How to protect yourself and your pet from bird flu
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As Surse of respiratory infections In the United States, experts are concerned about the Trump administration order for all federal health agencies to stop public communication until February.
Spread Bird flu The virus is especially surprising because it keeps cleaning more chicken, ducks, and cows.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has updated bird influenza advisory pages since communication freeze. Shira Delon, Maryland, Chief infection management in Boston's TUFTS Medicine. The agency has also updated the case count web page Because communication is freezed.
Currently, 67 bird flu human cases have been reported in Japan, and there is no spread from viruses to humans.
Doron pointed out that local and state health departments still collect new data and share them with CDCs. “If the occurrence occurs in the area, the public -consuming category will be informed to the residents,” she said.
In the meantime, what you need to know about reducing the risk of your pet bird flu is as follows.
How to protect yourself from bird flu
Bird flu, also known as bird influenza or influenza A (H5N1), has spread all over the world since the 1990s. Before the suspension of communication, the CDC stated that the risk of bird flu to the general public remained low.
According to the CDC, take the following steps to reduce the risk of bird flu.
- Avoid closely contact with wild birds
- If you need to contact illness or dead animals directly, wear a personal protective equipment (PPE).
- Do not drink raw milk or eat raw milk. This is because it may contain bird influenza virus. The low -temperature sterilization process kills viruses and other pathogens that can cause illness.
- Get seasonal influenza shots: Bird flu infection cannot be prevented, but both infectious diseases can reduce the risk of getting sick at once.
Another reason for taking influenza vaccines is to protect themselves from seasonal influenza, as well as the CDC to test the hospital for inpatients with birds fluenza influenza symptoms before the appointment of the Biden administration. That is. Dr. Delon states that the test may take several days to be hospitalized alone until the result is known. “Influenza shots can help you protect you because you get sick and have influenza symptoms.”
What should I do if your pet looks sick?
Home pets can also get sick with bird flu. The cat seems to be susceptible to bird flu because dozens of cats died of raw pet food and drinking. Raw milk Polluted with virus.
In accordance with this, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will release guidance for pet food makers to “re -analyze the food safety plan” so that H5N1 is included as a potential danger. The agency also advised the pet owner to thoroughly cook raw meat before nurturing pets. Also, outdoor animals must hunt and eat wild birds.
If your pet shows symptoms such as fever, lethargic, loss of appetite, inflammation, dyspnea, excretion from eyes and nose, trembling, seizures, coordination, or blindness. , You need to contact the veterinarian.
Where can I see the bird flu update?
Federal government health agencies can follow the research center of the update of bird flu during the freezing of communication. Amesh Adalja, MDJohns Hopkins Bloomberg Public Health Agency at the Health Security Center.
Adalja recommends researching infectious diseases and pursuing policy centers Web site And Johns Hopkins Center innovation for outbreak correspondence Keep it in the latest state.
What does this mean to you?
The latest information on bird flu during the federal health agency communication freeze is dependent on reliable research centers like the Infectious Diseases Research Center and John's Hopkins' outbreak -compatible innovation.
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