Live update: Oregon data, test lag as COVID-19 cases increase
Oregon and other parts of the United States can be long waited until a suitable, fast and cheap test for conavirus is found.
“I think the accuracy of the test is pretty good. The speed at which the test results are obtained and the cost of the test vary from region to region,” said Dr. Dawn Nord, Medical Director of Infection Prevention at OHSU Doernbecher Children’s Hospital. “But at the moment, the barriers are really the supply chain, which fluctuates with demand. And in fact, demand can slow down testing.”
Talking about the various tests available and the competition to develop vaccines, Nolt estimates that it will take more than six months before Americans have access to a wide, fast, and inexpensive test.
Relation: A good, fast and cheap COVID-19 test? It’s almost on the way.
The Oregon Department of Corrections confirmed Friday that a second prisoner died of a coronavirus while in custody of his agent.
The Snake River correctional facility, a prison in Ontario, reported Wednesday to DOC, Oregon, that an unnamed man between the ages of 60 and 70 died in the facility’s clinic.
The Oregon DOC said it had postponed issuing press releases until it received the COVID-19 test results for the prisoners. These results returned positive on Friday.
According to the DOC, like other custodial deaths, Oregon police have been notified and prosecutors have identified the cause of death for men.
Relation: Oregon Department of Corrections reports death of second prisoner due to COVID-19
Oregon Governor Kate Brown detailed mask rules for state employees on Friday.
In accordance with the rules, people should wear face covers or face shields, both in private and public offices, where it is not possible to keep 6 feet away from others, such as bathrooms, corridors, elevators, break rooms, etc. There is. If you need to verify someone’s identity, such as interacting with a bank or law enforcement agency, you can easily remove the face cover.
According to a study that tested residents of Oregon for antibodies to the new coronavirus, the official COVID-19 case numbers in Oregon are too small to be considered accurate. The study was conducted by the Oregon Department of Health and was published as a field note in the Weekly Morbidity and Mortality Report of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Since the survey period ended two months ago, the report does not provide much detail on the number of people exposed to COVID-19 in Oregon as of today.
“Since then, we’ve had a lot of cases,” said Paul Cieslak, OHA scientist and research author. “The current estimate of cumulative cases in Oregon is close to 2.5%.”
The size of the sample is so small that Cieslak cautioned against using it to determine the number of people with COVID-19 in Oregon. “There is only one data point.”
Relation: Research shows too few official COVID-19s in Oregon
The Oregon Health Department reported an estimated 323 newly confirmed cases of COVID-19 on Friday, including 52 in Multnomah County. The second highest number of cases was in Marion County, with 49 new cases reported. In additional cases, the state totals 22,613.
Oregon reported two coronavirus-related deaths, reaching a total of 385 people since the beginning of the pandemic.
State authorities also reported the occurrence of 22 cases of COVID-19 in the Columbia Basin onions in Umatilla County. The number of cases includes everyone involved in the outbreak, including employees, family members, and other close contacts.
The Oregon Department of Health launched an outbreak investigation on August 1st, when the initial number of cases at that time was below the open standard.
Officials in Clark County, Washington, announced that an additional 38 tested positive for COVID-19, killing one (the underlying symptoms were unknown in their 70s). According to the county’s Department of Public Health, 2,219 Clark County residents have tested positive, with 43 deaths since the pandemic outbreak.
Across the state, the latest available data confirmed that Washington had 66,139 COVID-19 cases and 1,755 deaths.
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