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What to know after 2 months of work



What we now know about Trump's executive order in the Department of Education

Now that President Trump has signed an executive decree to dismantle the department of education, what happens next? Here's what we know now.

Approval ratings are starting to be dissatisfied with the performance of President Donald Trump. The forecast approval notes date back to the 1930s, seeking to transmit public opinion on the president.

After two months in mandate, President Donald Trump's approval notes are starting to drop, according to recent surveys nationwide and Michigan.

The polls show increasing dissatisfaction, half of the country disapproving in certain polls, while Trump maintains a majority approval rating in another survey. This comes then that Trump is advancing with the federal agency's discounts as part of its government's efficiency department (DOGE) and that billionaire Elon Musk continues to play a central role in his administration, which are both controversial with voters, have shown several surveys.

A recent Michigan survey shows that half of the residents disapprove of Trump and almost half have an unfavorable impression of the president.

One of the two presidents on non-consecutive conditions, his first weeks provided a unique opportunity to compare his approval ratings against himself at the same time of his first presidency.

Outside the door, the net ratings of Trump's approval, this time was higher than its notes in 2017, but still lower than any other president of history. A month later, his net approval rating (defined as the margin between the averages of approval and disapproval of a president) had shrunk just above the same at the end of February.

The Michigan survey was fully conducted by text messaging A list selected at random mobile phones from registered voters and directing them to a Surveymonkey (MMS-WAB) survey, said Mitchell-Mirs.

Here's what you need to know.

What is President Trump's approval rating in Michigan?

Mitchell-Mirs conducted a survey in Michigan on March 13, 2025. The survey showed:

Exactly 50% of michiganders disapprove of President Trump's work, while 47% approve (688 registered voters; Marge of error 3.7 percentage points.) 49% of respondents of an unfavorable printing of Trump, while 45% have a favorable impression.

The Mitchell-Mirs survey also asked questions about the governor's candidates and economic problems.

In the race for republican appointment, John James (31%) and Tudor Dixon (30%) were statistically linked, with former prosecutor General Mike Cox (10%) in third. The other Republicans included Perry Johnson (8%), the head of the Michigan State Senate minority, Aric Nesbitt (5%), former president of the Tom Leonard Chamber (1%), with (15%) still undecided.

In the Democratic primary, Benson (46%) has a strong advance on Lieutenant-Governor Garlin Gilchrist (13%) and the Sheriff of the county of Genesee Chris Swanson (11%).

When asked what is the most important problem to which the state of Michigan will have the most impact on [their] Vote for the governor, the economy was number one. The economy / jobs and inflation / increase in prices were cited 20% of voters in the general elections.

The only other problems with two figures were honesty within the government (14%) and taxes / debt loans (12%). Other questions were electoral security / vote (6%), abortion (6%), education (5%), health care (4%), immigration / border (2%) Law & Order / Crime (2%), 2nd amendments' rights (2%) and traditional family values ​​(2%). Four percent were undecided.

How is a president's approval rating determined?

According to the Gallup data agency, a presidential approval rating is a “simple, but very powerful measure which has played a key role in politics for more than 70 years”.

A notation of approval of the presidents reflects the percentage of American interviewed which approves the performance of the presidents. Everything can have an impact on the rating of a president, such as the legislation adopted, the actions and the elections.

According to Teabc News, an approval rating represents not only how the administration is for the general public, but could determine the result of a next election for a politician or how much they are made during their mandate.

What are the origins of the ratings of presidential approval?

Assessment of presidential approval during the first time by the founder of the American Institute of Public Opinion, George Gallup, around 1935 Togugage Public Support for this in the United States.

While Gallup has followed the presidential approval for 70 years, other organizations also disclose their own polls, including the consultation of the opsososandmorning.

Projectfivethirtyeightsalsofinds The averages of these polls, highlighting the specific problems that citizens are the most concerned. For example, they found that Trump's most questioned problem area was immigration.

What are President Trump's national approval notes?

Recent approval notes, according to various polls, show:

NBC News:

More respondents have the work of Trump than approving with a margin of 4 percentage points (survey carried out from March 7 to 11; 1,000 registered voters; margin of error 3.1 percentage points). The survey has revealed that more respondents believe today that executive and judicial branches have too much power when you asked them the same thing in 2019, according to NBC News.

Yougov / Theeconmist:

More respondents dissolve Trump's work than approving with a margin of 5 percentage points (survey carried out from March 16 to 18; 1,618 American adults; 3.4 percentage points). Democrats in Congress have become “much less popular in recent months,” while the Republicans in Congress have become more popular, according to you, according to employees of the Federative, the Department of Respondents to the Sond Efficiency of the Government, against 38% who support layoffs.

Consult in the morning:

The measure of Morning consumed at Trump approval ratings overthrew the net negative for the first time since he took office, with more respondents, he is approved by his professional performance (50%) than those who approve (48%). (Poll conducted from March 14 to 16; 2,210 registered voters; Marge of error 2 percentage points.) The Trump approval rating with Morning Consult became negative net a week later during Trump's first presidency. “More voters than not approves even no more approval from Trump) and national security (52% appropriate),” the statements of morning consultations.

RMG Research / Napolitan News Service:

54% of respondents approve or strongly approve of Trump's work, against 44% who disapprove, strongly or somewhat. (March 6-13; 3,000 registered voters; Marge of error 1.8 percentage point.)

Echelon Insights:

The Americans are closely divided on the professional performance of President Trump, with a slight majority approving, 49% to 48% (survey conducted from March 10 to 13; 1007 probable electorate; margin of error 3.5 percentage points) The survey has also shown that voters do not approve of the current role of Musk with federal government by a margin of 10 points.

Realclearpolitics aggregates polls from a number of sources on the president and the problems.

USA Today contributed.

Contact Jenna Prestininzi:




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