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Revanth Reddy asks PM Modi to follow the Vajpayee model; Telangana to move the resolution against the exercise based on the population

Revanth Reddy asks PM Modi to follow the Vajpayee model; Telangana to move the resolution against the exercise based on the population



Chennai: Telangana's chief minister, a Revanth Reddy, urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday to follow in the footsteps of the end of the NDA Atal Bihari Vajpayee PM when it comes to implementing the delimitation, and not to pursue a policy of “demographic penalty” against the southern states.

He also announced that his government would adopt a resolution in the Legislative Assembly against the population delimitation of the districts of Lok Sabha.

“I will soon adopt a resolution in the State Assembly on this issue. I ask all friends to do the same in their state assemblies. That India hears the strong voice of South India and Punjab,” he said.

Reddy participated here in the first joint meeting of the joint action committee chaired by the chief minister and patriarch DMK MK Stalin in Chennai.

Follow Indira, Vajpayee

Telangana's CM said former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in 1976 had the delimitation exercise without increasing the number of seats that would have resulted in the imbalance of political power among states.

25 years later, the NDA government led by Atal Bihari Vajpayee also carried out the delimitation exercise within the State without increasing the total number of seats. “Narendra Modi can follow Vajpayee's method. Do not increase the number of Lok Sabha seats for another 25 years,” he said.

South now requires an exemption from the population-based delimitation exercise as well as the territories of the Union and the Small States of the North East, where the proportion of Population VS MP is not the same as that of the national average, explained Reddy.

According to him, giving South a solid part of the Parliament as a reward for good performances, an elbow and will encourage other states to focus on economic growth and good governance.

He drew the attention of participants to the fact that the South has 130 seats in Lok Sabha in the total of 543, representing a political proportion of around 24%. He demanded that he had to increase to 33% of Lok Sabha seats.

“Nothing is less reduced to the South to a role of a passive audience of political theater in India,” he warned.

North-South division

He accused the BJP of “implementing a demographic penalty policy”, detailing the progress of the South in the control of the population. When India prioritized family planning in 1971, South India increased while the major states in northern India failed, he said.

He deceived that “we have become spectacular south. We have reached the fastest economic growth, higher GDP, higher income per capita, job creation, better infrastructure development, better governance and better social protection. ”

He said South will reject the population -based delimitation because it will lose its political voice because “the North will make American secondary citizens”. States like Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan will dominate the rest of the country, he accused.

Tax devolution

We contribute to the national chessboard and receive less allowances, he said. Active of statistics on tax devolution, the head of the congress declared, for each re. 1 tax paid by the Tamil Nadu, it returns 26 Paisa. Likewise, the Karnataka 16 Paisa, Telangana 42 Paisa and Kerala have 49 paisa. “”

He said the bihar when he pays re. 1 as the tax returns to 6.06 paisa. Uttar Pradesh obtains RS 2.03 Paisa and Madhya Pradesh obtains RS 1,73 paisa, adding that it respects the fact that it is a country.

Revanth said that the proposed delimitation is not acceptable because “it will limit us politically, it will punish us to be a powerful state”. We have to stop the BJP before implementing any unfair delimitation, he suggested.

He said it was “time that the (union) government ended its policy of delimitation against the South and the Punjab”. He has also urged the center “to reward us and reward us for our big role in our contribution in the construction of the nation in the past 50 years”.

No pro-ratta formula

He also recorded his opposition to the pro-rata formula. He said that the pro-rata formula would modify the gap of power. “Any government is decided by a majority of voting or a seat. We have a history of central governments falling due to a vote. Only one vote. So pro-faca will also hurt us politically,” he said.

Consider the State as unit

Revanth advised the government of the Union to carry out the delimitation “by taking the State as a unit”. Make a delimitation within the State, modify the limits of the Lok Sabha seats within the State according to the last census, increase the (number) of SC / ST seats in the State and provide a reserve of 33% for women in each state, he suggested.

He shared his lived experience as a deputy for Lok Sabha de Malkajgiri, Telangana. It is the largest parliamentary district of the world. It has a total of 32 Lakh voters and a population of more than 45 Lakh. “I have represented it. So I understand the problem of large constituencies. Parliament is intended to develop policies for the country and not to solve smaller citizens' problems. The most common public problems are solved at the level of the state, at the level of assembly and at the local body,” he said.

Learn more

Fair delimitation Committee of Joint Action: Stalin Christens movement against delimitation based on the population




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