NBA-financed saliva-based coronavirus test, NBPA receives urgent approval from FDA
The US Food and Drug Administration issued an emergency permit on Saturday to allow public use of the saliva-based test for coronavirus, which was developed at Yale University and funded by the NBA and the National Basketball Association.
Known as SalivaDirect, this test is designed for public screening. According to expert sources, the cost per sample could be as low as around $4, but the cost to the consumer could probably be higher, and in some cases around $15 or $20. is.
Ale conducted a saliva test on a group of NBA players and staff to return to play in the league and compared the results with a nasal swab test performed by the same group. Results were almost universally consistent, according to published studies that had not yet been peer-reviewed.
Andrew Brooks, a major coronavirus saliva test that was developed at a laboratory at Rutgers University and received the same FDA clearance in mid-April will cost individual consumers up to $150. Rutgers Associate Professor and Chief Operating Officer of RUCDR Infinite Biologics, the laboratory behind the test. You can take the Rutgers test at home and get your results returned in 24-48 hours.
Some NBA teams used the Rutgers test in June, and Brooks said some sports teams are still using it. These teams send saliva samples to one of several labs, including the Rutgers lab in New Jersey, and are approved to manage the tests, adding time and cost.
Nathan Grubaugh, an associate professor of epidemiology at Yale University and one of two senior authors, has joined Anne Wyllie with the League and Players Union-funded Yale Test if they have gone through the necessary certification process. Is easy enough to use in any lab. , Associate researcher in epidemiology behind saliva research. Consumers drip saliva into thin tubes. Depending on the proximity of the lab, consumers can return results within hours, and definitely within 24 hours, Grubeau said.
The Yale test eliminates one tedious and costly step (RNA extraction from a sample) that is central to the nasal swab and Rutgers tests. Early in the pandemic, scientists warned about supply chain bottlenecks and the lack of equipment needed to extract RNA.
According to both Brooks and Grubaugh, the extraction gives clearer and more reliable results.
“(Yale test) Sensitivity goes down a bit, but you get speed, which can be up to 10 times cheaper,” Grubaugh said. The Yale test replaces the extraction step with the introduction of reagents (chemicals mixed with saliva samples) and a short heating process that releases the viral genome. The team found successful results using commonly available reagents. This means that any lab can implement the Yale protocol.
“My goal is not to test athletes,” said Gourbeau. “It’s not my target population. My target population is everyone. There was concern about partnering with the NBA when everyone else needed testing. But the simple answer was After all, it was the NBA to do all this testing anyway, so why not partner with them and make something for everyone?”
The NBA, Yale, and Players Association are not willing to take royalties from using test methods, said Gourbeau and others. The NBA and trade unions donated a total of over $500,000 to fund Yale University activities, sources told ESPN.
Andy Slavit, acting deputy manager for the Medicare and Medicaid Service Centers during the Obama administration, circulated the Yale results to former FDA members in hopes of leading to a faster approval of emergency use, he said. And others said.
“I helped make sure that the right people in the White House were aware of the importance of testing, and I did the rest myself,” Slavitt told ESPN’s Adrian Wojnarowski. Slavitt is part of a working group of virus experts including several sports scientists and the NBA League Office.
“My interest was to help with low-cost, scalable testing that could change games across the country,” Slavitt said. “We didn’t get leadership from where we needed it, but it’s great to see the NBA emerge.”
The origins of the Yale-NBA partnership occurred in early April, and the Gourbeau-Yale team found that saliva tests performed on coronavirus patients and health care workers were as accurate as nasal swab tests. Announced a preliminary survey showing. “This was a very important paper,” said Martin Burke, a professor of chemistry at the University of Illinois and whose team developed a similar direct saliva test. “I was inspired.”
Illinois is currently testing tens of thousands of faculty members. Burke said they are going to test people twice a week.
When Yale University announced its first findings in April, NBA League Office staff and league-wide sports scientists would call the lab and search the literature for cheap and easy access for players. I was looking for clues on how to develop tests quickly. League and team officials also knew of the criticism they received when they were scarce in the early stages of the pandemic and were keen to do something for the wider public good.
One of the team officers-Robby Sikka, Vice President of Basketball Performance and Technology Minnesota Timberwolves -I came across an ale and sent an email to Grubaugh.
“There were a lot of weird demands, but this was the best,” Gourbeau said. “I saw Timberwolves in the subject, so I asked, “What the hell is that?”
Two connected. The study soon arrived at the desk of NBA senior vice president David Vice, a key figure in the Coronavirus-enabled league, including the formation of the bubble at the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando.
“Many sports leagues and large organizations were thinking, “OK, I shut it down. What should I do?”, said Grubaugh. “We will always have to test our population-players-if we want to play again. How can we do that?”
The Yale Institute did not have its own test at the time. It used preexisting tests to measure the accuracy of saliva tests. Sikka and the League pitched the idea of building one, and the NBA and player union proposed funding it.
“I hesitated,” said Gourbeau. “We are doing research. We are not the developers of diagnostics, but this was an opportunity. They funded it. Anyway it’s a crazy time for everyone. I studied mosquitoes.”
When players returned to the team market in April and May, the League called on volunteers to undergo a saliva test-the same group for the purpose of comparing results with the nasal swab test. A Yale University study showed that the results were close to universal agreement between the tests.
Professor Rutgers, Brooks, expressed skepticism about the scalability of Yale/NBA testing. The test still requires a lab to buy expensive molecular test machines. According to Brooks, the lab that manages the test is also responsible for the large batch of data collection and storage. He also repeated that RNA extraction was more accurate.
“Everyone wants to do it faster and at a cheaper price, but they also need a level of responsibility,” Brooks said.
On the Orlando NBA campus, the league still uses nasal swabs for players, coaches, and staff.
According to sources, the possibility of quick returns, cheap and manageable saliva testing could impact the structure of the 2020-21 NBA season. The return to normality-the team moving to the 28 domestic market, the presence of fans of some token count to offset the loss of revenue-relies on the test being readily available. Experts said this could be a step.
Yale University and the NBA have already spoken to laboratories across the country about using robotics technology to speed up testing, sources said. Both parties are interested in the possibility of pool saliva testing-combining samples from multiple people and testing them together. (A positive test requires a separate test.)
“Through some miracles, this will work,” Gourbeau said. “It’s responsive. It’s cheap. And now it’s got approval. I’m not sure how we’ve been here since April.”
Adrian Wojnarowski of ESPN contributed to this report.
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