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The head of the US trade to speak with Chinese counterpart as the price rift widens

The head of the US trade to speak with Chinese counterpart as the price rift widens



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By Trevor Hunnicutt, Jarrett Renshaw and David Lawder

Washington, March 21 (Reuters) – Donald Trump's business manager Jamieson Greer plans to speak with his Chinese counterpart next week, the American president said in the middle of a growing price war on Friday.

The talks between the biggest economies in the world would occur a few days before the long -standing unveiling of April 2 of the American prices on each country that tax American imports, potentially including new steps against China.

Trumpdd does not say what he hoped that the next set of American-China talks would achieve, or if they could lead to a decline in samples on Chinese imports.

Trump has imposed 20% levies on all imports from China since its entry into office in January.

He reiterated that his goal was to put an end to the shipment of Chinese chemicals used to synthesize illegal fentanyl across Mexico, an objective that could require more cooperation in the application of the law between nations.

He also said he wanted to reduce the American trade deficit with his main economic rival.

The Republican President also said that he was planning to speak with Chinese President Xi Jinping, but did not say when.

China has not commented on the possibility of a Trump-Xe meeting. Beijing rejected Trump's trade measures as counterproductives and unjustified, and has imposed limited reprisals of 10% on imports of American oil, liquefied natural gas and agricultural equipment. He also praised his efforts on the counter-note.

“Yes,” said Trump in response to the question of a journalist in the Oval Blank Office as to whether a potential meeting involving his sales manager was in preparation.

“I'm going to talk to President XI. I have an excellent relationship with him. We are going to have a very good relationship, but we have a deficit of billions of dollars,” said Trump.

He was not immediately clear which Chinese official would join the talks with Greer.

Greer’s office has offered $ 1.5 million doors each time a Chinese ship is working in the United States as part of a business survey on the domination of China on the global naval and maritime logistics services.

Read also: Chinese shipping costs offered by the USTRS could cost more than $ 100 billion, warns the expert

The Chinese embassy in Washington and the office of the United States commercial representative did not respond to a request for comments.

(Report by Trevor Hunnicutt, Jarrett Renshaw and David Lawder; edition by Kirsten Donovan and Alistair Bell)

c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2025.


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