Turkish senior officials suddenly take a trip to Damascus after the agreement of Syria with the group led by the Kurds
Istanbul (AP) Turkeys, the best diplomat, the Minister of Defense and the Head of Intelligence paid a sudden visit to Damascus on Thursday, a few days after the interim government of Syrias concluded an agreement to integrate an armed group led by the United States in the army of countries.
The agreement to integrate the Syrian democratic forces, or SDF, in the Syrian government, followed ferocious clashes that broke out last week between government security forces and armed men loyal to Bashar Assad leader.
The surveillance groups said hundreds of civilians had been killed in the violence in the coastal communities of the Syries, mainly targeting members of the Allawite religious minority to which Assad belongs.
Ahmad al-SharaaActing president of the Syrias and former rebel, met Hakan Fidan, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkeys; Yasar Guller, Minister of Defense, and Ibrahim Kalin, National Intelligence Head. They were accompanied by the turkey ambassador to Syria, Burhan Koroglu.
According to the local DHA news agency, a Turkish Defense Ministry official, speaking on the customary state of anonymity, said earlier Thursday that Ankara intended to examine how the agreement concluded will be implemented and its reflections on the ground.
The manager added that the expectations of turkeys in Syria have not changed.
There is no change in our expectations for the end of terrorist activities in Syria, the disarmament of terrorists and the expulsion of foreign terrorists from Syria, said the official.
Turkey designates the SDF and its military arm, the units for the protection of peoples, as terrorist organizations because of their links with the Kurdistan workers' party.
While the Turkish delegation was flying unexpectedly to Damascus, The president of the Recep Tayyip Erdogan turkey has given prices for benevolence and kindness to a former Syrian fighter pilot imprisoned for 43 years.
The ceremony, organized by a foundation linked to the religious authority of the turkey, honored Ragheed al-Tatari. Erdogan congratulated Al-Tatari for his perseverance and gave him a prize for his benevolence.
Al-Tatari was imprisoned during the reign of Syrian presidents Hafez al-Assad and later Bashar al-Assad. He had been detained since 1981. There are contradictory accounts for his imprisonment, in particular by refusing to bomb the city of Hama and not to report an attempt at pilot desertion.
During four decades, Al-Tatari was moved among the notorious prisons to house political detainees, including Palmyra and Sednaya prison. His imprisonment, described by human rights defense groups as one of the longest in Syria for a political prisoner, ended in December when the opposition forces released him.
In a speech on stage, Erdogan praised Al-Tatari, calling him the courageous Syrian pilot who listened to his conscience.
Sources 2/ https://apnews.com/article/turkey-syria-al-sharaa-erdogan-fidan-defense-pilot-award-kurds-9eb0a377ef277cdce2a22611cd31bfe3 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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