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With a new decree, Trump threatens lawyers and law firms

With a new decree, Trump threatens lawyers and law firms



President Trump has expanded his reprisals against lawyers he does not like with a new memorandum that threatens to use government power to punish law firms who, in his opinion, unjustly challenge his administration.

The memorandum orders the heads of the justice and internal security services to request sanctions against lawyers and law firms that engage in frivolous, unreasonable and vexatious disputes against the United States or in matters that bears federal agencies.

Trump published the order late Friday evening after a tumultuous week for the American legal community in which one of the first companies in the country, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison, concluded an agreement with the White House to spare the company with a punitive decree issued by Mr. Trump the previous week.

Vanita Gupta, who as a lawyer for civil rights and former head of the Ministry of Justice has both pursued the government and defended it in court, said Trumps attacks the very foundations of our legal system by threatening and intimidating the litigants who aim to hold our government responsible for the law and the Constitution.

In response to the criticism of the note, a spokesperson for the White House, Taylor Rogers, said: President Trump keeps his promise to ensure that the judicial system is no longer armed against the American people. The President wins solely on the remuneration is the success and the historical achievements of the American people.

The president has long complained that lawyers and democratic law firms have continued what he calls the law in the form of surveys and prosecution against him and his allies who, according to him, are motivated by politics. Since his enslavement, he has targeted three companies, but the new memo seems to threaten a similar punishment for any lawyer or a company that has raised his anger.

After Mr. Trump made a suspended order of security authorizations for the lawyers of Paul Weiss and strongly limiting their employees to enter the government's buildings or to obtain government jobs, the cabinet agreed from a series of commitments to bring the president to cancel the order.

As part of the agreement, the cabinet said it would provide $ 40 million in legal services for Trump to defend, including his working group to combat anti -Semitism.

Perkins Coie, another company targeted by Mr. Trump, chose a different accent for the prosecutor before the Federal Court and obtaining a temporary prohibition order against the President.

Trumps' attacks on law firms and Paul Weisss's decision to conclude an agreement rather than fighting it before the courts sent shock to the legal community. The radical nature of the last request of the presidents arises because it has also intensified its public attacks against the judges and the very notion that the courts can tell him what to do or not to do.

The executive power should neither fear nor punish those who dispute it and should not be the referee of what is frivolous, there are protections in place to solve this problem, said Ms. Gupta. This moment calls for courage and collective measures, not capitulation, among lawyers and the legal profession.

He also arrives in the midst of a force test between a federal judge in Washington and the administration on the invocation of presidents a week ago of the Act respecting extraterrestrial enemies, which he had immediately used to immediately send more than 100 Venezuelans migrants which he declared that gang members in a large penitentiary complex in El Salvador.

Civil rights activists claim that the deportations have violated the law and that the administrations refuse to give clear answers on his conduct flout the very premise of the American judicial system.

A law firm who continues the administration on its policies said that it would not back up against the threats of the White House.

The leaders of Keker, Van Nest & Peters, a San Francisco company which continued on the Trump administration about its immigration raids, described the last memorandum of Mr. Trumps inexcusable and despicable.

Our freedoms depend on the will of the lawyers to represent people and unpopular causes, particularly in the unfavorable matters to the federal government, the cabinet said in a statement. Our profession owes all customers a zealous legal representation without fear of reprisals, whatever their political affiliation or its ability to pay.

The cabinet has also encouraged other lawyers to join a national effort to submit a friend of a friend of the court in the Perkins Cie trial against Mr. Trump.

Mr. Trumps Memo on Friday evening, entitled Prevention of abuses of the legal system and the Federal Court, complains that lawyers have long engaged in conduct contrary to ethics to oppose him or oppose deportations. The memo also suggests that the Trump administration will make disciplinary referrals against lawyers who pursue baseless affairs, in particular in cases that involve national security, internal security, public security or the integrity of the elections.

Trump also used the ad to attack a private lawyer by name, Marc Elias.

Mr. Elias previously worked at Perkins Coie and has long represented Democrats. Trump blames Mr. Elias, among others, for a file of allegations not based on his links with Russia which was the subject of a survey by the FBI in 2016 and 2017.

The president wins over the objective is clear. He wants lawyers and law firms to capitulate and curl up until there is no one left to oppose his administration in court, said Elias in a written declaration. He added that there will be no negotiations with this White House on the customers we represent or the proceedings that we produce on their behalf.




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