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Ameen said to Trinidad PM say sorry directly to the former classmate for intimidation

Ameen said to Trinidad PM say sorry directly to the former classmate for intimidation



(Trinidad Guardian) The outgoing deputy for St Augustine Khadijah Ameen called Prime Minister Stuart Young apologizing directly to the former Imran Khan classmate for an intimidation incident at St Marys College 33 years ago.

Ameen appealed during the meeting of the Uni National Congress in Tunapuna on Thursday evening.

AMEEN and other UNC speakers have castigated young people on this subject. Young, who said that he had approached Khan's problem, said he apologized to everyone with intimidated and that every child who was and it was with HED at this stage.

But Ameen said that information on the issue raises serious concerns about the relevance of young people to be Prime Minister. Quoting the journalist / former ICC student, Lasana Liburds, counts the issue, said Ameen, said Liburd in his article that Khan was pushed to reprisals. Don't let (PNM) put it on it!

She added that when the young people were answered when he was questioned at the press conference after the hood on Thursday, at no time did he take possession of the situation. You cannot, when you are asked to apologize, say, well, I apologize to each child in the world that has been intimidated throughout the history of the universe. It is a nonsense! … People want you to apologize for what you have done!

She added, accept what you have done, take possession and apologize. I hear him say that 33 years ago. But a mature responsible individual will appropriate reprehensible acts and will apologize without reservation! His answer is childish and immature. Stuart Young, you refused to do what is right – refused to apologize.

AMEEN said that if Young had refused to take responsibility and apologize, he did not deny that this happened.

We cannot reject his action 33 years ago and say that he was a child, because I tell you that there is a class model. His behavior as an adult reflects his behavior in his school days. There have been cases of intimidation, verbal aggression, despite his adversaries, she said, saying that Young had this arrogance and this hostility.

It is obvious in his treatment, even today journalists, political opponents that you see all his publications on social networks? AMEEN declared, as she also referred to the hot microphone incident of October 2024 in Parliament, where comments from young people towards the comments of UNC Kamla Persad-Bissar were recorded. He then apologized to the House of Representatives for his comments.

Citing suicides due to intimidation, Ameen questioned what Young did to face intimidation when he was Minister of National Security.

Nothing! Thus, young people suddenly concern about intimidation and victims of domestic violence cannot be serious. All those of the PNM (National Movement of Peoples) remain silent after many of them have opposed its Prime Minister. Party loyalty cannot prevail over your moral responsibility!

Meanwhile, Ameen said that Young could not hold the government together and said the PNM did not plan to have the election.

They did not reserve a single media point. UNC Book since last October. Were ready!

The outgoing deputy from Pointe-A-Pierre, David Lee, said that Young had no other choice than to call an election because he feared resuming Parliament because of a motion of non-confusion, the head of UNC, Persad-Bissar, could have brought, and the possibility that the PNM deputies could have told him to bring him. “”




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