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UK PM STARMER announces major medical reforms as the public sector cuts are formed.

UK PM STARMER announces major medical reforms as the public sector cuts are formed.



According to the report, labor advisors say that they are 'trimming' the British government and civil servants and similar to Elon Musk's actions in the United States.


British Prime Minister Keir Starmer has announced that the government is removing the core of the government's medical bureaucracy and bringing it back under “democratic control.”

Checking the National Health Service (NHS) is one of the top priority of the labor government's domestic priority, and on Thursday, the Prime Minister announced the closure of the UK, which supervises the provision of health services in the four largest countries in the UK.

At a press conference, Starmer explained that the decision to discard the company is mostly plans to refine the public sector to convert the UK's public finances.

“The reason is that there is a reason for the cloning. So if you can believe it, we have a communication team from the government's health communication team at NHS England.

“If we get rid of what we're doing today, we can freely make that money and throw away the money that is the front line where you need it.”

Quango is an electric top

The nationwide media seems to be referred to the agenda as “project electric top” by some labor advisors.

The government press release, accompanied by this announcement, described the institution as “the world's largest quango” using British coins for the “autonomous autonomous organization.”

Immediately after the announcement of Starmons, the House of Representatives said that it would take about two years to re -integrate the function of NHS England throughout the system to relieve excessive NHS.

“These reforms will be able to save hundreds of millions of pounds annually, offering a much larger Best of NHS,” he said. “The money will reduce the waiting time faster, break through the red tape layer and finish the infants of the NHS leaders to convey the change plan to convey the change plan.”

In 2012, a controversial and controversial reform program for the health system gave NHS England to determine how to spend about 23.8 billion (23.8 billion) medical budgets in the UK. But for the next few years, the public sector's payments have been greatly stagnant, and the NHS has exploded on the waiting list with employee maintenance and hiring crisis.

The former government primarily increased overall medical expenditures, but lacked the goal of building its own hospital, and failed to turn the waiting time when the power was lost in the 2024 general election.

In his statement on Congress on Thursday, Street Ring claimed that numerous conservative MPs were convinced that the 2012 reorganization was a mistake.

Professor Dame Til Wykes, the head of Kings College London's mental health and psychological science school, said the reforms published by Streeting and Starmer missed the problem of health services.

She's problem with NHS is not mainly managed, but due to lack of funds. “I said in a statement on Thursday.

“The death of NHS English can regret that the government is fully responsible for all the issues that no one can blame except themselves,” Wykes explained.


If the discarding NHS England means more participation in the private non -profit sector, health services are difficult. If you take the service from NHS, NHS is not efficient and can cost more.




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