wrapped in a pink band help

On one photo Kournikova's Sanged-Up Pinky Finger was shown wrapped in a pink band help

The former world no. 8 was depicted with an orthopedic boot on her right foot

The former world no. 8 was depicted with an orthopedic boot on her right foot

The Russian, who was not seen in two years, was with her two daughters Lucy and Mary

The Russian, who was not seen in two years, was with her two daughters Lucy and Mary

Kournikova was dressed in a completely black sweat suit and sunglasses

Kournikova was dressed in a completely black sweat suit and sunglasses

The Tennis Star Modeland wore her long blonde locks back in a sandwich

The Tennis Star Modeland wore her long blonde locks back in a sandwich

They welcomed three children together, including twins Lucy and Nicholas, as well as Mary. However, the greatest mystery about their relationship is whether the couple bound the knot or not.

The 'Bailando' singer has previously insisted that he was not concerned about getting married, but went to Kournikova as 'my wife'.

When he was asked in 2012 to refer to Anna as his' wife ', he clarified:' It was just meant to be sweet at the moment. I really didn't intend to confuse people. I thought it would be easier for the public to understand than if I said, “My girl.”

“I never really thought that the marriage would make a difference. Maybe it's because I come from divorced parents, but I don't think you love someone more because of a piece of paper.

“And nowadays it's not a taboo to have children and not to get married. What makes a difference is that you are a good parent, period. '

In the meantime, the brother of Iglesias, Julio JR, may have accidentally let their relationship status slip in an interview in 2023 about the Spanish program Y Ahora Sonsoles.

“My mother saw me get married, my sister Chbbeli get married, she saw Ana get married … Enrique didn't have a big wedding,” he said casually, referring to his mother Isabelpreysler.

After he stepped away from tennis, Kournikova has established itself in family life with both she and Iglesias who retain a relatively low profile.

The retired tennis star has been with old partner Enrique Iglesias for two decades

The retired tennis star has been with old partner Enrique Iglesias for two decades

The couple met on the set of the Spanish singer's video clip for his hit 'Escape' in 2001

The couple met on the set of the Spanish singer's video clip for his hit 'Escape' in 2001

Kournikova and Iglesias share three children, Twinslucy and Nicholas, 7, and Mary, 4,

Kournikova and Iglesias share three children, Twinslucy and Nicholas, 7, and Mary, 4,

While the former tennis star has kept her life out of the spotlight, the singer-songwriter has been more open about their family life.

“I relax at home with the children, enjoying them to take them to school and see them grow,” he said 40 Music Awards during the 2024.

'I have twins who are six and a girl who is four, so they grow so fast every day.

“I want to enjoy that. They are already adults in 24 hours. '

The couple is currently sharing a house in Miami, where they raise their three children.

Before Anna became involved with Enrique, Anna had a long -term relationship with professional ice hockey player Pavel Bure.




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