Unconventional DNC 2020 in Milwaukee will be a ‘Hollywood production’
Gwen Moore is getting ready for her close-up.
And it can be brief and to the point, like everything else in the largely virtual Democratic National Convention, which takes place Monday through Thursday in Milwaukee and across the country.
The Democratic MP will be among the very few speakers inside the Wisconsin Center.
“Omigod, I have like a whole minute,” Moore said cheerfully of his role as Monday’s speech. “I think they’re trying to cut down on my speech! I’ve had a lot of training (keep the comments short) as a congressman. I welcome people. It’s my job. Open things up.
Moore and others helped Milwaukee land the convention.
But the coronavirus pandemic has dashed Milwaukee’s hopes for a full-scale event, leaving it as the anchor for a convention where delegates sit at home and national ticket, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, will accept their appointments in Wilmington, Delaware.
Even Tuesday’s call to the States, which will confirm Biden’s appointment, has been adapted. It will contain both live and recorded material as the votes of 57 state and territory delegations are compiled.
So what is left? And will millions of people want to watch it on TV or online?
Moore’s reply: Why not watch?
“It will be a merged Hollywood production,” she said. “I think they might be curious. It’s the most important election in people’s lives. I think people really feel like it’s 1789 again. I just think we are. We were going to try to capture that feeling during our convention and really convince people that they have to take their destiny into their own hands. “
Rewrite the script
The work of staging the convention has been going on for over a year. And all plans that were in place were thrown out as the COVID-19 health crisis forced change after change, to push the event back a month, to tell delegates not to travel, to abandon plans to use the Fiserv Forum to reduce the physical event in Central Wisconsin.
The main convention program runs from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. Central time during the holidays.
“It will be different than ever,” said Addisu Demissie, a campaign adviser to Biden who is helping organize preparations for the convention.
He said the organizers’ number one priority was public health, ensuring the safety of people amid the pandemic.
“The theme of the convention is the union of America, which reveals the story,” he said. “We are trying to bring this country together after four years of a president trying to divide us.”
President Donald Trump and his administration will likely be widely criticized. But the convention also offers a chance to present the Biden-Harris post to the general public who could now just tune in to politics as the fall election approaches.
“The challenges are real in producing a show that does the job it needs to do from a political standpoint, but also showcases our host community, our anchor community and also brings in voices and people from across the country, ”he said. “That’s what we’re trying to do. We’re trying to do it all in eight hours.”
Demissie said “there will be a mix of live and pre-recorded content, a mix of speech and more interactive segments, video content that tells the story of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, tells the story of the Democratic Party”.
The convention will also use videos submitted by people from across the country, he said. More than 1000 have been collected in recent weeks.
“The central element of a traditional convention is the speech on the stage,” he said. “But in many ways it’s the only item we don’t have at our disposal this time. Nothing we wanted, but because of the virus ravaging the country …”
“We will have people from all over the country,” he added. “Some in their homes, some in iconic places, some in places that are of particular importance to the people of this state. But the remarks are not the only piece of content that we will be posting there.”
Musical acts will participate, including John Legend, Common, The Chicks and Billie Eilish. There is also a filmed tribute to celebrate the life and legacy of the late United States Representative John Lewis.
And yes, there will be a roll call, like no other, both live and recorded.
Demissie said, “We can tell a story about America and a kind of diversity of our country, its beauty, the physical beauty and the story of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris over the course of 57 individual segments.”
Hold an audience
So, will this event be compelling enough to keep an audience and get a message across?
Mark Lukasiewicz, former senior vice president of NBC News Specials, said this year’s conventions might not be able to mount the elaborate productions of the past, but current events may draw audiences.
“I think we live in a time when people’s interest in politics is greater than ever because it matters more,” said Lukasiewicz, dean of the Lawrence Herbert School of Communication at Hofstra University. “We are in the midst of a dramatic economic downturn in the midst of a massive pandemic, massive unemployment. People are paying attention to politics like they haven’t for a long time.”
Purdue University historian Kathryn Cramer Brownell, author of “Showbiz Politics: Hollywood in American Politics,” said conventions have turned into media spectacles in recent decades.
She’s interested to see how the parties handle these conventions, this week with Democrats in Milwaukee and next week with Republicans meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina, and hosting prime-time speeches in Washington, DC.
“Conventions always give you insight into campaign strategies, coalitions the party is trying to build, messages, images,” she said. “It will be an unconventional election without being able to organize in-person event rallies. It forces both sides to adapt. It will show how they approach the campaign in 2020.”
Pollsters will also follow conventions and gauge public reaction.
Republican Ed Goeas and Democrat Celinda Lake are overseeing the Georgetown University battlefield poll.
They were asked about the potential of either side to carry out the campaign with their conventions.
Goeas, who was heavily involved in John McCains’ 2008 GOP convention, cited the power of conventions to really drive a message.
If I have any concerns on our side of the aisle, it’s (that) I believe the Democrats have been much more aggressive and early in terms of planning their convention to be more viral. Where, I think, Republicans, we went through, are we going to do it in North Carolina, are we going to do it in Florida, are we going to do the speech in a stadium, are we going to do it inside, are we going to do it at the White House? “
He said he expected “the Democratic convention to look a lot more planned and a lot more efficient in terms of delivering their message.
But the fact that conventions get some attention and send a cohesive message very broadly for a week, I think, will still be as powerful (as in the past) as long as it hits all cylinders, and that’s the real question I have right now. Will both (conventions) affect all cylinders?
Lake said this week’s convention will help Democrats gain more coverage, especially after the last few months Trump has dominated the airwaves during the pandemic.
“There are still a lot of swing voters who don’t know Joe Biden well and some of our young grassroots voters don’t know him very well, so I think this is a great opportunity to really introduce Joe Biden and tell a more complete story, ”she said. “And then I love the idea that included a number of stories from real people. I think travel stories of how people came to their own conclusion that Donald Trump is not right (for the country) can be very powerful for other people who have their own doubts but don’t know no where to go with them. “
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