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PSN rejection before the vice-minister of the human

PSN rejection before the vice-minister of the human



Hundreds of indigenous people affected by the National Strategic Project (PSN) expressed their rejection of the PSN before the Deputy Minister of Human Rights, Mugidanto Sipin, during the consolidation event of the solidarity of Merauke on March 14, 2025. The event was also assisted by the president of the National Commission of Human Rights (Komnas Ham), to Anike Sigiro.

Merauke’s solidarity consolidation event took place at Petrus Vertenten MSC Center, Jalan Raya Cigombong, Kelapa Lima Village, Merauke district, Papua Sud, from March 11 to 14, 2025.

The event brought together more than 250 people, including representatives of NGOs and indigenous communities affected by the PSN of all Indonesia. The participating NGOs included Benta Pusaka, Ylbhi, Walhi, the alliance of the Aboriginal peoples of the archipelago (Aman), Trend Asia, KPA and LBH.

Representatives of the Aboriginal community present at the event included people affected by the food succession project in the north of Sumatra, the center of Kalimantan, Keerom-Papua, Merauke and Mappi, the South Papua. The communities were also presented by the Régang Eco City project in the Riau Islands and the project of the capital of Nusantara (IKN) in East Kalimantan.

In addition, the communities affected by the Poco Leok geothermal project in the East Nusa Tenggara and the extractive industry projects for energy plantations and jami bioenergy were present. The other affected communities included those of Fakfak and Teluk Bintuni in Western Papua, as well as those affected by the expansion of palm oil plantations throughout Papua.

Merauke, who hosted the consolidation event, is currently faced with the expansion of the PSN thanks to the compensation of 2 million hectares of land. This project, initiated with President Joko Widodo, is now prosecuted by President Prabowo Subianto. The large -scale land clearing has significant impacts on indigenous communities and threatens the preservation of the forests of Papua.

The PSN has been implemented in various regions of Indonesia since 2016. Since then, many problems have occurred because the project has led to the movement of indigenous people from their customary lands. In addition, the PSN caused general destruction of forests and the environment.

A report by the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) stipulates that the PSN has led to various human rights violations. The project has also bypassed many legal standards and regulations, leading to the obstruction and violation of human rights.

The implementation of the PSN was carried out without involving local communities, finally triggering agrarian conflicts. Repressive measures in conflict areas associated with PSN continue to add human rights violations in Indonesia to the file.

Aboriginal peoples of the appeal to the rejection of the PSN before the Deputy Minister of Human Rights

Hundreds of Aboriginal people from the victims of the National Strategic Project (PSN) called for the rejection of the PSN before the Vice-Minister of Rights Human Mugisero Sipin during the consolidation event of Merauke's solidarity on March 14, 2025. The event also attended the president of the National Commission for Human Rights (Komnas Ham) atnike Sigiro.

Merauke's solidarity consolidation event took place at Petrus Vertenten MSC Center, Jalan Raya Cigombong, Kampung Kelapa Lima, Merauke district, South Papua from March 11 to 14, 2025.

The event brought together more than 250 people from representatives of the NGOs and indigenous peoples of the victims of the PSN in all of Indonesia. The NGOs present include Benta Pusaka, Ylbhi, Walhi, Nusantara indigenous Peoples Alliance, Asian Trend, KPA and LBH.

While the community representatives who attended the event were the people affected by the food succession project in the north of Sumatra, the center of Kalimantan, Keerom – Papua, Merauke and Mappi, South Papua. Then, the community affected by the ECO City ABUNG PSN project in the Riau Islands and the Nusantara Capital City Project (IKN) in East Kalimantan.

There are also people victims of Poco Leok Geothermal Project in the East Nusa Tenggara and energy industry and extractive bioenergy projects in Jambi. Then, the victims of the PSN in the bay of Fakfak and Bintuni, in Western Papua, as well as the expansion of oil palm plantations throughout Papua.

Merauke, who welcomed consolidation, is currently faced with an expansion of the PSN in the form of 2 million hectares of customs clearance. The project is the heritage of President Joko Widodo who is now continuing by President Prabowo Subianto. Massive land lighting has a broad impact on indigenous peoples while threatening the sustainability of the Papuan forest.

The PSN has started to be carried out in various regions of Indonesia since 2016. Since then, various problems have occurred because this project has driven out the indigenous peoples of their customary lands. In addition, the PSN also causes massive forest and environmental damage.

The report of the National Commission for Human Rights (Komnas HAM) said that the PSN had raised various forms of human rights violations. The PSN has also assumed many standards and regulations, until it has an impact on the objective and human rights violations.

The implementation of the PSN was also carried out without the involvement of people who finally sparked agrarian conflicts. The repressive approach to the PSN region of conflict continues to add recordings of human rights violations in Indonesia.




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