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Trump to attend the NCAA male wrestling championships

Trump to attend the NCAA male wrestling championships



The president of Bridgewater, NJ (AP), Donald Trump, attended the NCAA wrestling championships on Saturday evening for the second time in three years, the latest example of the way he especially limited travel at the start of his new quarter to trips built around sporting events.

Trump arrived at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia for noisy cheers and standing ovation. He pumped his fists in the middle of American songs.

Penn State was trying to close her fourth consecutive title for men and Trump was held right next to the ring, personally congratulating wins who won their matches.

The republican president spent Friday evening at his club in Bedminster, New Jersey, about 70 miles northeast of Philadelphia, on what was his first visit to his second mandate.

Were going to the big fight. The reason for which I go is Philadelphia. They have the NCAA, the world, the struggle for the university. And Ive has always supported the wrestlers, Trump told journalists when he left the White House on Friday evening. I want to support them. These are the major university wrestlers of different schools.

Trump traveled with the billionaire and the best Elon Musk advisor. Oklahoma senator Markwayne Mullin praised the president when he arrived at Philadelphia airport. Pennsylvania senator, Dave McCormick, and the American representative Jim Jordan were also in the arena in the same section as the chief of staff of Musk and the White House Susie Wiles.

During the two months and more since his return to the White House, Trump attended the Super Bowl in New Orleans and Daytona 500 in Florida, where his procession led part of the track. During the elected president, he went to a UFC fight in New York.

It is more trip to sports than for political announcements or official tasks, although a long swing of January has visited Trump of damage caused by Hurricane Helene in North Carolina and forest fires in Los Angeles. He then delivered a speech and visited the parquet floor of Las Vegas Circa Resort & Casino before going to Doral, Florida, to address a conference of republican policy of the Chamber.

Trump has long built his public and political character around sporting events and savor live events to hear the cheers of the crowd, even if some present drinks him. He also signed a decree intended to prohibit transgender athletes from participating in girls and women sports, an action which he frequently points to to draw his main supporters.

The president played football as a student at the New York Military Academy. As New York Business Man in the early 1980s, he owned the New Jersey Generals of the United States Football League.

Trump had continued to force a merger of the USFL and the NFL. The USFL finally folded.

The president used most of the Saturdays and Sundays to play golf in his Mar-A-Lago club in Florida, although sometimes stayed in Washington to say weekend speeches.

Trump was a candidate for re -election when he went to the NCAA 2023 wrestling championships in Tulsa, Oklahoma. ___

The writers of the associated press Mark ScoForo in Philadelphia and Adriana Gomez Licon in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, contributed to this report.




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